
Started by rescue5271, March 06, 2006, 04:18:47 PM

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I have noticed of late in a few photos of cfs/mfs crews at RCR that they are not removing the glass from the car before they start work. Is this a new idea or are some brigades not doing it and others are???


well Bill, we (MFS) have been taught to always remove the glass from all doors but if we are having difficulty getting the seal out around the windscreen, and time is a factor then we are to cut into the windscreen with the shears if we have to take the roof off. The screen then just goes with it.

cheers ath

Alan (Big Al)

We always remove all glass from the doors and rear window before cutting, but usually leave the windscreen because that can be time consuming. We normally do a forward roof roll for spinal patients but if the roof has to come right off than we usually just cut the windscreen off with the roof.
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Front Windscreens are Double laminated (indicated by a marking usually bottom center). This means you can make 2 relief cuts parallel to each other on the windscreen and u can simply fold the roof back onto the bonnet. If you want to completedly remove the roof from the A-C Pillar you can deglaze rear and side windows, make cuts through the A pillar and about 10 cm either side of the windscreen with the cutters then completely cut through the windscreem using the hooligan tool or recirc saw.

Alan (Big Al)

Quote from: SS on March 07, 2006, 11:29:24 AM
Front Windscreens are Double laminated (indicated by a marking usually bottom center). This means you can make 2 relief cuts parallel to each other on the windscreen and u can simply fold the roof back onto the bonnet. If you want to completedly remove the roof from the A-C Pillar you can deglaze rear and side windows, make cuts through the A pillar and about 10 cm either side of the windscreen with the cutters then completely cut through the windscreem using the hooligan tool or recirc saw.

Thats how we do it except for the recirc saw, hack saw works well also.
Lt. Goolwa CFS


as i'm not in an RCR brigade, how do you guys protect entrapped peeps when doing deglazing and other stuff? do you only use safety goggles for them or do you have other protective stuff for them?

Alan (Big Al)

Blankets, Glass Manager, Plastic Sheeting, PVC protection boards.... the list goes on, sort of.... :-)
Lt. Goolwa CFS


what are glass managers?

Alan (Big Al)

A canvas thaing about 30cm deep and about 1m across with a pliable plastic rim that can be bent into differnt shapes, you put it behind the window when braking it and it catches the glass, well thats the idea. :-)
Lt. Goolwa CFS


interesting. sounds like a good piece of technology!

Alan (Big Al)

It is when the plastic rim doesn't break. :wink:
Lt. Goolwa CFS


she!t MATTE, how many hours did it take you to think that one up ??  :roll:

Glass managers are a great idea...  HArd cover protection are used to stop the tools from impeding on the casualty.. For example, they are put between the patient and... the piller or hinge that is being worked on, incase the tool slips, it wont hurt the patient..


Quote from: rescue5271 on March 06, 2006, 04:18:47 PM
I have noticed of late in a few photos of cfs/mfs crews at RCR that they are not removing the glass from the car before they start work.
Which photos of which RCR are you referring to?
Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you.


there are a few around on websites mainly in region 1/2 area's I was just asking as we always remove the windows but then again most of our windows are almost smashed by the time we get to a job.....


Do you mean remove all glass before popping a door, or before doing something more drastic like a dash-roll?


im not from an RCR brigade, nor am i RCR accredited... but it was my understanding that all glass shud be removed (all windows...) before the tools are put to use...??

Alan (Big Al)

Not necessarily, if your only removing one side of the car then there's not much point wasting time doing the other windows, it just depends on the circumstances at the time...
Lt. Goolwa CFS