SAAS Responding Other Services..

Started by Alan (Big Al), December 02, 2005, 02:26:17 PM

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Alan (Big Al)

 1908893 12:41:16 14-04-07 SHQ: CFSRES GOOLWA RESPOND MVA CROCKER ST AND LOVEDAY ST,GOOLWA - SPILL ONLY > 14/04/2007 12:41:05 PM

1916081 12:24:31 14-04-07 V81 Cat2 Int Crocker St, Goolwa 307 N5

Better late than never i guess :| :roll:
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Quote from: jasec on April 04, 2007, 04:13:38 PM
Thats a fair point, it seems that since SAAS have merged all there regional comms rooms, ie Far North, Sth East into a central comms area in the city this situation has become worse. I know that when the comms at Pt Aug was moved to the city we dont get called to back up the Roxby SAAS vollies to Cat 1 & 2 jobs any more.

I dont think thats the case at all..  (RE: Comms in the city).. If this used to happen, and no longer does, maybe try find out why.. I don't believe it would be souly due to the fact that the COMCEN was moved to town.


Quote from: RescueHazmat link=quote author=jasectopic=325.msg26572#msg26572 date=1176532036

I dont think thats the case at all..  (RE: Comms in the city).. If this used to happen, and no longer does, maybe try find out why.. I don't believe it would be souly due to the fact that the COMCEN was moved to town.

I was just giving my view to what may have happened and a possible reason for it. If you are really that concerned about it ring SAAS comms yourself and ask them why its happening.
Roxby Downs CFS
Lt 2


Im not concerned mate, but by the looks of your post you were..
QuoteThats a fair point, it seems that since SAAS have merged all there regional comms rooms, ie Far North, Sth East into a central comms area in the city this situation has become worse. I know that when the comms at Pt Aug was moved to the city we dont get called to back up the Roxby SAAS vollies to Cat 1 & 2 jobs any more

Your stating the situation has become worse because the comcen's moved into Town... - Which I believe is incorrect.  Thats MY point of view.. Im not concerned, not worried in the slightest.. Just arguing a point.. Why would I need to ring SAAS comms and ask them?? Your the one stating what you think is a problem..     :roll:


You need to relax dude, everything you post is so serious or argumentative, you seem to be a smart guy, use some of those smarts in a humerous way.  :wink:
Roxby Downs CFS
Lt 2


My apologies if I come across as argumentative.. I like nothing more than a healthy debate, however people have to realise if they want to give it, they have to take it..!


Do we need a thread.. "Agencies responding other services" ??  :-P

1916074 07:24:50 16-04-07 MU71 Cat2 South Eastern Fwy, Murray Bridge 349 B16



Alan (Big Al)

maybe whowever called it in was told by the occupants they didn't want an ambulance????? Then as usual the shock wears off and they suddenly need one???

However i do agree it goes both ways.
Lt. Goolwa CFS


I believe that this will be rectified WHEN sacad is on line and all relevant services have had there input into this system, it is now down to brigades units and services to come on line and do their response plan as was requested to be done or in the process of being done to come in line at a very short time. I believe that SACAD will start to be used very soon. I know from 2 agencies of which I belong to that their is still some internal disagreement of who will respond and how! if not solved locally it will be escalated further up the line.
Units, brigades and divisions had better talk to their Captains,controllers superintendents etc, to have input. 
my opinion only and may not be relevant to the current topic but will cover most of recent topics

Alan (Big Al)

1924962 11:57:54 24-05-07 V81 Cat2 Goolwa-mt Compass Rd, Currency Creek


Hmmm... seems to be happening a lot to us lately however this was SaPol this time, i spoke to the officer on scene and when he got the job over the radio he requestes CFS and SAAS be called and only SAAS got called :oops:

On a happier note here is a pic of the officer ripping shreds off a truckie for failing to stop on order was quite funny at the time  :-D
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Quote from: Mundcfs on May 24, 2007, 03:38:08 PM
On a happier note here is a pic of the officer ripping shreds off a truckie for failing to stop on order was quite funny at the time  :-D

always a funny sight al!

Alan (Big Al)

1916107 15:18:42 08-07-07 YO81 Cat2 47 Gulf View Rd, Stansbury C253 D10

1919117 15:47:42 08-07-07 MFS: DAILY INC. NO. 36 - 08/07/07 15:47,RESPOND Assist SAAS,47 GULF VIEW RD,STANSBURY, MAP 0 0 0 ,,HELICOPTER LANDING AT STANSBURY OVAL & ASSIST TO MVA SCENE,29824 29919*CFSRES:

Better late then never!!!!  :-(

Lt. Goolwa CFS

Alan (Big Al)

1924063 10:51:09 30-07-07 S81 Cat2 Battunga Rd, Meadows 202 F11

1916071 10:50:43 30-07-07 MW81 Cat2 Battunga Rd, Meadows 202 F11

1924962 10:55:09 30-07-07 HM4 Cat2 Battunga Rd, Meadows 202 F11


1916941 11:14:46 30-07-07 1of2:Morning, FYI - Primary response to vehicle accident at Meadows. Ken Hutchinson is on scene as are Meadows and Stirling. Believe 1 pt trapped and another
1916941 11:14:50 30-07-07 2of2:self extracted. Thank you Jade

1908904 11:15:30 30-07-07 MFS: DAILY INC. NO. 22 - 30/07/07 11:15,RESPOND RCR,BATTUNGA RD,MEADOWS, MAP 202 F 11 ,,ASSIST MEADOWS WITH CONFIMED ENTRAPMENT. TG 128,1279*CFSRES:
1908909 11:21:01 30-07-07 MFS: DAILY INC. NO. 22 - 30/07/07 11:21,RESPOND Vehicle Accident,BATTUNGA RD,MEADOWS, MAP 202 F 11 ,,ASSIST ECHUNGA AND MEADOWS, TG 128,1248*CFSRES:

Perhaps while someone was whinging to the news about CRD they should've mentioned this rubbish too. :|

Would be keen to hear what the minister says about it :evil:

Lt. Goolwa CFS


16:13:05 30-07-07 Mdws Info: Tonight''s GRN Training is cancelled (no cheering allowed!). Instead we are having a debrief of today''s RCR. We will have guests, so behave! <name> <mobile #>

Interesting given the Meadows ambulance sits in the Meadows CFS shed.
Hopefully the debrief will bring the issues to all so they can be resolved appropriately.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Quote from: Mundcfs on July 30, 2007, 03:38:02 PM
1924063 10:51:09 30-07-07 S81 Cat2 Battunga Rd, Meadows 202 F11

1916071 10:50:43 30-07-07 MW81 Cat2 Battunga Rd, Meadows 202 F11

1924962 10:55:09 30-07-07 HM4 Cat2 Battunga Rd, Meadows 202 F11


1916941 11:14:46 30-07-07 1of2:Morning, FYI - Primary response to vehicle accident at Meadows. Ken Hutchinson is on scene as are Meadows and Stirling. Believe 1 pt trapped and another
1916941 11:14:50 30-07-07 2of2:self extracted. Thank you Jade

1908904 11:15:30 30-07-07 MFS: DAILY INC. NO. 22 - 30/07/07 11:15,RESPOND RCR,BATTUNGA RD,MEADOWS, MAP 202 F 11 ,,ASSIST MEADOWS WITH CONFIMED ENTRAPMENT. TG 128,1279*CFSRES:
1908909 11:21:01 30-07-07 MFS: DAILY INC. NO. 22 - 30/07/07 11:21,RESPOND Vehicle Accident,BATTUNGA RD,MEADOWS, MAP 202 F 11 ,,ASSIST ECHUNGA AND MEADOWS, TG 128,1248*CFSRES:

Perhaps while someone was whinging to the news about CRD they should've mentioned this rubbish too. :|

Would be keen to hear what the minister says about it :evil:

Whats the rubbish mate? - If you could just clarify your statement.

Who was the agency notified first of the call? .. Do you know.have the times for when each agency received notification in comparison to the time the call was received? .. Do you know what details were given upon receipt of the call? .. - If you could answer those for me in clarification of your statement of the dispatch being rubbish, then I may be able to comment on the matter. - But at the moment I can't, because I don't know the facts, and im not just going to go off the pager website.   :-)

Red Truck Wonderland

Whats the rubbish mate? - If you could just clarify your statement.

Who was the agency notified first of the call? .. Do you know.have the times for when each agency received notification in comparison to the time the call was received? .. Do you know what details were given upon receipt of the call? .. - If you could answer those for me in clarification of your statement of the dispatch being rubbish, then I may be able to comment on the matter. - But at the moment I can't, because I don't know the facts, and im not just going to go off the pager website.   :-)

Well said, all too often on this forum, it seems that some people have nothiing better to do with their life except, tune in to the scanner, eye the paging system and create rumeors. 
I'd also like to add that unless the pager/response error directly concerns you or your brigade, keep you fingers off the keyboard and shut the (hmm cant write that word) up.  sure ask a question about it.
Don't try to put a puzzle together unless you have all the peices.

No matter what is said, a person will only ever make the correct decision at the time.  cause if they new it was wrong they wouldn't make it.. although in hindsight you may have been able to make a better one.   These guys in com cens do a great job, even with the ERS7 system we had trucks go the wrong way due to communication breakdowns. 

Please remember they work only with the information avaliable.

lets be positive and not bash the messengers.
You need to get a life outside of the CFS. Go outside, look around. I'm sure trailer parks smell lovely in the morning.

Alan (Big Al)

Was referring to the time taken to dispatch rescue etc to a job that obviously was required, yes i am only going by pager info however it doesn't take much too read into it.
Yes i have a sore spot regarding this subject, we have taken it further however was told it's a lost cause cfs can't force other agencies to abide by a book that everyone agreed to work by.
I aplogise if i offend anyone by my stand on this matter it is my opinion and mine alone that i represent, it just annoys hell out of me that there's a reasonably simple fix for all of this yet the heirachy's aren't all that interested.

I have all the admiration for the people who do the CRD for all agencies
they do a great job, but why not fix something that is obviously wrong???

Lt. Goolwa CFS


I heard the Ambos give this call out to their trucks...initial info given to their crews, from their Comms, per radio was "query one trapped"

I was surprised that the relevant CFS were not responded within a few minutes of that call (as it would appear is normally the case when Ambos get info that indicates a possible entrapment)

The Ambos arrived on scene, confirmed they did have a person trapped.  It was after that call, that the CFS pages came through.

However, having heard / seen all of that, there is no indication of where the hold up was in calling the CFS...I would hope, however that this type of thing is put through the appropriate channels by the relevant people, as an issue, to try and determine where the hold up was......

On a slightly different topic, about other services calling CFS - yesterday, a person walking their dog observed a vehicle down a 40 metre, very steep  embankment, upside & half submerged in the creek below.....

Police were the first ones called, and it was taken as just an abandoned vehicle.  Then ambos were called, just in case there was someone inside.  Problem was the location of this vehicle made it impossible for those crews to get to it, due to the 40m, very steep embankment.  So they called the Ambo SOT's, who came from Adelaide (it would appear they were in the City when called).  Then the SAPol STAR Group were called.  Also coming from town, or perhaps even Netley (their base.)   Because of the time of day, it was a 30 minute drive through the traffic to get to this scene.    SAPol Water recovery Squad were called, just in case there was someone in the car - they are usually 40 minutes away, at least.

The local CFS can respond to the location, with the right gear to get to the vehicle (having done it before in similar locations) - in only 10 minutes from the time a page is sent.

Another CFS brigade, only about 15 minutes away from the location, has all the Rope rescue gear.

The CFS were never called to the scene. (Who I presume are supposed to be combatant authority...).  SES (who are 30 minutes away) were not responded either.

In the end, (about 2 hours after SAPol were notified), it was finally determined that there was no-one in the vehicle, and that it was indeed a stolen vehicle.

We talk about SAAS perhaps not notifying other agencies soon enough, but in the scenario outlined above, it would appear that SAPol failed dismally in calling the appropriate resources...  would have been bad luck if there had been a person in the vehicle.    :oops:

Oh yeah, the water wasn't very deep in the creek...

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


Similar situation Pip....

I know of someone who came accross an MVA, vehicle on side person trapped..... requested Fire Service for rescue, waited... waited.... waited... eventually with SAAS managed to  extricate the person via the boot after removing seats etc after about 20 minutes... Did Fire Service ever arrive??? NOPE never called.... and this was in the Metro area!


sometimes information can be not so much miss placed or lost but not always there when commcen's need it there is times where fire and rescue services are notified first and then saas dont know for however long after and vicea versa when there is a major incident for example MVA with entrapments saas commcen page the shift manager for that area with a sitrep so he or she knows what is going on it dosent matter who gets there first or last as long as every body get there

and as for assist saas for heli landing area saas may not know they need it till just before the page is put out if a PT is serious enough that retrival is needed at the scene then CFS/SES/MFS are paged to support that is why there is a delay in that area 


Quote from: sesroadcrashrescue on August 27, 2007, 08:58:02 PM
sometimes information can be not so much miss placed or lost but not always there when commcen's need it there is times where fire and rescue services are notified first and then saas dont know for however long after and vicea versa when there is a major incident for example MVA with entrapments saas commcen page the shift manager for that area with a sitrep so he or she knows what is going on it dosent matter who gets there first or last as long as every body get there

and as for assist saas for heli landing area saas may not know they need it till just before the page is put out if a PT is serious enough that retrival is needed at the scene then CFS/SES/MFS are paged to support that is why there is a delay in that area 

I understand what you are saying, but when it comes to any area outside the metropolitan boundary, all services are to be notified upon recipt of the call.

So whether the details are available or not, all services are meant to be notified..


yes they all are how ever i am in both and my SAAS pager has gone off up to 45 mins before my SES pager it dose happen and i realise how much of a pain it can be your right it shouldnt happen like this and its happening more and more for RCR form a SES side of it its a pain cause if there is a rescue and we dont get paged for 45mins then its hard it dosent help when MFS page us and the CFS but some how they seem to be paged first hopfuly they iron out these bugs in the system but form an ambo point of view sometime CFS/MFS/SES can get in the way (this refers to non RCR) if i am doing resus on some one the last thing i need is members of other services trying to get in sometimes its a help and sometimes its not but the amount of pressure and stress put on an ambo is massive i sometimes have to make desscisions that will aaffect the out come of the person/s involved and the extra stress of haveing other services around and getting grumpy cause they arnt getting involved can be off putting. i went to a MVA a few weeks ago as an ambo at 545am CFS were there first then us then SES while my partner and i were assesing the person the SES and CFS wer more interested in telling us how to do our job and to hurry up our occupent had ?spinal injurys this takes time to remove them from the car i had a unit manager and a captian as well as others yelling at me to go faster i realise that there are only a few like that but but ride an ambulance one day for one shift and see the stress in the emergency situation sometimes Ambos will seem rude but trust me they arnt being rude they are just concentrating on the job at hand and any dispatch of resorces is out of the hands of the crews and in the hands of the commcens in the city 


Quote from: sesroadcrashrescue on August 27, 2007, 10:46:14 PM
yes they all are how ever i am in both and my SAAS pager has gone off up to 45 mins before my SES pager it dose happen and i realise how much of a pain it can be your right it shouldnt happen like this and its happening more and more for RCR form a SES side of it its a pain cause if there is a rescue and we dont get paged for 45mins then its hard it dosent help when MFS page us and the CFS but some how they seem to be paged first hopfuly they iron out these bugs in the system but form an ambo point of view sometime CFS/MFS/SES can get in the way (this refers to non RCR) if i am doing resus on some one the last thing i need is members of other services trying to get in sometimes its a help and sometimes its not but the amount of pressure and stress put on an ambo is massive i sometimes have to make desscisions that will aaffect the out come of the person/s involved and the extra stress of haveing other services around and getting grumpy cause they arnt getting involved can be off putting. i went to a MVA a few weeks ago as an ambo at 545am CFS were there first then us then SES while my partner and i were assesing the person the SES and CFS wer more interested in telling us how to do our job and to hurry up our occupent had ?spinal injurys this takes time to remove them from the car i had a unit manager and a captian as well as others yelling at me to go faster i realise that there are only a few like that but but ride an ambulance one day for one shift and see the stress in the emergency situation sometimes Ambos will seem rude but trust me they arnt being rude they are just concentrating on the job at hand and any dispatch of resorces is out of the hands of the crews and in the hands of the commcens in the city 

The same thing can be said for any members of emergency services, at an incident - they can also be quite stressed - not just the ambos.  And other emergency services may also have to make life & death decisions - actions that can dramatically change the outcome for individuals.   It is not the sole domain of ambos.

If the different services don't quite understand what the other service is actually doing (as opposed to what they think they are doing) then organise some training sessions with the other services, so they do have an understanding & appreciation of each others actions.

So, being at a resus, with a few extra pairs of hands, who know what they can do to help makes life a lot easier than trying to do resus with just you & your partner....  :-)   )And yes, I have done resus before, and mobile resus at that..

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


Ive been on both ends of the stick when people are getting a little impatient. 9.5/10 times its due to a misunderstanding of what has been said, or because nothing has been said at all. Big problem when creating the plan of attack. And in all of those times when the information has been pasees on or clarified, everything continues in a timely and 'relaxed' (as much as you can at that kind of thing) manner.

The other 0.5/10 (take a bit rather than give a bit) involves people who could only be described as tools. that to has been taken up in the correct manner after the incident.

Nothing like interservice debriefs and training!

However this will never change the fact that there should never be a delay beween paging all services, no matter what information is at hand. Another page can always be sent later with more info.


Pip what is your link to the vollies??????? i know what you do for a job but what service are you with out side of work


I was a St John Volunteer several years ago, and worked on ambulances for about 2 years in the metro area.  In addition to that, have been in CFS for 24 & a bit years....currently Capatin of the brigade

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.