As an aside guys, I took one of the calls to SAAS for the Manoora VA, and while I was still on the phone to the original caller, another person was notifying SAPOL and MFS/CFS/SES, so there was certainly no delay from us telling everyone else about it. This is standard procedure for all country VA's, any shortfalls in this is an individual Call Taker problem, but everyone I work with is well aware of it.
Rule of thumb I use is if it's country, everyone comes out to play, no matter how minor it may seem.
As for who was tasked, I couldn't say anything as I wasn't involved in that side of it.
Oh, and the MULTIPLE HAZARDS on pages automatically comes up when we select more than one hazard (be it Traffic, Spillage, Animals, or Police Required) - this quite often happens at VA's as the CAD sometimes adds Police Required, so as soon as we add Traffic as a hazard, it'll go to Multiple Hazards.