EMS Ambulance Service in South Australia

Started by Robert-Robert34, April 08, 2006, 05:02:12 PM

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as a vollie, you could live anywhere in whoop whoop and still be able to do it, most vollies that do live too far from station, as stated previously, simply live at the station during the shift...


Retained MFS have a time limit.  You have to live within 5 minutes to join.

Alan (Big Al)

Thats because they can only respomd with that station, if you join and complete your SAAS Ambo Officers course at one station you can then do a shift at any vollie run station in the state!!! You can even if prearranged do a shift as a 3rd/Observer at a paid/paramedic station. It's worth a try if you can get in. :-)
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Oh, thats cool!

What are the pre-requisites?

Alan (Big Al)

18yrs of age, full drivers license not a P-plater, pass an interview with the local recruiters and meet a Body Mass Index and general health check. Once in the course normally you have to do weekly training and attend a certain amount of compulsory weekends for training, as well as do i think about 100hrs on "shift" in the ambulance as a 3rd, and then at the end of that you do an evaluation by the local paramedic team leader. The course usually runs for about 6 months depending on how it is run. I believe that you can go on as a third after just a couple of training sessions or be capable of doing basic work....

Some of this info maybe slightly inaccurate but it wouldn't be far off.
Lt. Goolwa CFS



ah, yeah err police check.....  :mrgreen:



Back to the EMS in Adelaide, I saw a short talk one of their members did on an introduction to the EMS. They are currently housed at "The Elms" at Glenside Hospital. (Co-located with the Lofty Fire Tower CFS brigade I believe)
They Operate solely on donations, which amounts to about $7000 a year (thats to pay for everything - fuel costs, property rental, medication, vehicle replacement etc). 
AFAIK they are the only other registered ambulance service in SA (Other than SAAS). They are responded as others have said, by doctors, hospitals and wellfair centres. (SAAS charge $600? flat rate for treatment).
If I remember rightly, they try to keep a 24 hour service, but lack of volunteers is making it hard / impossible to do that.
There you go...


How did the EMS manage to become a registered Ambulance Service in South Australia if they only rely on donations of medical equipment, fuel,property rent and other necessary equipment

According to their website they dont get funded by the Emergency Services Levy like SAAS,SACFS,SAMFS&SASES so it must be difficult for them to get by on $7000 a year

Then again having EMS is a blessing for poor people who cant afford treatment or transport by SAAS to a hospital being it is $600 for transport to hospital by SA Ambulance
Kalangadoo Brigade


Quote from: Robert34 on April 17, 2006, 05:49:33 PM

Then again having EMS is a blessing for poor people who cant afford treatment or transport by SAAS to a hospital being it is $600 for transport to hospital by SA Ambulance
One of the quirky writers in Gawlers "The Bunyip" heard that it cost $634 to transport people to hospital after someone said so and he contacted barossa helicopters to find out how much a helicopter ride of the same time or distance (or something) and it was only $450.  So there ay go folks, if you hurt yourself call Barossa Helicopters.


Not a 24 hour service, they have always run shifts, mon - thurs 1800 - 2300.. and Fri - Sun 1700 - 2300...

oz fire

Quote from: CFS_firey on April 17, 2006, 02:02:04 PM
They are currently housed at "The Elms" at Glenside Hospital. (Co-located with the Lofty Fire Tower CFS brigade I believe)
:-D :-D :-D
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.


the emt service
is now up the 3 ambos
all old ford longreachs
any1 else got more info
[line removed by mod] ** lets try and avoid a public slander/defamation case. - Thanks.



Hehe.. - Well, considering his claim was from SAAS, I thought it might be better not to draw the government into this.. :p

But hey, could have been worth a giggle or two! ;)


i take exception to this service - and not because of what they do but rather HOW they do it.

A couple of years ago they got Nick Xenephon involved in a channel 9 story complaining that they get no gov't funding from the ESL - and stated that they provided the same level of service as SAAS!   

Less than a week later i was tasked to assist one of their crews who were having trouble with a patient - and were to RV with them on the roadside!  After their vehicle went the other way at the speed of light before stopping a couple of KM down the road....we were met by a 3 foot high and wide woman who would have been not less than 70 and a scrawny lad who's age was less than the diameter of his dinner platter sized eyes!  The patient was sitting quietly in the back of their van wondering what was going on and while the patient wan't seriously unwell - we took her off their hands for her own safety!

perception is reality is it not......and if this is my only experience with them.....besides watching them back into a bollard at the RAH.......then I certainly don't have much time for people who purport to  be more than they realistically are and can be......   


my experience is a little like BMs

I've been tasked to take over a patient from them.....which was really the best situation for the patient... cos they didnt have much of a clue.

I've also talked to them about equipment as they approached me about buying a substantial amount of gear....dunno where the money came from, but it would of supplied quality training equipment to a number of SAAS Vol stations for the same price..... in the end, they bought second hand gear so who knows where the difference went.

They work in a tough sector, thats not glamorous....but they really arent providing a service befitting 2009 standards...... it's shape up (vehicle, equipment, training, clinical governance) or ship out time


Is it still acceptable for the tradition of having paper streamers stretching out between the wharf and the ship (rusting hulk) as it departs, while everyone yells "bon voyage".......yeh perhaps Bordey and Tedster might be yelling something else! :-D

Better start huntin me down some streamers! 8-)
Just Another Filtered Fireman


been revoked


Quote from: boredmatrix on March 26, 2009, 08:59:01 AM
i take exception to this service - and not because of what they do but rather HOW they do it.

Less than a week later i was tasked to assist one of their crews who were having trouble with a patient - and were to RV with them on the roadside!  After their vehicle went the other way at the speed of light before stopping a couple of KM down the road....we were met by a 3 foot high and wide woman who would have been not less than 70 and a scrawny lad who's age was less than the diameter of his dinner platter sized eyes!  The patient was sitting quietly in the back of their van wondering what was going on and while the patient wan't seriously unwell - we took her off their hands for her own safety!

First part quoted for similar experience, and the fact that they not only seem to carry substandard equipment, but to fairly universally have little idea on what MIGHT be wrong with their patient, and furthermore, what to do about it, without being too specific, there is a significant level of difference in service and indeed, quality of staff.

Second part quoted due to Bordey making another night shift. Thankyou  :mrgreen:


Quote from: CFS_Firey on April 17, 2006, 02:02:04 PM
Back to the EMS in Adelaide, I saw a short talk one of their members did on an introduction to the EMS. They are currently housed at "The Elms" at Glenside Hospital. (Co-located with the Lofty Fire Tower CFS brigade I believe)
They Operate solely on donations, which amounts to about $7000 a year (thats to pay for everything - fuel costs, property rental, medication, vehicle replacement etc).  
AFAIK they are the only other registered ambulance service in SA (Other than SAAS). They are responded as others have said, by doctors, hospitals and wellfair centres. (SAAS charge $600? flat rate for treatment).
If I remember rightly, they try to keep a 24 hour service, but lack of volunteers is making it hard / impossible to do that.
There you go... they have now got rid of the 3 Longreach Ambulances and managed to get funding for 2 ex ASV Volkswagen T5 Transporter ambulances that were only used for driver training in Rural Victoria and a 4wd Mitsubishi Express they intend to use for motocross  :roll:


A warning - you are responsible for what you say. If you slander or defame and are sued the site owners will release whatever information they have to identify you. It is very shaky ground to make accusations.