SAAS Responding Other Services..

Started by Alan (Big Al), December 02, 2005, 02:26:17 PM

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Quote from: medevac on December 06, 2005, 02:23:39 PM
rescue brigades aren't always required purely because of presons trapped in cars... 9as strange as that sounds)

Fire AND Rescue should attend every vehicle accident... one shouldn't go without the other. as everyone says, they can always be given a stop call.
I'm talking more in the case of where someone has had a rear ender, they ring police to report it, as the damage is > $500. They tell police that they've had a crash, yes the cars are still on the road, but everyones out, and OK. Police should probably respond SAAS to check up on the occupants, but should they also respond Rescue to that?  I don't think they should.


mmm unfortunately though i think youll find that there arent just the people that over exagerate an incident... but also people that will say "aaaw its not that bad really" when in reality there is a more major issue than immediately becomes obvious


Fair call...
I also heard a rumour that some people (Perhaps the VFBA???) are fighting to be rid of automatic Rescue responses to unknown status incidents... has anyone else heard that?


I don't know why everyone is bothered about call numbers going up and having a whinge because they don't think all accidents are requiring Fire and Rescue...  At the end of the day, what is more important..   A HUMAN life... Or a couple more stop call stats..??

If the RCR directory says that Fire and Rescue should be responded to all MVA's, then quit having a whinge, half of you pipe on about the K codes SOP being followed, well follow this directive,   and lets see it gets done...


I think this discussion is also whether it needs to be done... But I agree with you.. we should follow SOP's and provide the best service we can. :)


havent heard anything about stopping the automatic dispatch of rescue to all VAs... seems to me that would be silly, as it would definitely increase the risk to human life... what happens to the golden hour when you have already spent15-20 minutes confirming rescue is required and getting it on scene? i understanmd you mean to jobs that are reported as no entrapments..... but there just not always obvious... dont forget you can be physically, mechanically or medically trapped.... it might not appear to someone that your pinned... but that doesnnt mean you can move... i have seen a car get completely turned into a convertible to remove someone who was medically trapped, the car had very little damage to it. (could that be one of the instances when a job is put down to being nothing more than a fender bender?)

Alan (Big Al)

On james' point about accidents occuring on the outer fringe of the metro area, these areas are mostly covered by MFS as well as CFS who can have a quick response and also the slower speed limits means a less serious crashes occurr more often, however outside of the metro area probably 90% of the accidents attended to by SAAS would have some kind of spillage or road hazard. Hence why i believe Fire&Rescue should be a dual response with SAAS. And on the topic of callout related funding, mundoo group brigades did approximately 240 calls last year, Victor group did perhaps 80 yet that group gets a lot more funding then ours. Our groups tried to get more funding but have been told that theres nothing more to give. Yet there's groups out there that have got thousand of dollars of equipment just lying around doing nothing because they've got nothing to do with their money. Our group has only got two sets of PBI gold and they're at my brigade, because our group can't afford to buy any more.

Apologies for going off topic :-)
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Interesting list of pager messages below. All services paged very quickly. So it does work properly at times....

1916041 12:06:01 21-12-05 JA81 Cat2 Main Rd, Spalding MULTIPLE HAZARDS

1927064 12:04:03 21-12-05 INFO:SPG: 21 Dec 12:03 SHQ: CFSRES SPALDING CFS & SES RESPOND MVA SPALDING - BURRA RD, 2 KMS EAST OF SPALDING, NEAR 80 K/MH > 21/12/2005 12:03:06

1908531 12:03:53 21-12-05 INFO:SPG: 21 Dec 12:03 SHQ: CFSRES SPALDING CFS & SES RESPOND MVA SPALDING - BURRA RD, 2 KMS EAST OF SPALDING, NEAR 80 K/MH > 21/12/2005 12:03:06

1908526 12:03:44 21-12-05 INFO:SPG: 21 Dec 12:03 SHQ: CFSRES SPALDING CFS & SES RESPOND MVA SPALDING - BURRA RD, 2 KMS EAST OF SPALDING, NEAR 80 K/MH > 21/12/2005 12:03:06

1919216 12:03:24 21-12-05 SHQ: CFSRES SPALDING CFS & SES RESPOND MVA SPALDING - BURRA RD, 2 KMS EAST OF SPALDING, NEAR 80 K/MH > 21/12/2005 12:03:10

1919218 12:03:22 21-12-05 SHQ: CFSRES SPALDING CFS & SES RESPOND MVA SPALDING - BURRA RD, 2 KMS EAST OF SPALDING, NEAR 80 K/MH > 21/12/2005 12:03:10

1928013 12:03:20 21-12-05 SHQ: CFSRES SPALDING CFS & SES RESPOND MVA SPALDING - BURRA RD, 2 KMS EAST OF SPALDING, NEAR 80 K/MH > 21/12/2005 12:03:06

1918233 12:03:16 21-12-05 SHQ: CFSRES SPALDING CFS & SES RESPOND MVA SPALDING - BURRA RD, 2 KMS EAST OF SPALDING, NEAR 80 K/MH > 21/12/2005 12:03:06
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Wrong thread Andy..  This is about SAAS responding other services, by the looks of that (reading from bottom up, as bottom is the first page)  The CFS notified SAAS.

And within 4 or so mins... not 15 or 20.

Alan (Big Al)

minuteso a good job of responding fire/rescue probably 70-80% of the time within a good time frame but quite a few serious accidents of late there can be a deficit of up to 10-15miutes!! If they follow the Road Crash Resource Directory which their service signed like everyone else then it should be happening 99% of the time.

The RCR directory states that if SAPOL or SAAS receive a MVA job outside of the Metropolitan area of Adelaide then fire/rescue must be immediately responded.

80% is good but high 90's would be a lot better. :-)
Lt. Goolwa CFS


heres a good one, mind you its all backwards...:

00:11:31 03-01-06 MFS: RESPOND Vehicle Accident 03/01/06 00:10,SOUTH EASTERN FWY,CRAFERS WEST, MAP 145 C 11 ,,TOWARDS THE MT OSMOND TURNOFF,9019*CFSRES:
00:11:29 03-01-06 MFS: RESPOND Vehicle Accident 03/01/06 00:10,SOUTH EASTERN FWY,CRAFERS WEST, MAP 145 C 11 ,,TOWARDS THE MT OSMOND TURNOFF,9019*CFSRES:
00:08:29 03-01-06 TEST PAGE
00:08:14 03-01-06 MB181 Cat2 Adelaide-crafers Hwy, Leawood Gardens 131 J12 MULTIPLE HAZARDS
00:06:40 03-01-06 MT171 Cat2 Heysen Tunnels Adelaide-crafers Hwy, Leawood Gardens 131 J12
00:05:50 03-01-06 MT171 Case cancelled - crew now not required
00:04:57 03-01-06 MT171 Cat2 Heysen Tunnels Adelaide-crafers Hwy, Leawood Gardens 131 J12


slightly better one...:

23:52:39 02-01-06 MFS: RESPOND RCR 02/01/06 23:51,PRINCES HWY,NAIRNE, MAP 174 H 3 ,,SOUTH OF BLACKISTON TURNOFF,1279 1298*CFSRES:
23:52:37 02-01-06 MFS: RESPOND RCR 02/01/06 23:51,PRINCES HWY,NAIRNE, MAP 174 H 3 ,,SOUTH OF BLACKISTON TURNOFF,1279 1298*CFSRES:
23:52:31 02-01-06 SHQ: CALL OUT BY THE WAY > 2/01/2006 23:52:21
23:52:25 02-01-06 MFS: RESPOND RCR 02/01/06 23:51,PRINCES HWY,NAIRNE, MAP 174 H 3 ,,SOUTH OF BLACKISTON TURNOFF,1279 1298*CFSRES:
23:52:24 02-01-06 MFS: RESPOND RCR 02/01/06 23:51,PRINCES HWY,NAIRNE, MAP 174 H 3 ,,SOUTH OF BLACKISTON TURNOFF,1279 1298*CFSRES:
23:51:57 02-01-06 W181 Cat2 Princes Hwy, Littlehampton 161 C14
23:51:48 02-01-06 SHQ: WAKE UP CFSRES > 2/01/2006 23:51:39
23:51:20 02-01-06 S181 Cat2 Princes Hwy, Littlehampton 161 C14

Alan (Big Al)

Was at a job when Stirling came up on air for the MVA, by the time we got back to the station and turned the scaneer on they had arrived and it sounded slightly serious?? Curious as to why SAAS cancelled the job and then recalled themselves??
Lt. Goolwa CFS


They responded them again, almost half an hour later: :?
00:28:05  03-01-06  CT174 Cat2 Adelaide-crafers Hwy, Leawood Gardens 131 J12 MULTIPLE HAZARDS

FYI, MVA wasn't all that serious...  Your standard rollover at 200km/h.. the driver's injuries weren't life threatening... (To my current knowledge at this time etc etc)


Quote from: medevac on January 02, 2006, 10:49:15 PM

23:51:48 02-01-06 SHQ: WAKE UP CFSRES > 2/01/2006 23:51:39

Wonder what prompted that message???

Alan (Big Al)

Quote from: CFS_firey on January 03, 2006, 12:34:46 AM
They responded them again, almost half an hour later: :?
00:28:05  03-01-06  CT174 Cat2 Adelaide-crafers Hwy, Leawood Gardens 131 J12 MULTIPLE HAZARDS

FYI, MVA wasn't all that serious...  Your standard rollover at 200km/h.. the driver's injuries weren't life threatening... (To my current knowledge at this time etc etc)

Off thread but here's a good one for you! At a job on Xmas day when called to a MVA rollover in the Goolwa beach carpark and warned to expect entrapments as was a high speed crash. When we arrived we were first on scene and found a car half crushed, expecting the worse was told the driver had run off. We found the driver who turned out to be a 14y.o drunk girl who admitted rolling the stolen car at nearly 200kph and did not have one single scratch on her, I've seen some good escapes before but that one just tops the lot.
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Thats scary..... 14yo drunk and driving toward a carpark at high speed???

what the????


Thats The Problem It Happen's & They Think They Can Handle The High Speed & The Booze.

Too Be Young And Stupid.


Quote from: Mike on January 03, 2006, 06:32:06 AM
Quote from: medevac on January 02, 2006, 10:49:15 PM

23:51:48 02-01-06 SHQ: WAKE UP CFSRES > 2/01/2006 23:51:39

Wonder what prompted that message???

guessing someone had to wake up???


hehe... yeah.... I reckon that would be a fair call! lol

Alan (Big Al)

Had another first hand look at SAAS' poor response of other services this morning. SAAS was responded at 0727 to an MVA on hindmarsh island we were responded at 0747. On arrival the accident looked minor however the occupant suffered neck and spinal injuries and we were required to do a forward roof roll to extracate them. :x

Would it be worth complaining to SAAS or the RCR comittee?? Any Views??
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Try referring it through the Region to the committee and see how you go.

I'd be very interested to hear!
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.

Alan (Big Al)

Lt. Goolwa CFS


Quote from: mundcfs on January 11, 2006, 04:27:18 PM
Had another first hand look at SAAS' poor response of other services this morning. SAAS was responded at 0727 to an MVA on hindmarsh island we were responded at 0747. On arrival the accident looked minor however the occupant suffered neck and spinal injuries and we were required to do a forward roof roll to extracate them. :x

Would it be worth complaining to SAAS or the RCR comittee?? Any Views??

I did notice that one after SAAS sent an extra page to someone stating that their crew was at a prolonged extrication.

oz fire

mundcfs - try using the issues form from the SOP's - at least that gives you the field sto fill in - takes a bit of time the first time, but we have found it worth it as people can't dispute whats been written  :-P
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.