
Started by probie_boy, March 21, 2006, 12:58:35 PM

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i have a question. do bullbars on trucks and larger vehicles make entrapments and popping various car bits heaps harder??

I saw a while ago...bullbars mash cars.


since the bullbar is at the front of the bonnet, i shudnt think it would pose a huge problem in most cases to the car it is a part of...
unfoprtunately it would create issues were it imbedded in the car that had persons trapped and needed to be cut.

im fairly sure that most bullbars are actually made out of relatively light materials these days tho' and therefore wouldnt pose huge issues for the tools..

oz fire

PB - a bull bar will create a greater level of damage for cars, as there is a reduced "crumple" factor on the vehicles fitted with the bull bar - and thats part of their job, to deflect things or prevent excessive damage ... so they serve their purpose.

As for creating additional problems, depends where the bull bar is at the time of extrication and what part of the vehicle it has damaged - in some instances they just serve to push the vehicle further away, in others they act as an anchor and attach the two vehicles - hundreds of different scenarios
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.