SAAS Responding Other Services..

Started by Alan (Big Al), December 02, 2005, 02:26:17 PM

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Faux Pas

I was joking...what you just said was exactly the point i was trying to make by my post hence the  :evil: at the end!

Well that's even more than less than unhelpful.


Hey Boredy you judging equestrian events now,and maybe their 1980s influence came from looking at ya Freddy Mercury picture, "its a kinda magic!" :-D

cheers Jaff
Just Another Filtered Fireman


I thought Freddie was a great singer :wink:
You blokes wouldn't have 10 buses in one place - except Adelaide and they are all tied up :-D
And I guess Horses for courses :evil:
just another retard!


1916081   19:00:15   07-02-08   V181 Cat2 8 Bond Av, Victor Harbor 310 B10 DIFFICULT ACCESS SAAS Victor Harbour

1916084   19:06:28   07-02-08   V126 Cat2 8 Bond Av, Victor Harbor 310 B10 DIFFICULT ACCESS SAAS Victor Harbour

1905665   19:15:42   07-02-08   MFS: *CFSRES INC075 07/02/08 19:15,RESPOND Assist SAAS,8 BOND AV,VICTOR HARBOR MAP 310 B 10 TG195,URGENT PATIENT LIFT - IN CARDIAC ARREST,VHB719 MFS Victor Response

If SAAS dispatch knows it's going to be a difficult access case or a larger person, why don't they respond MFS/CFS/SES on receipt of call as well. Could easily help save a life.
Snr 2
Seaford CFS (Mawson Group)



Same as the job at Paringa local SAAS asked for SES, someone responded a fire truck. Matter is being persued further.
Anyway won't comment on these issues any further as I'm starting to get tired of the crap that flows. And I'm sure another grievance report will be going in.
cheers Jono fair point though :wink:
just another retard!




Great post Will except you made another assumption - we already do!
And we get woken in the middle of the night for jobs you guys don't attend!
Obvious deceased body recoveries come to mind.
I took Jono's post as an innocent question, not an attack on your profession.
Anyway take it easy cheers
just another retard!


Quote from: will0936 on February 07, 2008, 07:01:04 PM

Because you're relying on the person at the scene's interpretation of what is difficult access, then the call taker's, then the coordinator's, and sometimes even then the crews initial assessment. More often that not a single crew is fine, maybe a second crew to assist.

As an aside, if the patient really was in cardiac arrest, the job should have been Category 1, not 2. By the looks of the delay between V181 and V126, it may not have been originally, or it worsened once the crews were there. Heck, perhaps if the patient was conscious, the two SAAS crews might have been fine with moving them on their own.
Who's to say that the patient was conscious and 'fine' when the first crew arrived, then arrested, therefore the second SAAS crew... of course they may have been too busy starting treatment before even worrying about moving the patient.

You people really read way too much into every little thing, might be a good time to step away from the pager site and get a dose of reality.

For those that are bitching about not being told about every little VA or heavy patient / difficult access, let me know what area you're in, I'll happily wake you up for EVERY job we get. Just like the one a few weeks ago, call from SAPOL, car vs shrub, driver and car decamped. But of course SAPOL class it as a VA, so we attend also. Hands up anyone in here that would like to be woken up at 3am to go out to that?

I didn't think so.


Dude, *shakes head* I'm not even going to bother
Snr 2
Seaford CFS (Mawson Group)



Yep I'm with you Jono waste of time.
Take it easy mate cheers :wink:
just another retard!


Fair enuff no one really liked John and Jane Doe...silly beggers...crashing cars who would do such a stupid thing..... :-o :|


And we wont even go into trying to get sense out of someone at the scene to make a judgement call. As far as I can tell you are in trouble if you respond everyone in the first place and their not needed and you are in trouble if you only respond one service then the others are needed and paged. Talk about stuck between a rock and a hard place. Give everyone a fair go
Wattle Range


[quote author=mack .

no offence to anyone... but i think everyone knows theres an issue, and everyone has said many times.. just fill out the forms, dont spam the forum anymore..

ahhh my rant/spam message done.

Yep it seems that most people are sick and tired of the "SAAS Responding Other Services" forum being filled with spam about "SAAS Responding Other Services" because it should be in the ------ Weeelll buggered if I know. :-D  I'am just joshing.

Cheers Jaff
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Quote from: Faux Pas on February 07, 2008, 04:08:42 PM
I was joking...what you just said was exactly the point i was trying to make by my post hence the  :evil: at the end!

Quote from: chook on February 07, 2008, 07:38:34 PM
Yep I'm with you Jono waste of time.
Take it easy mate cheers :wink:

Quote from: Jono on February 07, 2008, 07:32:03 PM

Dude, *shakes head* I'm not even going to bother

whizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........plop lot come in like a king tide!!


Boredy, we do come in like a king tide!.........But only when you remember to page us.  :-)
Now That whizzzzzzzzzz ......plop, thing you did was that you fishing or sitting down for number 1 and 2s :-D

Cheers Jaff
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Time for new forum topics people :P


take it as you will jaff - if it gives you the s h i t s - take it as that....

otherwise....GO FISH!!

at the end of the day - we can all agree to disagree - obviously us SAASites don't see the same issues you lot see, but again - it's all a matter of relevance and relativity!

and lets face it, we're all subject to the same Bovine Faeces which management throw around when we do things which involve spending more money than we should just to provide a service to the community!


Quote from: boredmatrix on February 08, 2008, 06:53:01 AM
take it as you will jaff - if it gives you the s h i t s - take it as that....

otherwise....GO FISH!!

at the end of the day - we can all agree to disagree - obviously us SAASites don't see the same issues you lot see, but again - it's all a matter of relevance and relativity!

and lets face it, we're all subject to the same Bovine Faeces which management throw around when we do things which involve spending more money than we should just to provide a service to the community!

Boredy, your Bovine Faeces and managements hissy fits statement, will be struggling to find a dissenting voice amongst this lot, apart from the paid staff and ministers people. :-D
And yes my slant on things may be different to yours,and thats okay, but we are both doing our jobs to the best of our abilities ,in a system that sometimes throws up roadblocks for us all.(hug) :-D

Cheers Jaff
Just Another Filtered Fireman


fair point.

while I'm paid to do my job - I don't have much recourse, but being a staunch union type - I understand that sometimes, being banded together and ensuring that the combined cohesive voice of your staff is heard is the only way for action to be taken to resolve issues.

while I know that the reasons for which CFS/SES/Etc volunteers do their roles is not primarily financial - sometimes the only way for action to be taken is to band together and make things happen!

At the end of the day - a volunteer staffed, government 'supported' organisation should have more pull than any union!  If all CFS vol's walked off the job tomorrow -what would the government do to maintain fire and rescue cover in this state?  MFS barely maintains it's staffing levels!!



Trouble is that the motivation for CFS/SES volunteers is what prevents them walking off the job. At the end of the day most of us would use our own gear & do our best with what we have if the government withdrew support - after all thats how we started!
I did float the idea once as a hypothetical with a small group - it wouldn't happen!
The closest anyone has come is when the ACT rural officers all resigned their rank & handed in the keys to the appliances.
And the community don't care either, when local units/brigades are threatened with closure due to lack of community support people become vocal but it doesn't really improve the support.
So yep it a nice idea but in reality it won't happen, in all honesty the volunteers services in rural areas are slowly dying anyway - so any industrial action by vollies would accelerate the process.
just another retard!


Will0936 as an ambo i have noticed and this happend again the other day that EOC dont listen to the crews on the streets and do what they want the other day i asked for a ICP for pain relief  EOC sent me a Paramedic that couldnt do anything for my patient.

the Paramedics told EOC before leaving station that ICP was required they were told just go even though three ICP cars were available when they arrived EOC disregarded the paramedics protocols on pain relief and refused to send ICP.

I dont think EOC is guilt free all the time. also only 2 months ago i asked for SES for an urgent lift EOC sent paramedics who are half an hour away on a three when we could have had SES there lifted and been at hospital and almost clear when the paramedics arrived and belittled me my partner and the wife of the patient and were grumpy at us for calling us when we didnt want them.

so its NOT always CFS/SES/MFS that get the short end of the stick and not get responded it happens to SAAS crews as well.

will0936 if you wish to know more just let me know il let you know everything






i still hope EOC will listen to the crews that are requesting help of other agency's in regards to the lift we have called in SES/CFS/MFS every other time with out a problem even with both Barossa crews at home as we like to go with timely events and not have to wait around for para/ICP's that are going to be grumpy when they get here.

and yes we know about rumors m my team has started to fall apart due to them i just hope we can keep the car on the road   




1908542 16:29:50 15-02-08 PN81 No crew rostered Urgent case in area contact comms ONLY if able to attend SAAS Penola

1908543 16:29:30 15-02-08 NG81 Cat 2 - Failed Secondary SAAS Nangwarry
1908548 16:29:16 15-02-08 MG84 Cat 2 - Failed Secondary SAAS Mt Gambier
1908551 16:28:28 15-02-08 LU81 Cat 2 - Failed Secondary SAAS Lucindale

Bus into tree. No fire or rescue response as yet. Only been 20 minutes...


                                                 -= CFS Naracoorte Response =-
Eventually is better than not at all.