Started by mack, March 31, 2006, 07:50:12 PM

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Im fairly sure there were a few people around the place after photos of CAFS actually being used... anyway, a few shots from a car fire this morning. Caused by a mechanical fault with the cars thermo-fan... (note to self; never buy a Citreon Xsara)


makes one hell of a mess... i was wondering though, there seems to be a helluva lot of run-off... i was under the impression it would stick a lot better...


that was near blackwood rail station wasn't it?

CAFS looks good. Hey did anyone else notice the different branches in the photos. Anyone got info on them?


i believe it required special hoes diameter and branches to get CAFS working at correct pressures/friction/etc... also, i think it was next door to the blackwood scouts hall... which isnt too far from the railway crossing.


From what i read on PDW the call came in as they were leaving for the RCR demo in the city.

Compton CFS Website


Looks like the branch is the same as we run on our CAFS appliance, It is just a straight bore nozzle with a on / off ball valve.

For correct CAFS operation you don't want anything else stuffing up the mixed foam on the way out of the hose. It actually works great just without a branch at all.

Here is a pic of ours in use.


Once again have been talking to my friends in the CFA and they asked me about CAFS and said that it works well in the USA where there are more CAFS units than normal fire appliances. They could see great use for it in PORTS or at open cut mines(coal) they felt that the only way that it would work in a fire situation was if there where more than one CAFS unit working the job. The other issue was the cost of the foam as its not as cheap as normal foam(not sure about the cost)...