New Fixed Alarm System

Started by Alan (Big Al), February 23, 2006, 09:33:49 AM

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Firefrog is right. Any monies collected for Alarm attendance and/or monitoring in the past could be subject to reimbursement to the payee, unless there is a contract signed by the Chief. To the best of my knowledge as i have discussed with CFS staff, there is none!

If you are going to start to charge be very careful as when the new fees / rates come into effect someone might look silly when a premises owner / occupier gets a bill from HQ for a sum considerably less than $250 ?!?!?!

oz fire

As usual there will be Groups who work ahead of the system and drive the system - that is the good thing about CFS - there are always people looking forward, dragging us with them (and we often need it :-D)

As for billing, I have heard of one group that has had contracts (legally binding) for some time now and has offered to the premises in it's area, exactly what the whole of CFS is now migrating too.

Again, CFS is diverse and people looking forward enriches the services and helped us all advance - just as well as my Khaki overalls are now moth eaten and the old leather calf length boots are worn out :evil:
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.



it will be coming (in Lofty group at Aldgate, Stirling and Bridgewater) in the not too distant future, this year sometime.

Lofty group people actually did most of the development of this new GPRS-based system, handed it to HQ where it stalled for a while then HQ started a "trial" of it which didn't include Lofty group.  There is various political crap going on.

tell me about it. My brigades not one of those mentioned by you though.