A piece of history...

Started by medevac, April 05, 2006, 12:21:28 PM

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hmmm one has to wonder what was going on there... considering strath ses have a policy where they ask the cfs to provide RCR operators should they be required... but strath CFS being responded for rcr operators before the rescue has even been paged???? strange strange....


both got sent to different addresses too.

Compton CFS Website


The addresses would be for:

Langhorne Creek
Strath Operations
Strath CFS
Strath SES
SES Central Region


i think camo was pointing out that SES were on there way to wellington rd, langhorne creek, whereas CFS were going to woodchester rd,,,


Ahhh...... didnt notice that!  :roll: doh

mind you, we all have roads that carry multiple names. Depends which end of the road you live on ;)


Alan (Big Al)

Stath CFS went to an MVA on the weekend by themselves with no SES response, i believe they do carry "Heavy" RCR equip.  as well as SES???
Lt. Goolwa CFS


mmm yeah i noticed that one too mundcfs... im not sure if strath cfs have any rescue gear or not, however they do have rescue operators... its beside the point though, they are not a rescue resource per the directory.

Alan (Big Al)

Yeah i dunno either medevac i do know they have gear (really old lukas) but when the split happened down there and members became scarce strath started getting RCR operators but maybe an amendment has been made to the book, who knows whats going on, as long as the resources are responded I suppose???? :|
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Strath 24P does have RCR gear as per the cfs promo site....


The delay in response to my previous post was apparently caused by a 'oops' in the CAD database. Apparently there was no response listed for that particular road, hence no rescue was responded. The SES response came directly from the controller.

The CFS do carry a really really really old set of lucas RCR gear, however it was provided to them on the understanding it was only to be used for forced entry into buildings 9side bonus was to maintain RCR). Apparently it is NOT to be used at RCR unless the AMBO's say "we want out NOW!" and the rescue resource is known to be some time away. or there are multiple entrapments where it can be used, but this is all done under the direction of the SES. Officially they're not an RCR brigade, but mainain operators through negotiations with the powers that be.


Quote from: Mike on April 26, 2006, 07:58:16 AM
The delay in response to my previous post was apparently caused by a 'oops' in the CAD database. Apparently there was no response listed for that particular road, hence no rescue was responded. The SES response came directly from the controller.

but surely after responding CFS socc would have contacted MFS and said "we want blah..." and sorted it then and there... but surely im stirring shite?


well not such a silly idea..... but wasnt there so who knows!

Alan (Big Al)

So starth gets the gear but technically they can only use it to force entry to buildings :? I've never seen it used that way before but hey it's possible.

I'd heard that same story as well mike that it's only to be used in extreme circumstances, is that just because of the lack of members at the ses unit??
Lt. Goolwa CFS


as far as i know, its mostly been political.....


Just wondering out loud, if a non RCR brigade member wants to do the RCR course could they just join the SES and then get it done or doesnt it work that way?


provided your in their response area, and your prepared to do the basic courses then yes..... theres no law saying you cant be in both services!


And they are a RCR unit of course...


you wouldnt then be able to pick up the tools as a CFS member tho' the SES course isnt recognised byCFS (or so im led to believe)....

theres nothing stopping you from becoming a member of multiple se5rvices, but i think they might get a bit peeved and kick ya out if you are abusing ti just to obtain training, LOL... have thought about it myself.


The SES RCR course should be delivered at national standard in the very near future.... (Im talking in a couple of weeks, if not already)

Either way gentlemen, i think we've dragged this thead off topic for long enough ;) my bad ;) maybe we should look at starting a different thread.....


PHHHT... doesnt bother me  :roll:


Quote from: medevac on April 26, 2006, 12:41:56 PM
you wouldnt then be able to pick up the tools as a CFS member tho' the SES course isnt recognised byCFS (or so im led to believe)....

Not being in a RCR brigade I'd never need or have the chance to pick them up.


not much point at all then mate... just wait till ya get into Mets...


May be CFS should train SES???? and tell me where does it say that you have to be in a RCR brigade to do the RCR course?????


You dont have to be, but non RCR only get to do the course when theres a blue moon.

I wanted to do it as an advantage when I try for MFS, having courses under your belt cant hurt.  USeful info for the interview stage.

Be funny if I get into MFS though still being CFS.  RCR trained, HAZMAT, rescue and all sorts of other stuff you get trained for but never being able to use it for the CFS brigade. :lol: