SAAS Responding Other Services..

Started by Alan (Big Al), December 02, 2005, 02:26:17 PM

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Quote from: Faux Pas on February 05, 2008, 01:42:11 PM
Quote from: Crownie24 on February 05, 2008, 01:20:03 PM
I understand what he's saying but I hope to god he doesn't use his own judgment on deciding who would be better of dead...
In addition my house doesn't/won't catch on fire....

Wow big attitude there!

I think that you are pretty harsh even suggesting that he would use his own judgement to decide who is better off dead, i don't think any person in that position would do anything of the sort. I don't think that you quite got the point that he was trying to make!

Yep ok your right, I have no clue.... back on subject....

Faux Pas

I'm not having a go saying you don't know what you are talking about i just think that the comment you made was very unjust! Just my opinion is all, not right or wrong!

Question for other vollies with CFS or with SAAS who are out in the country.

What are relations like between the two services when they are on scene together at a job like a MVA etc? Do the services get along well and work together or do they not?
Well that's even more than less than unhelpful.


QuoteNot sure what you mean by SLA? As in do we have Standard Operating Procedures for who else to call?

He would be meaning a Service Level Agreement.  A set of Minimum tasks to be met as part of running a effective comcen.  the SLA for MFS comcen has taken a long time to be met.  (The MFS comcen SLA is a GREAT read).


Depends the crew I have worked with in Barmera are excellent, some I have worked with in my new area not as brilliant.
There can be an attitude of superiority from some, others are great!
Doesn't so much depend on the service they are in, its more to do with the individual.
Have struck the same with SAMFS, CFS & dare I say it other SES crews! :-(
Its filtered annoying when the persons involved haven't even finished their probation yet & are running around like King filtered!
However back on subject as I said depends on the individual & the situation their in.
just another retard!


Quote from: 6739264 on February 05, 2008, 01:02:03 PM
Quote from: Crownie24 on February 05, 2008, 12:01:18 PM
filtered and your an ambulance officer.....well i'm going to refuse if I get one with that attitude....

Because the fact that boredmatrix understands that life as a vegetable isn't life, it is merely an existence, is really going to impact upon how he treats his patients.

Just like the fact I believe in the fundamentals of communism, am pro-choice, support homosexual marriages and do not believe in a god really impacts the way that I extinguish your burning house.


Took me a while 6739264 to figure out where you were going with your quote but I think I've got it!

The fundamentals of communism - You use a state owned appliance.
Your pro-choice - You decide if you go to extinguish his burning house.
You support homosexual marriages - You think that BSP fitting are mighty fine  but, WAYJAX fittings are also good
You dont beleive in god - God does'nt save burning houses , but we can.

Yeah I think I get Ya!! :-D

Cheers Jaff
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Quote from: 6739264 on February 05, 2008, 01:02:03 PM

Because the fact that boredmatrix understands that life as a vegetable isn't life, it is merely an existence, is really going to impact upon how he treats his patients.

thank you 6739264 - I was beginning to wonder if there was in fact any intelligent beings who posted on this forum!

i highly doubt that you will find any paramedic who will not do everything they can in order to attempt a save - but at the end of the day - there is sometimes nothing you can do but watch someone take their last breath through their bloodied and mangled face and completely flaccid chest wall while their bilateral compounded femur fractures literally pour blood on the ground and whats left of the brain in their head through the open skull fracture stops pulsating! I don't think there will be one coroner in the country who would roast you for that!

are the ignorant ones amoungst us getting the picture yet??


Quote from: boredmatrix on February 05, 2008, 10:42:43 PM
Quote from: 6739264 on February 05, 2008, 01:02:03 PM

Because the fact that boredmatrix understands that life as a vegetable isn't life, it is merely an existence, is really going to impact upon how he treats his patients.

i highly doubt that you will find any paramedic who will not do everything they can in order to attempt a save - but at the end of the day - there is sometimes nothing you can do but watch someone take their last breath through their bloodied and mangled face and completely flaccid chest wall while their bilateral compounded femur fractures literally pour blood on the ground and whats left of the brain in their head through the open skull fracture stops pulsating! I don't think there will be one coroner in the country who would roast you for that!

are the ignorant ones amoungst us getting the picture yet??
Im hearing ya.

Quote from: Faux Pas on February 05, 2008, 02:08:16 PM
Question for other vollies with CFS or with SAAS who are out in the country.

What are relations like between the two services when they are on scene together at a job like a MVA etc? Do the services get along well and work together or do they not?

The services up here get along really well, everyone understands each others job well and most people know each other on a personal level. It also hepls that we are always working with just local guys, being so far from extra help, it makes you click better when its the same gang.
Roxby Downs CFS
Lt 2


I think we all got the picture - been on jobs just like you described. And helped your guys try and keep the persons going. And watched while the discussion was made whether to keep going or not. Sometimes yes sometimes no, and these individuals all significantly contributed to their own demise.
I have got very angry at some jobs where the individual concerned decided to wrap themselves around a tree, drying rack etc - one job even ruined that years Christmas!
Remember we are the ones who "baby sit" the body for hours on end & still have to cut them out when just about everyone else has gone home!.
But that has very little to do with the topic, it was in fact a nice(?) deflection from the subject.
Its of absolutely of no consequence whether you are prochoice, believe in a superior being or whatever; at the end of the day we provide a service & the public rightly or wrongly expects that service 7 days a week 365 days a year. So responding the appropriate resources in a timely manner is a requirement of the service & needs to happen! It doesn't matter who or what the road block is, it just needs to be fixed - How? Don't know. But up here the local SAPOL guys ring Adelaide fire to ensure all resources have been responded.
And I agree personally I wouldn't want to be a "veg" & don't think any professional including yourself would ever let personal feelings cloud their judgement (I wanted to punch the guy wrapped around the tree for example:-(), however just because our opinions are different to yours Boardmatrix, but that doesn't make us less intelligent!
Cheers and have an error free day :wink:
just another retard!


Anyone know the details of inc no 011 page for mclaren flat to a MVA at 0640hrs pennys hill rd this morning.?
Was this the same job that SAAS were paged to at 0611hrs mva pennys hill rd this morning.?
Was there fire cover in place.?

Cheers Jaff
Just Another Filtered Fireman


put in a notification of issue and ye shall find (my group does one for every such occurance in our area).


Not my area Darius,just curious and highlighting ,though I certainly agree every such occurence needs to be followed up.

Cheers Jaff
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Quote from: jaff on February 06, 2008, 11:48:52 AM
Not my area Darius

Cheers Jaff

then who honestly cares... not having a go directly at you Jaff (or at least not meaning to be rude) but this sort of thing seems to be a huge problem on this forum... people comment & whinge about things that dont affect them in the slightest.


Quote from: mack on February 06, 2008, 12:09:21 PM
then who honestly cares... not having a go directly at you Jaff (or at least not meaning to be rude) but this sort of thing seems to be a huge problem on this forum... people comment & whinge about things that dont affect them in the slightest.

Don't say that too loud... otherwise these boards wont have anything posted on them.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Quote from: mack on February 06, 2008, 12:09:21 PM
Quote from: jaff on February 06, 2008, 11:48:52 AM
Not my area Darius

Cheers Jaff

then who honestly cares... not having a go directly at you Jaff (or at least not meaning to be rude) but this sort of thing seems to be a huge problem on this forum... people comment & whinge about things that dont affect them in the slightest.
No offence taken Mack - Your right this particular incident did not affect me ,neither has one of my family been injured by a serial drink driver who continues to plays russian roulette with other peoples safety ,but it would certainly concern me if this continued to happen, and no one questioned it.
If you look at my previous posts on this issue ,Ive been consistent in my concerns and asking the question WHY? As has been said also by many others there can be compounding and mitigating circumstances that cause some delays, accepted ,but that should not stop any of us asking the questions.
I also intend no offence with my comments and questions and if any one has offended that was not my intent.

Cheers Jaff
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Quote from: mack on February 06, 2008, 12:09:21 PM
Quote from: jaff on February 06, 2008, 11:48:52 AM
Not my area Darius

Cheers Jaff

then who honestly cares... not having a go directly at you Jaff (or at least not meaning to be rude) but this sort of thing seems to be a huge problem on this forum... people comment & whinge about things that dont affect them in the slightest.

Claps!.. - But mack, those that have nothing better to do but stare at the pager site all day would go troppo!


Quote from: Darius on February 06, 2008, 11:44:49 AM
put in a notification of issue and ye shall find (my group does one for every such occurance in our area).

I thought the law stated that it is illegal to act on the information found on a scanner/over the air, or am I mistaken....I'd be careful because some prick lawyer could turn it around and lock you up for breaking the law...our legal system is good like that :|


Quote from: jaff on February 06, 2008, 12:47:45 PM
If you look at my previous posts on this issue ,Ive been consistent in my concerns and asking the question WHY? As has been said also by many others there can be compounding and mitigating circumstances that cause some delays, accepted ,but that should not stop any of us asking the questions.
I also intend no offence with my comments and questions and if any one has offended that was not my intent.

Cheers Jaff

i understand that, just saying it... as this thread has gone round in circles for the past 20 pages.... what with Chook posting every incident his unit goes too, every CFS person blaming SAAS comms, and what not....

no offence to anyone... but i think everyone knows theres an issue, and everyone has said many times.. just fill out the forms, dont spam the forum anymore..

ahhh my rant/spam message done.


Mack, checked the last 10 pages of posts - slight exaggeration.
Not sure why I'm single out - anyway care factor zero.
Yes basically everyone agrees there is an issue around 50% also believe that going through the grievance system does not work.
So ok no more filtered about this particular issue - cool.
As we all know there is plenty of other ways to skin a cat :wink:
just another retard!


just an example, as we seem to hear about every riverland job.

no offence meant.


just another retard!

Faux Pas

Oh I know if the grievance system doesn't work why doesn't everyone go to the media!!  :-o

Oh wait no that's already happened and hey look things are still the same. Did anyone ever stop to think why? Probably because the CFS not being called can be justified.

Now this will, I am sure, see me cop an ear bashing from 90% of the forum but I will say it anyway. Consider that CFS was sent to all MVA's, including every little fender bender in the state, now not only does this tie up an emergency service that might be required elsewhere but it would also put increased pressure on all the comcens and waste a lot of time and money that could be used elsewhere. On the other side of the scale, how many times have you been to a MVA where the vehicle catches fire after a service has arrived on scene??? If there is no real threat of fire, no need for spill clean up and there is no need for rescue or assistance with first aid then why is there a need for CFS to be out there. This is why there are times that CFS are called way after the fact because SAAS don't need a bunch of vollies getting in their way while they do their job.

Having come from a reasonably busy brigade you get sick of responding to nothing MVA's it is a waste of volunteers time. I think that most of the problem is that people are just sticky beaks and want to get their call rates up! Just my opinion.
Well that's even more than less than unhelpful.


Faux Pas - love your work!!  I'm one who won't be bashing you for saying it!

I know the scenario you're talking about - metro paramedics do it ALL the time!  It;s actually a refreshing change to rock up to a VA and actually have to do something!

i think the point that most forget is this;

1)how much $$ does it cost to turn one appliance out?

2)multiply this figure by the number of numpty VA's you attend in a year (at say -Salisbury for example)

<insert total dollar figure here>

now - insert that equated dollar figure back into third party insurance payouts figures for a year.

finally - sit back and get ready to complain when your car rego goes up by twice the rate of CPI next year.

yes - I know volunteers aren't paid, but it still costs just more than your time to turn out to every single VA!!


Quote from: Faux Pas on February 06, 2008, 06:07:03 PM
Oh I know if the grievance system doesn't work why doesn't everyone go to the media!!  :-o

Oh wait no that's already happened and hey look things are still the same. Did anyone ever stop to think why? Probably because the CFS not being called can be justified.

I think that most of the problem is that people are just sticky beaks and want to get their call rates up! Just my opinion.

Now, I'm sure that if we look at every grievance based around "We didn't get called" 95% of them will be based on the fact that a brigade has heard about a decent or interesting job *kinda* within their area, or that because of Hazmat/Rescue they should (according to them) have been there.

There are a few issues that need fixing - Yes, I totally agree and have been on both sides of the fence when it comes to not being called and not calling others.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...

Faux Pas

Wow i am i was waiting to get an ear bashing and i actually got support...Thank you gentleman!

Yes there are some issues but at the end of the day like i have said before it is usually as a result of human error along the way and it is usually not a deliberate act against the other agency...there is no harm trying to get things right 100% of the time but i can tell you now you are never going to have a 100% success rate at anything in life..and goodluck if you do, maybe you should go buy a lotto ticket  :-D
Well that's even more than less than unhelpful.


This not an ear-bashing, i'm just trying to get you to see my/our point of view.

Well theres no risk of being tied up, all it means is we're going until SAAS get there assess the situation and stop call fire/rescue. That eliminates being tied up.
The main idea behind this is that if fire/rescue are required it allows us to get there faster because the time delay of responding to the station has been eliminated. And furthermore if it is a fender bender then SAAS aren't going to attend and I'm sure the operator will only call the police. I don't understand why it seems like such a crazy idea to call for fire/rescue to all NON-FENDER BENDER VA's, the METS goto just about all in the metro area they disconnect the batteries and clean up the glass/oil and fuel.
It is not about the number of calls, and it isn't about the money being spent its about safety.

FAUX PAS you've manage to name every situation where SAAS would have put a stop call, it comes down to my main point it removes the delay. SAAS members should be able to appreciate this because when you arrive on scene if you need fire/rescue you currently say "will require ses/cfs on scene" and then you wait, in place you say "we don't require ses/cfs on scene" if you don't, that takes a whole 5 seconds on your portable and in the event you do need them you don't say anything and their on their way. Right behind you.. Brilliant where here to help...

Because I'd rather be stop called than dead!