SAAS Responding Other Services..

Started by Alan (Big Al), December 02, 2005, 02:26:17 PM

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KISS :-D Gives a shout I'd like to see that :wink:
cheers Numbers
just another retard!


Quote from: chook on February 18, 2008, 06:20:07 AM

For example watched your blokes drag a rather large, elderly gentleman over a centre consol. No medical reason (not going into arrest or anything) just couldn't be bothered waiting for rescue which was less than 5 minutes away (they were informed of this). Couldn't get the RHS Door open (T-Boned).

As I said previously firies (non rescue) trying to open a door with a hooligan, car unstable, possible spinal.

Roof folded down on to a PT's head so far that his airway couldn't be be cleared properly & a Holmatro set that wouldn't start - need I go on!

er yes - perhaps I should have clarified that to note that my comment was in reference to low speed VA's - not the highway work which I rarely every do now! 

I guess I forget that not everyone intrinsically takes into consideration the basic safety which surrounds RCR/extrication!

yes - there will always be some clowns who are too impatient to wait - but again, I forget that there are some who don't intrinsically have any common-sense!


just another retard!


Another thing I thought of was un-inflated airbags, the batteries need to be disconnected and in most cases I think :| SAAS or whoever roll the seat back...does that effect the spinal issues if they're present?. And if your not careful that airbag could launch your head into the victims at 300km/h....and they don't use airbag suppressors anymore because apparently when the airbag detonates with the restraint on it ricochets the steering column into the floor it bounces up and spears you in the head!!!!NICE  :| NOT

I know SAAS are quite capable of disconnecting batteries though they have bigger priorities, but if the patient is not trapped yet has a spinal injury so you can't roll the seat back would you call for further assistance or would they disconnect it themselves? RCR operators how do you go about isolating airbags?


I'm no RCR expert - and had concerns re: non-deployed airbags after attending a highspeed VA in which the airbags HAD NOT deployed. 

I followed it up and was duly informed by a number of various MAJOR Australian motor company technical staff that the airbags are isolated when the ignition is off.

is this the case or not?

either way - my head doesn't ever get between a patient and the steering wheel...........


Yes & No yes the ignition switch isolates the air bag control modules, however the propellant charge is still "live" as is the seat belt pretensioners etc.
Therefore a stray spark may set it off & I did say may!
The current thinking is Keep out off it's deployment path! You are correct - the use of restraint systems for airbags is no longer practiced.
Also madly rushing in & disconnecting batteries is also not encouraged, as modern seat adjustments, windows etc all need electricity to work & if you disconnect the battery you loose that option (reconnection is not encouraged!).
Going forward the modern cars are moving batteries to the rear of the vehicle & it is likely the days of the old 12 volt battery are numbered, due to the increasing technology requiring more power.
The main point is Keep out of the deployment path! Simple.
There is a lot of urban myths about the whole subject, that is why up to date training is a must.
Anyway I hope that helps, I'm sure the more knowledgable of us can add more :wink:

just another retard!


Im hearing there is a bit of a storm brewing ,the horses are getting edgy in the stalls,the dogs are barking incessantly and theres to be talks in high places and where is my dang gone hat,watch this space!

Cheers Jaff
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Also I think there is a full moon :-D
just another retard!

SA Firey

1924962 22:15:48 21-02-08 BE171 Cat2 Bookpurnong Rd, Loxton C145 L3 TRAFFIC SAAS Road Crash Research
1918570 22:15:33 21-02-08 MFS: *CFSRES INC070 21/02/08 22:14,RESPOND Vehicle Accident,BOOKPURNONG RD,LOXTON MAP 0 O 0 TG193,,LOX029 LOX628 MFS Loxton Response
1928012 22:15:22 21-02-08 MFS: *CFSRES INC070 21/02/08 22:14,RESPOND Vehicle Accident,BOOKPURNONG RD,LOXTON MAP 0 O 0 TG193,,LOX029 LOX628 SES East Region
1915540 22:15:20 21-02-08 MFS: *CFSRES INC070 21/02/08 22:14,RESPOND Vehicle Accident,BOOKPURNONG RD,LOXTON MAP 0 O 0 TG193,,LOX029 LOX628 SES Loxton Response

Now thats more like it 8-)
Images are copyright


Good to see the research crew getting turned out...
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...



Quote from: boredmatrix on February 25, 2008, 09:26:34 AM
research is for info only

i think that was numbers point... the berri crew was turned out by radio some time earlier it would seem, that page is just to the road crash info guys.


To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


21:19:20 26-02-08 SR181 Cat2 Blanchetown-swan Reach Rd, Swan Reach TRAFFIC SAAS Swan Reach

Are they going to get CFS or SES on the road tonight or not


just cause it is has traffic or police required doesn't mean that CFS and SES are going to be responded i dont have the scanner on so dont have full details does anybody know what the job is. is it a RCR or is it a motorbike rider off????? 


Quote from: jaff on February 21, 2008, 04:44:39 PM
Im hearing there is a bit of a storm brewing ,the horses are getting edgy in the stalls,the dogs are barking incessantly and theres to be talks in high places and where is my dang gone hat,watch this space!

Cheers Jaff

Well it happened, now for the washup. :evil:
Just Another Filtered Fireman


It was a MVA car not drivable people had now where to go and no way of getting there.


Quote from: jaff on February 01, 2008, 08:25:08 AM
Can anyone explain the time discrepancy for an incident that occurred this morning, ambos responded to car rollover on the Strathalbyn-Meadows  road at0225hrs. CFS and SES were responded to inc no 7 at 0259hrs car rollover Strathalbyn-Meadows road 4kms towards Meadows ,I assume the same incident.
That unless my maths is incorrect is a delay of response time of 34mins.
Question do SAPOL or SAAS carry dry powder fire extinguishers for perhaps using in the unfortunate event of an entrapment with a fire starting and no fire cover on scene.
Question do SAPOL or SAAS as a procedure at an accident scene check that the car involved ignition is turned off and in gear and handbrake applied.

this happens all the time and not even a greivence report seems to do anything
my opinion only


That comment, and this thread, has been stagnent and is over a year old..  FYI ..

SA Firey

I wonder how long before the fire service that was asked by a SAAS crew at 13:52 hrs to be responded will have to wait to be paged almost an hour ago to a fatal at Blackfellows Creek :?  

There's more,22606,25663816-5006301,00.html
Images are copyright


Sounds a bit like one a few weeks ago in our area, SAAS arrive at a car v truck and requested the fire service, no response ever happened though.

SA Firey

Sadly we learnt tonight that the person killed at that job at Yundi was a friend of ours brother  :-(
Images are copyright


Quote from: mattb on June 20, 2009, 04:34:50 PM
Sounds a bit like one a few weeks ago in our area, SAAS arrive at a car v truck and requested the fire service, no response ever happened though.

yeah i heard about that from the crew... requested attendance, but there comms never passed it on


not an unusual occurance. 

SAPOL comms isn't much better tho

still...with everything going on -Adel Fire and their handful of calls a day Vs the volume that SAAS and SAPOL comms deal with on a daily basis could probably go a fair way toward explaining why it happens.  SYSTEMS STATUS MANAGEMENT MY ARSE!


Boredy....defending SAAS Comms? print that and send it

You've chaaaaanged  :evil: