SAAS Responding Other Services..

Started by Alan (Big Al), December 02, 2005, 02:26:17 PM

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SA Firey

18:04:56 25-01-08 MFS: MFS *CFSRES INC065 25/01/08 18:04,RESPOND RCR,MAIN NORTH RD,TARLEE MAP 0 0 0 TG097, DETAILS FROM TARLEE - NEAR GILES CNR,RIVN19 TARL00 CFS Riverton Response

Long way from a Dirt Rd at Owen :-o
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Long way from a Dirt Rd at Owen

depends on if it was on main north rd or giles cnr rd

how ever it is along way for balaklava to come and the closest saas crew that day were kapunda who had already left for a pick up in adelaide.

it is compulsory for all ses members to do Fisrt aid RCR unit or not   


Slight correct - all Rescue members but yes you are right not just RCR.
Thanks for the info though - didn't know where Owen was :oops:
just another retard!


the job was at giles corner which is ten mins north of tarlee not even close to owen


1916042   12:02:17   30-01-08   KA81 Cat2 Russell St, Kadina C124 L10 SAAS Kadina

1907895   12:13:54   30-01-08   MFS: MFS *CFSRES INC020 30/01/08 12:13,RESPOND RCR,RUSSELL ST,KADINA MAP 0 0 0 TG194,2 CAR MVA NEAR YOUNG STREET,KDNA19 KAD661 CFS Kadina Response
Snr 2
Seaford CFS (Mawson Group)



ten mins isnt to bad least it wasnt 45 like we get some times


If it was one of my kids trapped in a car, 10 seconds is too long ,the time discrepancy should be logged and a issues register form should be filled in.
Its amazing that SAAS would respond their crews into an seemingly unknown situation ,where do their duty of care responsibilities towards their own people lie!!

Cheers Jaff
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Maybe SAAS got the call from Police Jaff??.. - In which case it would not be their duty to respond fire service as they were not the primary call taking agency..

-I don't mind reading people bring up what they believe to be "issues".. But make sure you *can* back it with facts.


there could have been a delay at any point of call taking and dispatching, there are so many delays between all services the other day adelaide fire sent one pump to a car fire 15mins latter CFS requested MFS to help. 15 mins latter i get a call from police  re the car fire and ses required for a possible VA near by. SAPOL didnt have all the info these things happen, grow from the mistakes made deal with it there and then. then move on no point getting stuck on the past it wont help you at the next job if your still annoyed about the last one.  cheers  :-) :-) :-) :-) 


Quote from: jaff on January 30, 2008, 01:12:56 PM
If it was one of my kids trapped in a car, 10 seconds is too long ,the time discrepancy should be logged and a issues register form should be filled in.
Its amazing that SAAS would respond their crews into an seemingly unknown situation ,where do their duty of care responsibilities towards their own people lie!!

Cheers Jaff

I don't know what you think of ambo's and paramedics Jaff - but give them a little credit for having some brains to think for themselves and their own safety at the very least! yes - I know...there are some idiots out there who throw it out the window in the heat of the moment - but so too is there a clown in every circus.......

to further compound your question - isn't every case that any of us attend a "seemingly unknown" situation?


They need like a state-wide database like CRIIMSON where the emergency call taking center gets a call from a member of the public for a VA instantly they respond SAAS, SAPOL, CFS and or SES, to the incident and they can see that in this database that they have been responded, instead of going oh well we got the call from SAPOL we just assumed they'd call the CFS or whatever the case may be. SAAS do a great job thats true I dont think anyone doubts that but the time delay is completely unacceptable in this modern day and age. If CFS/SES/SAPOL/SAAS isn't needed then that will come later but everyone should be responding until proven otherwise. The delay can be the difference between life and death, fire and no-fire. Currently a response goes like this (all is fictional):

12:55 MA81 Cat 2, Dirt Rd, Mallala, POLICE REQUIRED
13:00 MA81 crew required for urgent case - contact comms
13:05 MA81 greg, fred will pick you at house
13:15 'Arrived on scene request FIRE,RESCUE fire is involved
13:30 'Truck turns out full crew (if lucky)
13:40 'Arrives on scene well involved......

Yes the fire is an over exaggeration but they need to assume the worst until notified otherwise. Around 45+- minutes later a truck arrives all because they were not responded with the initial page it takes what 15 minutes to get a crew in a non urban fringe brigade. I mean its just craziness and if some blood sucking journalist knew this they would have a field day. But what can we do nothing unless we stare non stop at a pager site and respond to every lone cat 2 that floats up you know like ??81/181 Cat 2, Main Rd, RandomTown. I remember not that long ago there was a horrific crash near Blanchetown that resulted in fire and entrapments. I came home from school one day had a quick glance at the pager site saw a call for an ambulance going somewhere locally sure enuff a VA comes across delayed. It took 30 minutes for an ambulance to rock up to a CAT1.

This really is a serious issue!


Yes I agree Boredmatrix every situation is a "seemingly unknown situation" when your responding as a first responder, so we bang on about make sure you all wear correct PPE and the like to give yourselves the best possible chance of getting the job done whilst minimising the risks. Wouldn't fire cover or entrapment stabilisation almost be an extension of PPE procedures for people without the adequate equipment to deal with those situations ,SAAS crews would not start treating a bleeding victim without donning latex gloves as a barrier, correct PPE procedures!!
So maybe despatch as part of there role in minimising the risk to the crews that they send ,whether it be SAAS or SAPOL who takes the call, should automatically send the complimentary services.
There have been various cases talked about on these posts over the last few months, were we have all been perplexed over "dispatch" irregularities and as
Rescuehazmat has pointed out to me, maybe without the hard facts,these are not for us to determine, put an issues register in, if you feel you have been affected and let the proper people deal withit.
As far as what I think of ambo's and paramedics ,in my dealing with them over 20 odd years ,they have never been anything but consumate professionals, who can sometimes be put into a difficult position .

Cheers Jaff
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Quote from: Crownie24 on January 25, 2008, 04:39:47 PM
.........I don't fully understand the CAD system, will this be resolved when its fully implemented?

I understand, that when SACAD (SA Computer Aided Dispatch)is implemented then SAAS, SES, CFS and MFS will be using the same database system based on maps. Some information can be found at
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Can anyone explain the time discrepancy for an incident that occurred this morning, ambos responded to car rollover on the Strathalbyn-Meadows  road at0225hrs. CFS and SES were responded to inc no 7 at 0259hrs car rollover Strathalbyn-Meadows road 4kms towards Meadows ,I assume the same incident.
That unless my maths is incorrect is a delay of response time of 34mins.
Question do SAPOL or SAAS carry dry powder fire extinguishers for perhaps using in the unfortunate event of an entrapment with a fire starting and no fire cover on scene.
Question do SAPOL or SAAS as a procedure at an accident scene check that the car involved ignition is turned off and in gear and handbrake applied.

Cheers Jaff
Just Another Filtered Fireman


All police and SAAS have dry chems,but only 2kg max one would hope that the brigade would find out why it took sooo long for them to be paged...


Quote from: jaff on February 01, 2008, 08:25:08 AM
Can anyone explain the time discrepancy for an incident that occurred this morning, ambos responded to car rollover on the Strathalbyn-Meadows  road at0225hrs. CFS and SES were responded to inc no 7 at 0259hrs car rollover Strathalbyn-Meadows road 4kms towards Meadows ,I assume the same incident.
That unless my maths is incorrect is a delay of response time of 34mins.
Question do SAPOL or SAAS carry dry powder fire extinguishers for perhaps using in the unfortunate event of an entrapment with a fire starting and no fire cover on scene.
Question do SAPOL or SAAS as a procedure at an accident scene check that the car involved ignition is turned off and in gear and handbrake applied.

Cheers Jaff

up to the brigade effected by the incident to lodge a greivance form...


1924063   19:13:23 01-02-08 S181 Cat2 O/s 18 Hawk Hill Rd, Crafers West 144 K5 SAAS: Stirling
1908998   19:34:53 01-02-08 MFS: *CFSRES INC068 01/02/08 19:34,RESPOND RCR,18 HAWK HILL RD,CRAFERS WEST MAP 144 K 5 TG136,CAR VS TREE AND ROAD SIGNS,STRL19 ALDG00 CFS: Stirling

More the of same, 21 minutes this time.....


There have been a number of MVA'S today where SAAS where paged first and then some 20 to up 35 mins later fire service was call the job was 45kms from kimba what did they do get half way there then said paged ses/cfs.....



Seems to come in cycles :-(
As said previously - grievance forms are the only way to officially deal with this.
just another retard!


Not everyone is that politically vested in this kind of thing!

And its not like an individual occurrence, it happens in something like 70% of all accidents, it shouldn't have to be up to the volunteers to take more of their time out to complain about this states issues....

In addition most brigades don't monitor pager scanners so theres no way of them knowing what time the ambulance was paged!


Yep agree, however what else do you do?
just another retard!


You can't do anything, thats why the system is completely filtered!!!


just another retard!


Are there any SAAS personnel that participate in posts on this website that feel that these highlighted incidents are a concern?
Unfortunately these discrepancies will no doubt one day have a very public tragedy and it shouldn't be the onus of complimentary services to police other services,but at the moment that seems to be the case.
In this computer aided time that we all dedicate our volunteer time, to doing the best we can to serve the public (our clients),it shouldn't be to much to expect that ALL services CFS ,SES and MFS included refine their callout systems/procedures to a consistent acceptable standard.

Cheers Jaff
Just Another Filtered Fireman