Wearing of PPC

Started by CaptCom, April 13, 2006, 08:13:56 AM

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Do other brigades and more importantly officers have a constant uphill battle to get vollies to wear all of their PPC??

We went to a fire on Monday pm and I spent more time asking crew to don helmets that giving instruction on tasks....and more to the point, many other brigades were as slack..

I don't understand why there is such reluctance to wear the gear...it's for their own safety!!!!!!!   :x


to be honest i go to jobs and it seems that our officers have a harder time putting the PPC on than any firies/SFF... jackets unzipped, helmets not on, gloves not on (not always essential), wrong footwear...


Sometimes it can be a bit of a struggle, until something happens.....
I have a bit of fun with our Cadets. I say to them "And why do we wear ALL of our PPC at all times" and in return they all say in unicen "Because you hate paperwork" :-D


yeah, I agree that's part of my line but I end up sounding like a broken record..."where's your gloves..where's your helmet?"

I thought that we had progressed past the issue of not wearing PPC...BUT it seems that we have regressed post Black Tuesday..maybe they think that it won't happen to them again... :x

oz fire

One interesting approach we had was for the officer to restrict people to sitting in the appliance when they didn't have all their PPC on and then to request support due to insufficient crew! YES we looked like total idiots at the time, however it only happened once and the crews concerned we hounded by everyone else from the brigade and across the group - peer group pressure and humiliation worked back then and the story is still told now, some eight years later
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.


Quote from: oz fire on April 13, 2006, 10:58:26 AM
One interesting approach we had was for the officer to restrict people to sitting in the appliance when they didn't have all their PPC on and then to request support due to insufficient crew! YES we looked like total idiots at the time, however it only happened once and the crews concerned we hounded by everyone else from the brigade and across the group - peer group pressure and humiliation worked back then and the story is still told now, some eight years later

Unfortunately, oz fire, we sometimes struggle with crew numbers to begin with...we are a rural brigade..I think I will just have to continue being a nag...my guys aren't that bad..it's the rest of the group that have lost the plot...needs some poking from above I think!


or as the captain you could take your responsibility for your crews safety a bit further and tell them that they will not be attending calls until they can dress themselves properly and remain dressed.. you hold the rank, its up to you.

stop people from getting on the truck at station unless fully dressed, send them back to stay with the truck if they cant seem to keep there gear on at a job... so what if your a rural brigade that struggles for crew, thats just tuff unfortunately, crew safety and coverring your own a ss as the officer in charge is more important... defaults/backup can always be called.


yeah, your right..that's why I'm such a nag...I know it's my responsisbility as Capt and I take it VERY seriously...many crew have been made to stay with the appliance because they don't have full PPC..


I'd rather not say anything controversial on this subject but agree with you guys that there is a problem with getting crew to wear their PPE

Either way we all still get our backsides kicked at the end of the day by the region or Group Officer for not following OHS&W guidlines about wearing full PPE at an incident
Kalangadoo Brigade


wow, our brigade has almost never had a problem like that. it should be an unspoken rule that you wear full PPE. As mentioned earliewr, its for your own frickin good!


Id have to agree probie_boy its for our own safety to wear PPE

I can remember a few years back that our brigade went to a fire out at Monbulla and the crew of one brigade at the same incident was wearing only their 2 piece pants and cowboy farming hats

Of course this was mentioned at the very next group meeting...so yeah the uniform rules are changing at a scary rate  :-(
Kalangadoo Brigade


Quote from: CaptCom on April 13, 2006, 08:13:56 AM
Do other brigades and more importantly officers have a constant uphill battle to get vollies to wear all of their PPC??

We went to a fire on Monday pm and I spent more time asking crew to don helmets that giving instruction on tasks....and more to the point, many other brigades were as slack..

I don't understand why there is such reluctance to wear the gear...it's for their own safety!!!!!!!   :x

I think you need some decent operators / fire fighters who will not only use common sense, but do what they are told also..

Its not that hard to know what to wear...

Start pulling them off the trucks intill they do the right thing..  -  It wont take long..


Quote from: strikeathird on April 13, 2006, 04:59:49 PM
Start pulling them off the trucks intill they do the right thing..  -  It wont take long..

as good as that is on paper striker, that is often not an option in smaller brigades. large brigades where you have several members or other members ready to go, then by all means.


always an option probie... there are other brigades that can assist even if they are 20-30 mins away...

id rather watch someones house burn down than risk one of my guys hurting themselves because they failed to dress properly.


How can you force people to wear PPE/PPC when those at the top will not enforce those brigade's that show up at jobs with out the gear on??? Then when you do have a go at them the crack the ##### and just do what they want to do,the other problem is that if you come down too hard then that brigade will not turn out and those members who do the right thing  are only a small group of members and often the new breed of members who have had it drummed into them at BFF1.... It get's back to strong leadership and people who are not scared to enforce the ohsw to the letter....


I ahve to agree, it has to come from the top, and those in leadership positions HAVE to set the right example..

But by the sounds of it, in CaptComs case, he is struggling with those below doing the right thing..

And i agree with Medevac.. As unfortunate as it is, I would not risk my crew getting hurt over property...

oz fire

Quote from: rescue5271 on April 16, 2006, 06:02:12 PM
How can you force people to wear PPE/PPC when those at the top will not enforce those brigade's that show up at jobs with out the gear on???

As a brigade officer it easy "You volunteered to join and follow the rules, if thats no longer the case, theres your bike, sod off!"

As an officer I'd prefer have to work harder as we had less crew than front the corroner when one of my crew is injured or worse due to inappropriate PPE!

Unfortunately thats part of being an officer - taking responsability for your crews - it's and easy decision, not a popularity contest
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.


Quote from: oz fire on April 18, 2006, 08:07:08 AM
Quote from: rescue5271 on April 16, 2006, 06:02:12 PM
How can you force people to wear PPE/PPC when those at the top will not enforce those brigade's that show up at jobs with out the gear on???

As a brigade officer it easy "You volunteered to join and follow the rules, if thats no longer the case, theres your bike, sod off!"

As an officer I'd prefer have to work harder as we had less crew than front the corroner when one of my crew is injured or worse due to inappropriate PPE!

Unfortunately thats part of being an officer - taking responsability for your crews - it's and easy decision, not a popularity contest

I agree completely..that's why they think I'm a picky bitch!  BUT I know where my responsibilties lie and won't compromise and risk crew safety...I'm already facing the coroner for something that wasn't my fault!


I would like to see CFS send out to each brigade Captain a letter saying if your members dont wear PPE/PPC and they get hurt then there will be no come back on CFS and that you will not be covered for and medical or lose of wage's.... May be then the message will get into those thick heads..... and those that still let them get away with it....

oz fire

Blinky - I'd like to see CFS send a letter to every member stating that!

Its not hard, its provided free of charge for your protection and safety, wear it or suffer the consequences - injury, no work cover, no compo, etc, etc, etc!

If people believe they are mature enough to be in the CFS (or any service for that matter) then they should be mature enough to wear the PPE/PPC provided - it's not rocket science, even five year old kids can work it out.
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.


Quote from: oz fire on April 19, 2006, 08:45:39 AM
Blinky - I'd like to see CFS send a letter to every member stating that!

Its not hard, its provided free of charge for your protection and safety, wear it or suffer the consequences - injury, no work cover, no compo, etc, etc, etc!

It's a pity that it wasn't that easy...I do Workcover claims at work...you can be as negligent as you want, if it happens at work, they will cover you...same same on the fireground..  You would have thought that they would be more proactive after Black Tuesday but they seem to have slipped into "it won't happen to us again" mode!!

I am going grey really really quickly...I need a bigger stick sometimes..


Here we go may be workcover should pop on over to the fire ground and see what people are not wearing and then enforce it all the way.


Was talkin to one of the looey's after training today about the brigade response area and was tellin a story about a call to just out of our area but we were dispatched anyway.  The brigade rocked up and went about their business then a crew nearby (who shall remain nameless :-P) rocked up with only 3 people and they still had their pyjama's and slippers on :lol:


A little off topic, but a good story that was in the paper a few days ago.
A Motorbike Copper pulled up motororist for speeding. The copper jumped off his bike and handed the guy a fine. With that the guy pulled out his fine book and said 'I'm a workplace safety officer' (or something similar) and handed him a ticket for not wearing a hi viz safety vest!
Thought that was a good story myself. I guess we are not the only ones that have trouble with people not wearing the correct PPC :lol:


Quote from: mengcfs on April 27, 2006, 11:18:18 AM
A little off topic, but a good story that was in the paper a few days ago.
A Motorbike Copper pulled up motororist for speeding. The copper jumped off his bike and handed the guy a fine. With that the guy pulled out his fine book and said 'I'm a workplace safety officer' (or something similar) and handed him a ticket for not wearing a hi viz safety vest!
Thought that was a good story myself. I guess we are not the only ones that have trouble with people not wearing the correct PPC :lol:
