Started by PF_, January 08, 2006, 02:57:56 PM

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Does anyone know the minimum requirements to do the CABA course and RCR course?

Meant to ask the guy running the level 1 today but forgot.  He is a CABA trainer...


CABA is a minimum of level one, and 18y.o.

not sure about RCR... i would presume minimum level 1 also... but not sure if there are any ther restrictions...


Quote from: medevac on January 08, 2006, 03:30:14 PM
CABA is a minimum of level one, and 18y.o.

not sure about RCR... i would presume minimum level 1 also... but not sure if there are any ther restrictions...

thanks medevac, I take it that for Compartment Fire or Structural Fire (Of there is a course called Structural) you'd ahve to be 18 and have done CABA then?


RCR you must have also completed SENIOR FIRST AID.


thats right tillerman.. cheers.

yeah, to do comaprtment fire, CABA is a pre-requisite. same for HAZMAT... believe compartment fire is basically our course for structural fire fighting as it covers all those concepts.


We have been told you must have been active for 12 months as well before they think about putting you on the course


I believe there may be a couple of elements from BFF1 you need for BA, if your qualified L1, pre BFF1.   But you wont have any problems P_F as you have just done the BFF1.  (Other than being active in a BA brigade for over 12 months, making trainings and calls, passing BMI, medical.. Etc Etc..

Alan (Big Al)

Was under the belief that to do RCR you also had to have the "respond to road crash" module completed as well??
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Quote from: mundcfs on January 10, 2006, 02:18:02 PM
Was under the belief that to do RCR you also had to have the "respond to road crash" module completed as well??

Thats covered in BFF1, unless it's only recently been put in :?


Yes That Module Is Included In The BFF1


i was under the impression that you had to be level 3 before doing BA?

respond to road crash is in the BFF1 course

RCR has to have senior first aid, some regular firefighting experience


Yeah I know we cut people out of cars.  Hoping to get into MFS eventually so will have to get used to it.


Im sure Probie_boy has seen it all, they must let you do alot for a probie or is it just wishful thinking... Does your brigade even do RCR? or are you just wishing...


Does your brigade have a 10 probationary peroid or something? thats an awful lot of things to see in six months


no probies just my nickname at the station. I've been a member since may '05 and activesince september '05. still a lot to see i know.



Have to have BFF1, been in a BA brigade for 1 year.


Have Senior first aid, BFF1 and been in a rcr brigade for a year.

Then of course you need to be under state limits on operators!

Every brigade is different in what they let new members do..... This is all i will say  :lol:


^^get over it

i dont know how you started talking about that.
sounds like youve been a FF for 5months or so. if you wanna talk experience, go and speak to someone who's been in it for 5-10 years.
personally ive got 4 years in a reasonably busy brigade, but i wouldnt say ive seen done evrything. def. had some good jobs though.


geez i reckon probie boy should be up for an order of Australia or something....... sorry mate... get over youself  :-P

Alan (Big Al)

Agree with MEDEVAC i've been in it since my eleventh birthday thats nearly fifteen years ago, in reasonably busy brigade, i've seen alot but i haven't seen alot as well.
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Quote from: SS on March 02, 2006, 09:02:01 AM
Im sure Probie_boy has seen it all, they must let you do alot for a probie or is it just wishful thinking... Does your brigade even do RCR? or are you just wishing...

Didn't realise u were gods gift SS  !

None of u know how many calls, or what he has been too.. Now i don't know the guy at all, but give him a break..

Those that are telling him to get over himself, need a reality check !

(oh.. and SS.. re the quote.. My first call was a Rescue, 2 trapped.. one of 4 crew... Thats what happens in a vollie organisation, sometimes thats all the crew there may be !!!)


Gee some of you guys are quick to get personal!

All Probie said was that road crash can be nasty.

Which it can. And I'm qualified to say that :-) (but like most people who actually are would prefer not to go into grandstanding details)
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


thankyou. i'm not blowing my own horn, just simply tellign you what i have seen. no exaggeration. maybe there is just worse things that happen in my area. thats all there is to it. medevac, ss - stop drinking hateorade! we're all peaceful here! i kid i kid.


HAHAHAH haterode...

yeash i just hate people that crap on, like myself.



to do RCR you must be a member of a RCR brigade hold snr first aid,and few moduals from BFF1 and I can tell you that if you are only 17 you will have to wait till 18 and even then you should not be exposed to what does happen out on the rods.