Fire & Rescue Computer Games

Started by Robert-Robert34, December 18, 2005, 07:15:49 PM

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Hiya everyone it Robert here again with my second thread and this one might sound alot more interesting  :-)

A couple of years ago i had a computer game which involved structual fire fighting and rescue it involved going into a burning building doing search and rescue of trapped occupants then fire control after all occupants were rescued

Today whilst cruising the internet i found a computer games website
based here in australia that sells PC games and by chance found a fire fighting game exactly similar to the one i had but it's more of an up model one

It would be good if the Country Fire Service designed a computer game for recruits so they can learn how to combat grass and plantation fires as well as extricate casualties from a crashed car before doing the real thing   

Thats a computer game i would buy  :-D
Kalangadoo Brigade


What was the name and manufacturer of the computer game ?
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Hiya there Andrew the name of the game i have just ordered is called Fire Department and it's a simulation game that allows you to take control of fire fighters,paramedics, technical officers etc...etc

The one thing i am going to enjoy most about this game is that it has 34 levels including forest fires and gas station explosions..... so in a way it is kinda like a Incident Controller learning program but only 3D with all sorts of situations 

If you want to order a copy of it for $37.00 got to
then type fire in the find me a pc game box and click go
Kalangadoo Brigade


My Mate Has Fire Department 2 & I Have Emergency 3, There Are Some Nice Games Out There If You Know Where To Look.

I Believe That Fire Department 2 Is Multi Player So You Can Play With Others & Setup Strike Teams And All Sorts.

Would Be Good To See More Stuff Like This.

Emergency 3 You Can Create Custom Modals & Make CFS Trucks :P


thanks for the tip cybercitizen oh yeah can you tell me where i can locate emergency 3 computer game
Kalangadoo Brigade


Quote from: Robert34 on December 19, 2005, 02:50:43 PM
thanks for the tip cybercitizen oh yeah can you tell me where i can locate emergency 3 computer game

Where Are You Located (Surburb)


Kalangadoo Brigade


E3 is definately the way to go...  Not a fan of FD1, or FD2...(Own both and don't really rate them( (Or known as FIRE CAPTAIN - in the USA)  Graphics are poor in comparison to Emergency 3... E3 is definately the way to go tho !!!  E4 isn't far away..


Robert, go to    Check out some of the Screen Shots etc...

There might be some people on the forum who can help you find where to get the game.     :wink:


Thanks for the tip strikeathird but can you actually tell me where in South Australia i might be able to locate Emergency 3 computer game or at least know someone who can burn a copy of it and send it to me  :-)
Kalangadoo Brigade


You can't buy it in Australia, as it was never brought over here...  Only E1 and E2 were brought over here... Sorry to get ur hopes up..


It was a good laugh to play this game,hope the move is funny.....


I finally got my hands on a copy of Fire Department PC game and its very challenging as i havent even gotten past the first scenario which is a 2 storey warehouse fire  :-D
Kalangadoo Brigade


Quote from: Robert34 on February 11, 2006, 07:21:55 PM
I finally got my hands on a copy of Fire Department PC game and its very challenging as i havent even gotten past the first scenario which is a 2 storey warehouse fire  :-D

Whered ya get it from?


I got it off of E-Bay for a pretty cheap price.... now i am up to level 3 which is a bank on fire and i'll tell you this its alot harder than the warehouse fire
Kalangadoo Brigade


Finished the game.. Didn't rate it too highly..

E3 is definatly the way to go !!


Quote from: strikeathird on February 15, 2006, 11:38:47 AM
E3 is definitely the way to go !!
Absolutely!  It would be even better if you could choose to control just one of the services, rather than having to do all four, and if you could have multiplayer mode... THAT would be cool.. :lol:


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