General Discussion > SAMFS

Busy Hour

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It depends on the job

2 Alarm could be 2 or more appliances
If the job was a 2 alarm rubbish fire it might be 2 appliances
If it was a  2 Alarm at a Hospital it could be 6 appliances for a 2 alarm.
The resson for this is a fire alarm at a Hospital could be 3 appliance to start with.
It just depends on the risk

yeah MFS response also takes into account the risk classing.

oz fire:
If you have a look at the CFS SOP's you will note that CFS too has different response criteria, response resource numbers etc dependant on the incident.

Fire Services Australia wide have matured and grown a lot from the traditional 1st, 2nd, 3rd alarm responses with fixed numbers of appliances .... a good thing for everyone

Doesn't the number of appliances on scene ALWAYS dictate what alarm the incident is at?
Sure, 2nd alarm is anywhere between 4 and 7 trucks, but as soon as you get 8 trucks, that incident has gone to 3rd alarm, no matter what it is. Thats my undertanding anyway... :?


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