Ordering of PBI Gold

Started by SOCC, February 14, 2006, 12:08:34 PM

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Well if there is to be a cut in the CFS budget may be Nomex will come back on the shelf..... :mrgreen:




Is SA the only fire service in AUS to have PBI with its fire services?


well i think just found out why my PBI hasnt arrived yet...

at the last brigade meeting we found out that group had told region that we didnt want the PBI and they had to keep it until they gave us some paper work detailing where it could be used at what incidents, and the cleaning procedure, apparently they also said we didnt want it due to the cleaning costs being forced on the group...

its amazing how the group can say "WE" dont want it, when none of the brigades have ever been consulted...


funny how thing keep repeating isnt it... what have we said in most other threads about consultation!


im just extremely peeved that there is never any consultation with brigades (or at least the consultation never makes it back to the people in the brigade that matter... THE FIREFIGHTERS!!!) before thee decisions are made.

besides im under the impression that even if there is no documentation at regional level, that there was some at state level, and surely that has more weight behind it anyway...


Its simple! Wear it to everything bar a grassfire, or an MVA on a hot day!


PF, I think SA was the first state to introduce it, but other states are now getting it also.


Sounds like a common thing in your group medevac????


hahaha lack of communication - no filtered!!!

gotta love it though


Quote from: Toast on July 05, 2006, 04:14:39 PM
Its simple! Wear it to everything bar a grassfire, or an MVA on a hot day!

doesnt sound like we'll be wearing it to anything  :|


send it all back get the green stuff.............


Ohh medevac  you seem so young and keen ( i like that )
Having been an all sides before group, brigade management and the best place firefighter. You should have been told why you are not getting the PBI. Sounds like it is not geeting back from group/brigade management to you.
At group the decision would have been made by the GO and brigade reps, they might have had some good reasons( i don't know the facts) but it could be as simples as a budget issue ( hey don't all jump up and down over this, money makes too many decisions )if your group has X amount of PBI to clean each year and budgets are tight, where is the money coming from, what do you cut back on ???
Ask at your next brigade meeting why, it is your right to question or just go and ask your captain or if you see your GO just ask him why. The easiest think is to sit back and have a go at the system, sometimes you win if you question

Alan (Big Al)

^^Tight budget?? Medevac is in Sturt group, i don't think they've ever heard the words tight budget before.... :lol:
Lt. Goolwa CFS


"East side love is living on the West end"

proud inventor of the nickname "manny","manny the man whore" and "mandogga"


But but but, the CFS PBI Gold instruction manual has alll the cleaning instructions and a 'Reccomendation' to use the Lion washing service.


Now I have it on good advice that if CFA get PDI gold that they can take the gear to a local dry cleaner and he can do the job as long as he follow's the instructions.......Now why can't we do that??? I would say someone did not read the fine print of the contract???


Maybe if it gets filtered up they dont want to shell out another 2 grand, dunno just thoughts.

Recomendation?  Is hat a recomendation wink wink or a recomendation as in do as you wish.


Be very clear that the CFS PBI care instructions include laundering by the wearer. No one is making you return the gear to Lion.

But think about it. You have a $1300 set of gear and you want to wash it yourself and risk damage. I would prefer to pay the very small amount of cash and have the brigades gear professionally washed, inspected and re-certified. That way you know the gear is good to go.

We are not talking much money per year to have your gear sent to Lion.


firefrog that is fine but keep in mind that brigade's in the country are having problems just getting a loan set of gear while there PBI gear is away......


@ - fire03rescue

and your telling me that everyone in your brigade and the rest of the group are happy with the decision? perhaps the reason our budget is too "tight" to get the gear laundered, is because money is being spent on extra equipment outside of standard approved stowage?

very little information makes it from group to brigade reps to brigade meeting...

it doesnt matter anyway.

to put it simply the group is sacrificing firefighter safety.

Quoteask your captain
kind of hard when your captain says he wasnt listening properly, because its a matter that didnt really 'bother' him.


besides ive had my whinge on here about his topic before anyway. as has been said by myself and others, it doesnt help anything.

my original post was purely to say id worked out why my gear hadnt arrived ;)

Crankster 34

QuoteTight budget?? Medevac is in Sturt group, i don't think they've ever heard the words tight budget before

Gee weren't Sturt Group also the one group in the state that flat out refused to change to GRN paging, yes they might be progressive in some areas but other times they seem very ignorant.

Their reaction to PBI wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that one of the DGO's runs a Fire and Rescue supply company that has sold more Nomex to brigades than anyone else in this state.

Medevac - I feel for you bro, chin up and keep fighting the good fight.
Crankster on scene, you can take a stop...