Co-location of local headquarters

Started by bajdas, December 19, 2005, 02:26:52 PM

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Some people need to get out of their own insulated areas more SES moved out of R3 HQ back in @ least March 05 when they moved to Mt Barker.
The biggest mistake you can make is doing it wrong AGAIN!


Yes well the Region Three Office used to be a great volunteer friendly resource that we visited often but I haven't had cause or inclination to visit since at least March 05 :-)

And where the SES house their paid staff has no impact on me  :wink:
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.

oz fire

Common on Kat ........ maybe it has changed, maybe it's now welcoming, volunteer friendly, theres probally coffee on tap, some nice biscuits to eat, friendly staff to chat too, who being volunteer focused would happily sit down for a discussion and to assist you, the brigade, the group to resolve issues!

After all, it's been twelve month (almost) surely something might have changed????

As for the SES moving out - that was disapointing, thought the two service working closer together was a good thing - it probally is in Mt Barker :wink:
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.


Quote from: oz fire on January 31, 2006, 09:26:15 AM
welcoming, volunteer friendly, theres probally coffee on tap, some nice biscuits to eat, friendly staff to chat too, who being volunteer focused would happily sit down for a discussion and to assist you, the brigade, the group resolve issues!

Ahh, those were the days. Brings a tear of nostalgia to the eye.  :wink:
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


Quote from: Mike on December 22, 2005, 08:37:27 AM
As of Tuesday (20th) Strath SES & Strath CFS, until their new CFS station is finished.

As of next Wednesday (22nd of February) Strathalbyn will finally be opertaing out of their new station.

Alan (Big Al)

Just curious where in relation to the old strath station is the new one??
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Their new station is in between the council depot and the dump - Forrest Rd. Hopefully the transition for them goes smoothly.

Alan (Big Al)

Lt. Goolwa CFS


apparently they have moved in tonight
Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you.


and they have a new hazmat trailer,anyone got a picture of it???


No pic of HAZMAT van but heres a pic of their station from the promo site

Alan (Big Al)

Just wondering if theres anyone from strath or know anyone from there , I'd just like to know if the new station will increase/decrease response times or will be about the same??
Lt. Goolwa CFS


And are they happy with the station? It appears to be a clone of the standard CFS 3 bay station which from what I undertsand is pretty basic...


Quote from: CFS_firey on February 23, 2006, 02:25:44 PM
And are they happy with the station? It appears to be a clone of the standard CFS 3 bay station which from what I undertsand is pretty basic...

The Strathalbyn Brigade/Group (Group base) is quite happy with the new set-up they now have.
I would imagine that due to the new position of Strath's station compared to the old one, response times for them would increase slightly, but hopefully not too much!

The new CFS stations that are currently being built are actually quite nice although for most brigades, they would probably be a step down in terms of size and space.
I believe Stirling may be inline for a new station somewhere  closer to Crafers if the sale of the land where they currently reside goes ahead.

And yes, Strathalbyn did receive a new HAZMAT trailer, which from my understanding will carry their HAZMAT equipment along with additional 'Region 1' equipment, including several gas tight suits and other non-standard gear.  I imagine some pictures will be posted when it is set up properly and operational.


On page one of this thread was a posting regards MFS Port Lincoln building a new station. Found this article today (printed a month ago).

If this goes ahead the building would be huge and I think the first where all three emergency services (incl regional HQ) are located in the one spot.


Emergency services at one location
Billie Harrison
Thursday, 15 June 2006

CONCEPT plans for co-locating the Country Fire Service and State Emergency Service in Port Lincoln are about to be drawn up.

The CFS and SES are looking at establishing a central emergency services site, including the Metropolitan Fire Service at the old netball courts on Stevenson Street.

Last Wednesday, representatives of the SA Fire and Emergency Services Commission met with the Port Lincoln CFS and SES in Port Lincoln to identify operational requirements for a proposed new facility.

It is proposed to co-locate the local CFS, SES and MFS brigades and units together with the CFS/SES regional office on one site.

The Metropolitan Fire Service had already presented concept plans to the city council for a new station at the site.

The Port Lincoln council had already approved 5723 square metres of the site for a new MFS station and gave "in principle" support to a combined emergency services centre concept in February.

The South Australian Fire and Emergency Services Commission will prepare the initial concept plans for the CFS SES facility, which will be available for public consultation.

The Port Lincoln Callisthenics Association currently has an 18-month lease on the old netball clubrooms on the land.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


did i read that correclty??? MFS and CFS in the same station? wow thats insane... not only two fireservices in the same town, but in the same station too... good luck with it, sounds good... perhaps a step closer to one fire service in that are? but i doubt that... im talking to myself again...

re; strathalbyn response times due to the new station, i believe it has dramatically INCREASED them... especially when responding to incidents in the town itself, and of course over the other side.


"aw c'mon let us take the red truck out, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease :-)"
"c'mon buddy, pleeeeease pretty pretty pretty please :-D"
'let me think about that................noooo'
"mate, were all firefighters here, we want to ride the red truck, please please please please? :-D :-"
'well, ummm, no, no go and respond to that tree down that we dont want to do in case something more important comes up'


relax, it is just a satirical send up of what youre all thinking  :-P

*and for those with no sense of humour and take the board for gospel and seriousness, I am making a joke  :mrgreen:


Quote from: P F on July 04, 2006, 09:16:57 PM
*and for those with no sense of humour and take the board for gospel and seriousness, I am making a jokeĀ  :mrgreen:

i thought all this info was official CFS releases?




Quote from: rescue5271 on February 22, 2006, 07:39:16 AM
and they have a new hazmat trailer,anyone got a picture of it???

from the promotions site

photo cred; Simon Patterson

Alan (Big Al)

We've had the trailer down our way a couple times in the last few months for jobs... a very nicely setup trailer towed by the 14 and backed up with their 34, from my point of view good job with the trailer.
Lt. Goolwa CFS