Undeployed Airbag tape

Started by Heavy Rescue, April 24, 2006, 08:50:12 PM

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Heavy Rescue

Does anyone know if anyone sells the 'Caution Undeployed Airbag' tape that MFS carry. I don't think it's standard issue but it probably should be.


It was standard issue, but now they are issuing a sticker instead of the tape as the tape was deteriorating badly in appliance lockers.
I also believe SES have similar stickers, so SAFECOM might have something for all services soon!

Regards, Mat
The views I express are my own, and not necessarily of the service I represent!

Heavy Rescue

Thanks Matt, I am in a CFS brigade and we have not seen it yet, hopefully it makes it's way into our trucks.


They are supposed to be in the final stages of a sticker which will  be standard across all services
Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you.


try FIRE AND RESCUE  at Blackwood they have lots of good rescue items........


I'd recommend Fire and Rescue too, or try Evans safety. We've had it for a couple of years, just not sure where we got it ;)


Just curious, why do you need tape to see if the airbag is undeployed?  :lol:


How can you see if the air bag has been deployed if you don't know whether the car is fitted with an air bag in the first place? ;)




You need the tape / sticker to alert those that arent as smart as us... All it takes is some boso to stick there head in through the window to have a look at something.. bump something.. and B A N G !!  There goes there head..

Secondly, All cars fitted with Airbags should have the SRS tags on the pillars/window if fitted with front airbags.. (Also on the steering wheel will be a little SRS symbol, and on the dash where the airbag cover is..).. and an SRS symbol noting side curtain airbags if they are fitted in the sides / rear etc...   -  Thats how you can tell..

Also.. FARA don't stock it..


PF did you do BFF1?????? if so it was in there :roll:


We were shown this thing you put on over the airbag so when it goes off it catches in this bag like thing.
1 use only.


An airbag restraint comes in many flavours and is designed to protect emergency responders while working around an undeployed airbag.

There needs to be two things in place. Firstly safe the vehicle, use the airbag guidebook and carryout the recommended strategies to disconnect the bags mechanism (if possible) while the restraint is fitted. Secondly A sticker and or tape is placed so all involved can see that there is an undeployed airbag and to be cautious. The tape is not just for those on scene it could be to advise investigators or towies later on.........


Who risks themself to put the tape or the restraint on in the first place :?  Queensland QFRS have a spike thing that they put across the airbag so if it goes off it is automatically punctured.


Quote from: P F on April 28, 2006, 09:43:23 AM
Who risks themself to put the tape or the restraint on in the first place :?  Queensland QFRS have a spike thing that they put across the airbag so if it goes off it is automatically punctured.

?? interesting theory considering airbags already have some whopping great exhaust vents in the back....


You dont need to risk yourself at all. Its quite easy to reach in from the window with just your arms and place the restraint or the sticker over the steering wheel. Also the tape can be placed on doors and across windows rather easily...


Interesting that this topic came up, we were only just discussing this exact thing at a job the other week. I think we tried FARA and they didn't have the tape, will have to try Evans.

When MFS use this tape they normally they just stick it across the door windows.

Do many non rescue brigades use the airbag restraint devices ??


We are in the process of ordering them. We had our local SAAS ambos over for a look at a live air bag going off. We then showed the some footage of what happens when someone gets between an undeployed airbag and a patient. Needless to say they generally wait for us to secure the vehicle or position themselves more appropriately now.

Alan (Big Al)

Only rescue in our group have got the covers....
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Don't Have The Tape That I Can Re-Call However We Do Have The Octopus Straps That Can Be Fitted Over The Steering Wheel. We Had A Guy From Mitsubishi Come Down To Our Station & Do A Demo Of An Un-Deployed Air Bag. Placed It On The Ground, Put Something On The Top Of It, Cant Remember What Then Set It Off. It Went Flying Into The Air Though.