Leave to appear

Started by CaptCom, April 03, 2006, 12:25:58 PM

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Im hoping that i never have to give evidence or a statement before the coroner's court as a result of a large fire happening :-(

Not only would it be nerve racking but also would damage my reputation as a volunteer fire fighter if camera crews asked questions that i didnt answer
Kalangadoo Brigade


Not only would it be nerve racking but also would damage my reputation as a volunteer fire fighter if camera crews asked questions that i didnt answer
That's easy Robert...we don't speak to the media...especially in these situations!  You will see footage of me walking to the court and leaving (hopefully!) and we don't even give them the courtesy of a "no comment"


hi guys,

You have all probably seen the articles in the Advertiser in the last week.

They couldn't be further from the truth...and any reference to a Capt being in charge is about me..the DGO on the stand is my mentor and has great faith in my abilities..

Bring on next week..can't wait to see what headliners the media can find in my testimony!

Still looking at Monday 8th @ 2.15pm at Coroner's Court, 302 King William St.


yeah, will be interesting to see what they can twist out of your story!


wow, what a day...first they told me to prepare to appear in PL this week and then move to Adelaide...and then not in PL only in Adelaide starting monday...this is what makes it really hard!

anyway, I'm now staying at the Director's Studio Apartments on Gouger st.

starting in court on Monday at 2.15pm.

and the biggest win for today was my manager having to back down on my having to take leave to appear...she had a visit from the lawyers...yay..  :-D



Hi Everyone,

Just a quick note to let you know that I won't be able to access the internet next week...so any contact with me, will need to be via my mobile..or I'll see you in court!   :-D


crikey.... we better hurry up and arrange if were all going to catch up for those 'support drinks' then....!


You can get my mobile number from ksj...I'll give her permission to give it out..rather than post it here for all to see.


well I went along this afternoon to observe.  It was quite an eye opener.  Saw Captcom start her evidence.  She handled it really well (I reckon).  I now understand her comment somewhere in this thread about "wasted time spent on educating the lawyers on how we work"!

I must say I can't see how anyone apart from the legal fraternity is going to benefit from this.  I highly recommend anyone who can to drop in for a while.

Don't look up 302 King William St in whereis.com.au because it tells you it's near Grenfell St which it's not.  It's the Coroners Court between Angas and Carrington Streets (southern corner of Vic Square).  It's pretty casual for visitors, no problems to drop in anytime and sit for a while.

It sounds like it's going to be sitting from 10am - 4:30pm except maybe with an early knock-off fridays (it's tough being a lawyer!).  It also sounded like there was the possibility it might move to another larger court at some stage.


Quote from: Darius on May 08, 2006, 10:04:29 PM

It sounds like it's going to be sitting from 10am - 4:30pm except maybe with an early knock-off fridays (it's tough being a lawyer!).  It also sounded like there was the possibility it might move to another larger court at some stage.
god, I spend more time at school, and I don't get paid! :-D


IM doin work experience doing the same work with a mchanic who is prolly getting about $600 this week and  am getting none!  not fair!



PF,sound like you may need to get a life......JOKE


Quote from: P F on May 09, 2006, 05:22:14 PM
IM doin work experience doing the same work with a mchanic who is prolly getting about $600 this week and  am getting none!  not fair!


ahh well lifes not fair.



They deserve all the money they get cause they all do a damn good job.  Ya know mechanics have to supply their own tools and toolbox etc.  One bloke there has a toolbox, just a box that is worth 5000. 
(it was a joke what I said by the way, hence the :p)

Sorry to drag this off topic.


mm... but apprentices do get the new tool allowance, helps alot.


Remember Do Not HiJack The Thread As This Is About Having To Appear.


So does anyone know how the case is going as I have not seen or read anything in the news about it...


Hi Guys,

I can give you an update...thanks for coming Darius..it has been good to see some friendly faces in the gallery.

so far I have completed my evidence in chief..conducted by counsel assist.  I would describe it like a boxing match...plenty of dodging, weaving and fending of punches...with the occasional punch given!  It is very tiring and if I was asked to describe it in a word...intense.

Unfortunately for me, proceedings hit a pothole late last week...my lawyer is also representing my DGO1 who was on before me...anyway, I recalled a conversation that we had..he doesn't..a conflict has occurred...my evidence has now been interupted...1 of us had to elect to find a new lawyer..he had to approve me continuing with ours, he didn't ...I now have a new lawyer and have to fly to Adelaide on Sat to brief her and hope to resume late next week and finish!

so...you all now have another opportunity to come and see the proceedings...as Darius said, it's easy to enter the court at any time.

Court usually commences at 10am..breaks at 11.30-12..then 1-2.15 and finishes at 4.30pm.  Doesn't sound like they sit much but believe me...when you are sitting in the box concentrating so fiercely...you are glad to stop occasionally.

Wendy Shirley, Jill Scott, Trudy Whelan and Ray Dowd have been doing an outstanding job of providing support for me and making sure my social calender is full in the evenings.. :-D

Hope to see some of you... I will post as soon as I know more..


Now thats a real kick in the donkey CaptCom it seems like you wont be on DGO1's good list because of that conflict you had with him over a conversation that you heard him say but he didnt remember saying it

I wish i could come up there and observe proceedings but im stuck with other obligations such as looking for work and keeping up to date with my rent
Kalangadoo Brigade


Thankfully, I can respect his decision...it was difficult to begin with but you need to appreciate that we've had NO control over any part of this whole event.

It may turn out to be a good thing yet..I now have a female barrister and I've been given a week or more to re-energise for the last quarter...it was very tiring and will be more prepared to finish next week than I would have been yesterday.

It was nothing personal from my DGO and I believe him when he tells me that it was the hardest decision he's had to make...he's got a very paranoid wife who believes that it's all a conspiracy to undermine his credibility...I can't expect him to choose my needs over his wife!


For your information.

Coroners Court sitting times and additional details are contained in the Sheriff's Court Cause List at http://www.courts.sa.gov.au/sheriff/cause_lists/index.html

This is updated each day. Just select the Coroner's Court on the left hand side of the website.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.

Alan (Big Al)

well i haven't seen much or any of you on the news so at the moment it's probably a good thing the wonderful media aren't ripping your story to shreds in front of the public.
Good luck with the new barrister and hope all goes well in the coming weeks :-)
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Thankfully, the day I went to court was in the afternoon and only print media were present...then on Tuesday the cameras were there but we also had Gladstone and Beaconsfield...and I don't rate over them  :-D

The local media are giving it the usual coverage...



your timing was pretty good captcom. Good luck in court again!