GRN protables

Started by Firey9119, May 02, 2006, 09:12:10 PM

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hey people,

how many GRN portables do people have in each truck??

do your officers other then captions have any as personal radios?
Phillip H
Salisbury CFS (Para Group)


One per truck.  Only captains have one, not Lts.


2 on 2 of the trucks, only 1 on the others. Only Captain has one as well.

I'd be interested in how many VHF's trucks have as well..


1 GRN portable per truck + plus 1 for cptn
3 VHF portables per truck


We have 1 GRN portable for Cptn
and 3 VHF's


1 GRN portable per truck
1 GRN Captain + 1 VHF
3 VHF portables per truck


1 GRN per appliance
3 VHF per appliance

I believe EMA Brigades have 2 GRN per appliance, can anyone from an EMA Brigade clarify?


Quote from: CFS_firey on May 03, 2006, 12:18:23 AM
2 on 2 of the trucks, only 1 on the others. Only Captain has one as well.

I'd be interested in how many VHF's trucks have as well..

in my group VHF:
currently it's 2 per "small" appliance (12/14) and 3 for the rest (24/34), soon to be 3 for all appliances.

those with 2 GRN portables in the truck should be for EMA (or else it's the captains one).


we have two GRN's, plus our captain has one

i think we have 5(?) VHF's for use between 2 trucks, but one doesn't work all the time.


I'm from an EMA brigade, so that would explain the extra radio.. probie_boy, if it doesn't work, you should replace it ;)


"mayday mayday man down man down I am stuck................, aah for firetruck sake why didnt we replace this one!"


it does work. it just uses batteries quicker!


Do everyone else have those tight yelow leather cases for their VHF's as well?  :P


they protect awesome!


They're good cases. We found that people were having trouble finding the PTT button though..... Problem solved with a black texta so fingers can be put in the right spot!!


we have hanheld microphones on ours, like the GRN's, but the hand/mouthpiece is much smaller


yeah we have them too... I find if you're in a noisy environment, its easier to take the mic off, and  just use the radio though, as the speaker in the mic is much smaller, quieter and the sound distorts at quite a low volume...
Has anyone else noticed that, or have I just been using dodgy radios? :P


you got dodgys! I could hear the VHF on the person i was with at murray bridge fire clear as. alright considering fire was crowning short distance away!

Does anyone else have these VHF's with the mics on the cord? Or is it just me and CFS_firey?


We have the extension mics..... but after a lot of discussion decided to run without them because of reduced volume and noise...


the lapel mics are pretty standard issue statewide...


Yeah We Have Them With The Mic, Its Good In The Fact That The Radio Can Be On Your Waist & Just Run The Mic Up, But They Can Also Be Fairly Quiet At Times. Havet Had A Chance To Use Them Without The Mic Though.


Medevac stole my signature idea! :-o

Wonder if built in BA microphones will come out one day...


Quote from: P F on May 04, 2006, 05:38:07 PM
Medevac stole my signature idea! :-o

hah - yeah, saw your attempt at it in your test post, and thought id prove it was do-able, dont worry ill get bored


2 grn per rig.

To the member who said there Capt has VHF...  Any reason ?

Other than the obvious.. But due to the limited range.. would't it be easier for him to just attend or use the GRN ?  Or does he often go to calls in a vehicl and take up a command role , where what ever vehicle he is usin doesn't have VHF ??

Capt. and D/Officer also have a GRN.


Yep, have the mics on all radios.

Strikeathird, the reason our Captains have VHF and GRN radios is that for some rural Brigades the nearest Command Car is 30 or more minutes away and the Captain may use their own vehicle until a Command Car can get to scene.