Level 3 Training

Started by ltdan, May 03, 2007, 04:24:40 PM

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Hi Guys,

Have been advised that all current level 3 courses have been stopped.  CFS are no longer providing this course and are pursuing a new "type" of level 3 course, with updated information.

No time frame and course name has been given for the new course.


Yes I have heard this to

one question that has been raised is that apparently level 3 is a requirement for CFB and now there is no level 3 there is a slight difficulty in getting on CFB.


The Level 3 Course is now considered to be out of date, and needs to be re written, hence they have stopped running the course.  While I haven't heard anything specifically, I would figure that there will be a new course written, that would cover urban type fires & similar things....

Level 3 is no longer a requirement of compartment fire fighting, nor is it going to taken into account for Chief Officers Training Award......


There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


From meetings that I've attended I've heard a few headline bits of information none of which gives the full picture. A snap shot of the information is that it going to contain a national unit on suppress rural urban fires and will be made up of a service level course as well. How correct this information is I do not know and I would only use it an an idea not something set in concrete. What bugs me is that we stop offering courses and have a large lag time before new course are introduced
keep it simple for sanity skes please


I here there was one in the Riverland over the weekend and it went well.


Any photos of the riverland level 3???
blinky bill
my view only


Anyone that has done a trainer/assessor course would realise that a course the size of a level 1 cannot be written in 5 minutes.
The time involved would be huge to write the modules, organise photos, research and plan the drills. Not to mention writing the assessment tools and parameters for it all.
With the restructure of the BFF1 etc, many of the old level 3 components have already been covered or touched on. Will take time the re do it.