NEW 34

Started by rescue5271, September 03, 2005, 07:41:49 AM

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Quote from: strikeathird on October 28, 2005, 05:10:11 PM

It's up to the driver to drive to the conditions under P1, and if he/she is driving unsafely, then the officer/crew should say something...

i think prevention is better than a cure in this case, some people dont have the guts to stand up to others, and some people are just idiots and wont listen...

its funny isnt it... technically dont they have to do 40km/h past an emergency vehicle with its beacons on... lol.

Wagon 1

Usually we turn them off up hills, no point, not like we need anyone to get out the way!!


yeh we defuinitly turn off siren, but usually leave on the lights neway.


Hi all,has anyone had rust on the new 34 yet?? we have rust around the crew shelter area and also alittle on the tray where the foam drums sit. we have also had a probelm with the reel drums not  allowing us to pull the hose out on the reel.


hahah fantastic... mind you weve had rust on our 10 y.o. 24 since day one.


Quote from: rescue5271 on October 30, 2005, 11:29:19 AM
Hi all,has anyone had rust on the new 34 yet?? we have rust around the crew shelter area and also alittle on the tray where the foam drums sit. we have also had a probelm with the reel drums not  allowing us to pull the hose out on the reel.


Wagon 1

Well get it seen to whilst its still under warranty, you don't want to have the thing fall apart in 15 years time!


Thanks guys, our 24P will have the "emergency services kit" fitted to it (whatever overrides the limiter when beacons are on)when it's returned to ISUZU for a service and to repair the non operational exhaust break. (Great, have to figure out how to get it there and back but anyhow).

In terms of people abusing this to detriment of safety - this just will not happen. Also people seem happy with the concept of an extra 20kms an hour. I'll be damned suprised (and I know she's got plenty of horsepower) if limited or not we get 130km/hr out of her.
And I hear ya Mundcfs, the way this girl wanders all over the road I wouldn't do 110 between Meningie and Ashville.
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.

Alan (Big Al)

When at moore's the other day they had 5 34's almost ready for delivery and four halfway through building, they are for Stirling North, Kapunda, Roseworhty, Bordertown, and Port Clinton, seems the CFS is replacing these brigades late 90's Hino 34's with the newies.  These 34's are different from the first five built this year. They now have Darley 500gpm pumps (was told they aren't as good pressure as the 250gpm waterous pumps but actually more cost effective), a revised inlet/outlet setup, and a spray system around the crew cab for burnover protection??? However i didn't see it in action so I'm unsure how it works.
Lt. Goolwa CFS

Alan (Big Al)

Just another couple of nifty things on this years 34 thatmay or may not have been on last years. The foam drum is kept in a locker with the hose and spike in through the side of the locker (much cleaner and easier to use than the spike and reservoir), if the recirc valve is turned off it's got its own "blow-off" valve so theoretically it is impossible to cook the pump, and the water level is now read by sonar :|, however any moisture in the unit causes it to fail, moores had to cover any wiring or switches up to do with this because it wasn't done properly the first time. :oops:
Lt. Goolwa CFS



I may be opening myself up to a bit of a hit, but - I am Andrew Geue, I work for Moore Engineering - I do the tender response and also some of the design work on the appliances.

I would be happy to answer questions (that I am allowed to) and put Moore Engineerings angle on what and why.

Just looking at some of the posts so far:

Rust - It would be swarf from steel drilling sitting on the aluminium frame - Aluminium, what the frame, fops, step etc are made of doesent rust like steel.

Truck seems like it is floating - The weight distribution criteria states a max on the front axle - full of people and stowage. We allow 6 persons at 90 KG in the cab for calculation purposes.If the cab only has one person, it makes a bit of difference to the handling. Also the weight is biased to  leave the front axle feeling a bit light, this is a result of the weight limit of the axle under ADR. It may well need a bit more weight forward to feel comfortable, but it is difficult to achieve give the specifications.

Vehicle lighting. - It is a little on the low side - a pole light would help a lot. - If members would like to See the addition of a pole light on rural appliances they should lobby through the Vehicle committee (if it is still going?)

BA Brackets - We opt for our "simple" design - it is cost effective. The other models rely on gas struts and other mechanical aids, these are all fine whilst working, but down the track (when the manufacturer goes bust) you will not be able to get parts. Our system should last 20 years with little or no service work required. Also being cost effective we can value add to other areas of the appliance. (like flow control, pistol grip branches)

Speed limiter over ride - This is done by North East Isuzu.

Inlets and outlets - Inlets - the new 34 has a 500 GPM Darley, we have adapted the plumbing from a 4" stortz to a 2 1/2" SAMFS fitting. teh 4" stortz allows suction from a static supply (hope they have the 4" hard suction on site) this give the pump a chance to draft and develop the pump capacity. The tank fill (hydrant fill) is for filling the tank from a SA Water supply. This is done in a effort to meet SA Water back flow prevention requirements. There are 2 outlets.

We have a web site - it has not been upgraded for a long time. I am in the process of trying to get it updated as we speak.

Hope this helps. 

Any other issues I will do my best to give a honest answer. We do not have all the answers or know everything about about fire trucks, we are also always keen to listen to those in the know (you, the fire fighters).

Andrew Geue
Moore Engineering

PS sorry for the spelling and typos, I am doing this in my lunch brake
It is not what you did wrong, but who you can blame!


Thanks for that,and I hope you have answered few of our problems with the 34 we have a 34 that is 12mths old and the reel motor has died?? also where the foam is stored there is always a pool of foam from under the tray when we wash the appliances and no we have not used the foam. I would have liked to see the foam isolate switch closer to the pump OHSW issue with members getting in behind pump to turn foam on?????


Contact me about the reel motor - if it is only a year old I should be able to get that replaced under warranty. That will be at the suppies discression.

The foam pool is a bit of a mystery - may have a leak in the bottom of the tank - If the tank has a leak we should be able to repair it.

The isolating valve for the foam tank should not have to be used, is is there if the rubber line need replacing, this saves you having to empty the tank.

Unfortunatly the appliance will have to come to us for the repairs - or you could send us the tank and motor,

08 85323639
It is not what you did wrong, but who you can blame!



I know youre a busy man but do you think you could post some photos of the locker layout. There are plenty of photos of the truck but none with the lockers open.




I will brush up on picture posting.

Do you need to upload photos to a hosted site and link to that site on the posting, or can I put the pictures in a post?

It is not what you did wrong, but who you can blame!

Wagon 1

Thanks Andrew, its refreshing to see a mnafacturer not afraid to back themsleves up, I must say the newest version of the 34 is worlds ahead of the earlier versions, and would make any rural brigade happy as a pig in you know what.



I have been watching the forum for a while, and did not know to get involved or not - I am also a volunteer (for the SES, and have been for over 20 years) so I understand things from that side, so I thought I would put my bit in to the forum.

As a manufacturer (and I say all others) we do try to do our best. We have a lot of constraints, - time, money, ability, end user understanding, workforce limitations etc. No one goes out to make a bad truck, some time it is a product of many factors (a lot out of our control)

We try to make the best product for the fairest price, and try to back up our product the best we can. Some times we do that well and some times we suck!

I have just updated the moore engineerings web ( site and added a link at the end, near the counter. it links to a new page with some photos as requested of the lockers, have a look - I hope it works.

It is not what you did wrong, but who you can blame!

Wagon 1

Thank you sir, your a champ.

Alan (Big Al)

Quote from: TillerMan on November 02, 2005, 12:20:49 PM

I know youre a busy man but do you think you could post some photos of the locker layout. There are plenty of photos of the truck but none with the lockers open.


TillerMan i believe there are photos of our 34 on goolwa cfs website in photos section on page 8 or 9..

  Andrew, much appreciated the work you guys did on our 34 last week all problems were fixed and hopefully it's the last time you guys have to see the appliance :wink:
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Thanks Andrew.  Good to see someone with the know !


Thanks mundcfs, the photos are only of one side but that gives us an idea.


Thanks so much Andrew. Great to have you contribute both as an emergency services member and fire appliance manufacturer.

If you go the gallery section you'll find it makes setting up a gallery and uploading images from your local drives fairly painless.
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


Good pictures Andrew can you tell me at what stage is the truck that was numbered 12 or 13 in your yard?, as I was down there getting Monash 14 after they had a job done. :-D


We are looking and hoping to have ALL 34 Appiances stowed and at North East Isuzu early to mid December. The hold up at customs may play some part, but we seem to be on track so far.

It is not what you did wrong, but who you can blame!


what or why would they hold things up?