SAAS Responding Other Services..

Started by Alan (Big Al), December 02, 2005, 02:26:17 PM

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Quote from: medevac on February 20, 2006, 02:47:53 PM
region one is the only region that does resource tracking with SOCC, and even then there are sturtr and kyeema group who do there own thing...

other regions occasionally go mobile on there regional tg, just as a notification to SOCC that they are responding, but will then immediately return to there local..

just a question to anyone outside R1... what happens if u go mobile and noone is at station, does your resource tracking get recorded somewhere? do you do resource tracking?

If no one is at station when responding then yes, comms are thru SOCC on Regional talkgroup or RHQ if SOCC are busy. Once the station is open the log is faxed thru.


Quote from: mattb on February 21, 2006, 05:47:58 AM
QuoteSorry, i should explain.. I know every region has there own, but meant that even if u were in region 5, and keyed in 124, you would still be able to raise them..

The CFS Region One talkgroups will only work in GRN Business Region One (slightly different to the CFS regions). Therefore if you tried to use 124 in CFS Region 5 your radio would display an 'Out of Range' message.

Best bet is to use the Regional talkgroup for the area you are in or State 111 which has Statewide coverage.

hmmm.. glad someone mentioned that !!  Not such a bad thing to know !  :wink:


1916015 09:05:21 10-03-06 RN81 Cat2 Murtho St, Renmark C241 G12

1915574 09:10:00 10-03-06 SHQ: *URGMSG: RENMARK SES UNIT RESPOND (MVA 15TH & MURTHO ROADS RENMARK > 10/03/2006 9:09:49 AM

1918616 09:41:50 10-03-06 MFS: RESPOND Vehicle Accident 10/03/06 09:09,MURTHO ST,RENMARK, MAP 0 0 0 ,,CNR FIFTEENTH ST,618*CFSRES:

well at least it not only happens to us


Quote15:08:56 13-04-06 AL81 Cat2 Foggo Rd, Mclaren Flat 207 N9


......And seven minutes later :-o :?


Quote15:15:44 30-05-06 MU81 Cat2 Cnr Dukes Hwy, Tailem Bend POLICE REQUIRED

QuoteHM3 Cat2 Cnr Dukes Hwy, Tailem Bend POLICE REQUIRED

And 13 minutes later........



this is not good and its getting worse,now that I have made up my mind with CAD I think the only way for it to work is that there are two cad centres run by safecom and not ses/cfs/mfs as there are too many problems with some and I do mean some people in these centres.  I for one would like to see SA go like the emergency service's in victoria,there is only a TAC member at the centre who makes sure that each service's SOPS are followed and that is all... would it work?? yes as long as the people running the place are independent and that all services have input in how to dispatch their service......


We are getting much better response times now.... Less than 2 minutes. Myabe you should say something?



Thats true blinky we should have 2 cad centers run by safecom rather than just one run by ses,cfs&mfs

I think that safecom should reopen South East Comms in Mount Gambier so there can be 2 cad communications centers rather than just the one run by Adelaide staff cause its casuing confusion like you said

When i was just starting out as a fire fighter after turning 16 allowing me to go on the truck South East Commsused to handle all 000 call outs for CFS,SES&SAAS in the Gambier & Wattle Range divisions where as now we have to call SHQ or our group base
Kalangadoo Brigade


When SE Comms was around things were a whole lot easier.  We had local people responding local people so everyone knew what was what and where was where.

Less Confusion and quicker response times
Compton CFS Website


You hit the nail on the head there camo it was alot easier as when an emergency requiring CFS response occured one simple page was sent out from SE Comms and it would go to the closest brigade or brigades

Now if an emergency happens you would get 3 pager messages one after the other saying different bits of information rather than the big picture

I reckon that safecom should look at reopening SE Comms for SAAS,SES & CFS callouts to avoid confusion and get quicker response times even though SOC  does a real good job with getting pager messages sent to brigades :-D
Kalangadoo Brigade


This is a little off topic but

we have had numerous times where for some reason when being paged by MFS Comms the group officers have recieved the page but not the brigade..

whether there is a glitch in the system or they just forget to add the brigade im not sure but yeah can cause a delay of 10 mins easily.  Not good if someone is dying.

Compton CFS Website


hmm sounds odd.... i dont think MFS are meant to be paging any R5 brigades anyway.


It was my understanding that the paging group that the MFS use for responses includes the GO's. ie, they shouldn't be paging GO's separately, the GO's should get the page with the responded brigade...


Medevac it has something to do with the way the alerts system is setup down here i think.

anywhere within say 5km of the city of mount gambier is classified as a mt gambier number therefore goes to the mfs rather then the cfs alerts system.

although i have seen them page brigades such as bordertown before and they are like 200km away.

And im not sure how they do it all i know is that they have stuffed a few up in there time.
Compton CFS Website


mmm i understand that camo, but i was under the impression that Mets actually had a directive that for any CFS turnouts down that way they were to phone the respective brigades alerts... speak to socc & locals, although im all for getting the fastest turnout possible...


When we had SE Comms doing all Mount Gambier & District CFS Reponses the closest brigade would be paged in just under a couple of minutes where as now its alot different

While our response time maybe pretty quick now that SOC is sending out the pages you do get the odd delay in response messages being sent

I know that SAFECOM figured it would be for the best to centralise all paging to SOC in Adelaide but there would be an advantage if to say that SE Comms was reopened/restablished so when ever the paging/radio network goes down in Adelaide South East Comms would serve as a backup operations centre

Why not setup the SAAS Mount Gambier Station communications room as a CFS & SES Opps Support HQ manned by comms crew from CFS or SES   

Sorry if i went off topic but i had to get this all off my chest :-)
Kalangadoo Brigade


i think your talking out your donkey mate



instead of his mouth... didnt get filtered did it...


I think Rob means:

* re-establish the South East Communications Centre so that it covers 'Call Receipt & Dispatch' (CRD) for emergency services in SE SA, thus using local knowledge in the operators.
* SE Centre would be a redundancy to SAFECOM's future CRD in Adelaide.

Currently SES have a volunteer Regional Ops crew in the South East as well as the State HQ based crew. The Regional Ops crews are being established at other centres.

Redundancy of Adelaide SCC is Enfield LHQ, Noarlunga LHQ and Murray Bridge LHQ.

I would believe redundancies for Adelaide SAFECOM CRD will be established when the centre is finalised.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


One of the major problems with establishing & maintaining a fully computerised CRD is that they require to be connected to the dedicated fibre-optics communications loop for voice and data. The loop currently connects the buildings of SAAS ComCen, SAPOL ComCen/SEOC, MFS ComCen/SES SCC and SAGRN centre.

From my understanding the fibre-loop costs a hell of a lot of money each month to be expanded to other locations.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


the only commcen in the SE was SAAS, which has never paged CFS brigades... and they closed down (as well as NW comms)so that they could centralise comms there comms in Adelaide.

and robert im pretty sure noone has any idea how long it takes to do a response via SOCC or any other means, without actually being on the line waiting for the page. just going by the paging decoders doesnt mean scheiße.


All we rely on is the wonderful pager scanner... How about, its NOT SAAS causing the delay? Yesterday MFS comcen took 5 minutes to respond a brigade we asked for. According to the pager scanner that is. Our fixed alarm panel takes over a minute to dial up and page out for a fixed alarm. No need to go blaming one service over another for seomthing that wasnt an issue before the pager scanner :D


Quote from: Toast on June 01, 2006, 01:39:35 PM
....No need to go blaming one service over another for something that wasn't an issue before the pager scanner :D

So true. Extra information can cause further questions and problems.

But then I believe we should always strive to do our tasks better, safer and quicker.

Extra information can provide where something needs improving, as long as people do not take the question personally or as a specific criticism. Everyone makes mistakes or something goes wrong to the process.

If questions are given and received constructively, then give me more information so we can identify and improve the system/process.

Oh well, another year plus to wait before SACAD eventuates :roll:
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Quote from: medevac on June 01, 2006, 12:55:25 PM
the only commcen in the SE was SAAS, which has never paged CFS brigades... and they closed down (as well as NW comms)so that they could centralise comms there comms in Adelaide.

Then what were those pages i used to recieve from SE Comms?  Must be aliens impersonating humans!
Compton CFS Website