General Discussion > Other Government Agencies

A piece of history...

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this has been happening for a while. The pagers are programed to react to those strings 'CFSRES and URGMSG' in the same way CFS pagers do.

Alan (Big Al):
Wasn't there a big thing a while ago that fire and rescue (if SES) must be responded at the same time what will happen with this now??? if an accident occurs within a town where both services reside who gets the initial call MFS or CFS etc etc....

Does SOCC still do their radio work or is that MFS to????

SES response pages have always used the URGMSG... ahh thingo.

Re: radios
SOCC have nothing to do with SES anymore other than too ensure they are responded to VAs shud it be there rescue area...

--- Quote ---Wasn't there a big thing a while ago that fire and rescue (if SES) must be responded at the same time what will happen with this now??? if an accident occurs within a town where both services reside who gets the initial call MFS or CFS etc etc....
--- End quote ---
MundCFS; this has always been an issue, all its going to mean is that CFS comms (shud the call originally go to them) will have to contact MFS comms for rescue response, and MFS comms will have to contact CFS...

alreayd used to happen in areas such as Mt Gambier or Murray Bridge, where SES are rescue and MFS are fire... It will continue to be an issue as long as there is more than one commcen for fire and rescue dispatch.

but in the mean time we'll just worry about SAAS and SAPOL actually calling the fire/rescue service.. LOL.

Will be interesting to see what happens with response to Road Crash in Mt Gambier....

Scary Stuff!


IMO it should be better for instances such as Murray Bridge/Mt Gambier, where occasionally people would "forget" to respond the other service... the system will now automatically dispatch both. there should be no excuse...


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