
Started by Mike, February 03, 2006, 12:11:11 PM

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isnt it amazing how these things work.....
-we started by having bushfires.
-the word bushfire was deemed not to encompass all we do so Wildfire came in...
-now everything is being refered to as a Bushfire again.

Bushfire information messages for instance..... for grass fires. Exactly why they introduced the term Wildfire!

dont get me wrong... always thought the Wildfire thing was to 'americanistic' for my liking.....

just thinking out loud, thats all....

oz fire

Wildfire was an AFAC term that CFS adopted - similar to the contemplation a few years back about calling out appliances tankers and tankers Bulk Water Carriers.

Glad to see Bushfire back, the standard on appliances remained the same, hopefully we will soon disperse with BWC and return to the SA terminology of tankers  :-P
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.


bushfire/wildfire all the same just someone up the ladder can't make there mind up,what about this we wanted to have crew leaders in our brigade and where informed NO they had to be snr firefighter.. So when we look at a list for a strike team to KI the OIC on each appliances was called a CREW LEADER??????


Drop Both Bush Fire & Wild Fire & Just Make A Really Long Name With Everything We Do, That Would Bugger Them Up.


Quote from: oz fire on February 03, 2006, 01:09:48 PM
Wildfire was an AFAC term that CFS adopted - similar to the contemplation a few years back about calling out appliances tankers and tankers Bulk Water Carriers.

Glad to see Bushfire back, the standard on appliances remained the same, hopefully we will soon disperse with BWC and return to the SA terminology of tankersĀ  :-P
Whats a Bulk water carrier... ????    :-P

Have always called it a tanker, always will.. 

Oh, and read on a media release the other day CFS had 18 Tankers at a fire... ... Seems we might be going the way of our eastern states and calling 24's tankers...

Again.. It will always be a 24.