SAAS Responding Other Services..

Started by Alan (Big Al), December 02, 2005, 02:26:17 PM

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Quote from: medevac on February 08, 2006, 09:06:48 AM
Quote from: kat on January 26, 2006, 08:03:07 PM
quote: since fire never roll without rescue im not sure what your on about here kat end quote
Yeah, right  - tongue in cheek, huh?
i personally disagree with most if not all of your post... if SOCC page anyone (and im pretty sure tailem bend get paged by SOCC) to an MVA they will send a rescue truck, it is in there SOPs

Disagree away - this is just what I have experienced.

I'm sure if there's an MVA and SOC is aware of it and is doing the paging, then yes, they would send a rescue vehicle as per SOPS (Green Book, Rescue Directory.
But as it would seem most people ring the police or ambos in event of MVA there are many, many occasions when we are not called at all (as either fire or rescue) or quite some time later when it's established that we're needed for whatever reason. And you're right though, since SOC has been doing the majority of call taking and despatching without the local ALERTS line inolved, there has been a lot less fire cover despatched without rescue.

There are many reasons for this. Mostly I think the local police are good people who try not to "bother" us unless they consider it essential.
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


If you have an issue, lodge a greivence form, if you don't have any in station ring the region and ask for some, no point complaining unless you do something about it, and i can tell you, those forms do go somewhere!!


Anyone noticed the cutdown in SAAS to CFS call times lately?????? Some are getting through in one minute!!!

Alan (Big Al)

Must be having a good run. :wink:

Saw a page for Port Wkefield SAAS the other day that said Cat2-V/A but no one else was responded but as "radio" said there could be other circumstances.
Lt. Goolwa CFS


we've had a similar situation with our brigade. One night someones crashed and gone down an embankment. they've buggered off. and SAAS vehicle has seen the car and called us...eventually. the page was sent saying that SAAS needed help looking for victims. which leads me to believe that they have just walked down to an unstabilised car on an embankment and checked it out. Yet we'll probably get in s**t for not responding fast enough if something goes wrong.


the problem sounds the same all over the state...I day they won't have called for fire cover and the car will catch alight...and we will still be at least 10-15 mins away..SAPOL can be just as bad...we call them straight away...

last time they called us to help them get to the was in some inaccessible need for fire cover..kid off a motorbike..


We had an info night where we invited our Ambos over to the station. We expalined to them the dangers of just jumping into an unstabalised vehicle amongst other things. We also set an air bag off live (by a qualified person of course) and showed them some videos of what air bags can do if you are in the way. We don't have a problem with SAAS not responding us now :-D


mengcfs, isn't a case of the people is SAAS comms taking time to respond us, rather than the ambo's themselves?

Also, does anyone know the average time it takes for MFS to dispatch us from the time of call? (Has anyone ever called a fire in, and taken note of the time it took for them to be paged?)

Alan (Big Al)

I've called alerts once and through that process it took probably 2.5 minutes and recently called SOCC direct on response number and it took probably 1-1.5 minutes, but if you ring 000 and your group is run through alerts then you go to telstra then to MFS then to Alerts and it took about 5 minutes once a couple years back when i heard a MVA happen near my house.
Lt. Goolwa CFS


If i have to ever call in an emergency it would be either by UHF CB Radio or phone..... the reason i have chosen UHF CB as my first preference is because most CFS volunteers who are on the road going some where wether its to town or work tend to come across accidents or fires if they have a UHF CB in their vehicle can either call the group base or deputies by channel 5 or what ever channel that is used

Thus cutting the time it takes for alerts to go through SAAS or SAMFS communications centres before they reach pagers

Thats why everytime i go to town my UHF CB is on channel 5 so should i come across a RCR or fire a simple emergency call over channel 5 will do wonders even if no reply is given... if this doesnt work then a phone will be my back up
Kalangadoo Brigade


best thing we can do as vollies if we come across an emergency, requiring CFS attendance, is call CFS SOCC direct. they can then instigate a CFS response (even if you are normally paged by SAMFS if you request it from them they will send it), and will also notify SAAS or SAPOL or both fro attendance...

If it is an incident in SAMFS area or a requirement for SAAS or SAPOL only, then obviously the best thing you can do is just ring triple zero.

personally i think UHF CB is a bad idea unless it is the4 only thing available... firstly it is possible that you wont be able to contact anyone, and also why would you do this when you could ring the service direct? even if your GO or group base does take the call from you they are still going to have to call CFS SOCC or ambos/sapol etc...

QuoteThats why everytime i go to town my UHF CB is on channel 5 so should i come across a RCR or fire a simple emergency call over channel 5 will do wonders even if no reply is given... if this doesnt work then a phone will be my back up

if no reply is given then i would presume it hadnt worked and noone was coming...


YEa, im with Medevac.. Phone..  !!  Unless u are carrying GRN.. then call up soc on 124.


I have come across a number of MVA's in the last few months and have called 000 and when asked for fire have been put throu to the local brigade or group H/Q and have had no problems getting a fast turn out from the local crews. I have also found that the staff at SOC will ask if police or ambulance have been called and if not they will contact them.

the on going problems of brigade's being paged well after the event is something that must be delt with and brigades need to fill in the paperwork/form that is around if you have been paged late for a job.. I have not seen this paperwork but i understand its out there...


Quote from: CFS_firey on February 18, 2006, 02:09:41 AM
mengcfs, isn't a case of the people is SAAS comms taking time to respond us, rather than the ambo's themselves?

I realise this mate, but what it does ensure is that when the SAAS crew pager goes off and they contact their Comms for details they are now making sure CFS has been or is about to be responded. Maybe a different story in the city, where crews ie SAAS and CFS are not likely to know each other.


Quote from: strikeathird on February 19, 2006, 05:22:23 PM
YEa, im with Medevac.. Phone..  !!  Unless u are carrying GRN.. then call up soc on 124.

Depending on what Region you are in!!


Quote from: mengcfs on February 20, 2006, 07:51:27 AM
Quote from: strikeathird on February 19, 2006, 05:22:23 PM
YEa, im with Medevac.. Phone..  !!  Unless u are carrying GRN.. then call up soc on 124.

Depending on what Region you are in!!



Quote from: mengcfs on February 20, 2006, 07:51:27 AM
Quote from: strikeathird on February 19, 2006, 05:22:23 PM
YEa, im with Medevac.. Phone..  !!  Unless u are carrying GRN.. then call up soc on 124.

Depending on what Region you are in!!

I thought u can get soc on 124 no matter what region you are in ! ??


SOCC have the ability to monitor every talkgroup. it dispalys as active on their PC's.... 124 is Region 1's talkgroup, so theoretically, other regions should use their own.


124 is Region 1 operations. If you want to talk to state headquarters, use talkgroup 111 (State Ops). But as strikethird said, they monitor 124 anyway...


aaahhh thats what was meant...

in theory you shouldnt talk to socc on tg111 at all..
every region has there own tg, you should use that.


Sorry, i should explain.. I know every region has there own, but meant that even if u were in region 5, and keyed in 124, you would still be able to raise them..

But yes, you should use your own TG that are allocated to contact St HQ.

Alan (Big Al)

Just curious, in R1 we contact SHQ on 124 when responding do the other regions contact SHQ on their regional talkgroups when responding or on Tg. 111 ???
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Reegion 3 use Regional talkgroup. It's not for resource tracking tho, just to acknowledge page and get further details if required.


region one is the only region that does resource tracking with SOCC, and even then there are sturtr and kyeema group who do there own thing...

other regions occasionally go mobile on there regional tg, just as a notification to SOCC that they are responding, but will then immediately return to there local..

just a question to anyone outside R1... what happens if u go mobile and noone is at station, does your resource tracking get recorded somewhere? do you do resource tracking?


QuoteSorry, i should explain.. I know every region has there own, but meant that even if u were in region 5, and keyed in 124, you would still be able to raise them..

The CFS Region One talkgroups will only work in GRN Business Region One (slightly different to the CFS regions). Therefore if you tried to use 124 in CFS Region 5 your radio would display an 'Out of Range' message.

Best bet is to use the Regional talkgroup for the area you are in or State 111 which has Statewide coverage.