SAAS Responding Other Services..

Started by Alan (Big Al), December 02, 2005, 02:26:17 PM

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Alan (Big Al)

Must be a whole new low for SAAS. SAAS responded to MVA Thompsons Beach at 2212 Dublin responded at 2244 with the msg 1xtrapped. Next page is for a SAAS retrieval team (i presume for the same job) It's getting beyond a joke i believe. :?

I'm sorry for the SAAS bashing it's not intended for the crews they do a great job. It's for the comms people. Talking to the Goolwa team leader the other day about the job we had and she said that it's common practice for the Comms people to wait for a truck to get to a job for a sitrep before responding other resources. I then asked if she'd heard of the RCR resource directory and she didn't even know it existed!!
Lt. Goolwa CFS



I normally watch the Ambos and if there is a VA in our area i normally have time to shower and shave before the pager goes off..... It normally takes 8 - 10 minutes here, i don't think that this acceptable. I notice that if CFS get the call first SAAS is responded normally no more than 2 minutes later??? What gives?



Quote from: JamesGar on December 05, 2005, 12:45:51 PMNow I've got to say if you all thing that as a fire service that we should respond to all MVA's then good luck to all the fringe urban brigades and the MFS, cause you're workload would go through the roof, for no just cause. The large majority of SAAS responses to MVA accumulate to very little, and the above spoken incidences of timed responses is only a very small percentage.

In the initial call receipt from an accident scene, if there is even a sniff of something dangerous, any form of entrapment or encapsulation, or spillage then the fire service is automatically despatched. A large majority of MVA calls come from SAPOL comcen, and we receive these calls with very little information about scene safety, patient numbers, spillage etc. The other issue is the good samaritan who drives past an accident, who will call 000 on a mobile phone and only be able to give limited information, does this require a multi agency response??

I Would Have To Agree With JamesGar On This Point, Does Anyone Have The Numbers On How Many MVA's SAAS Get Responded To?  I Believe If We Were To Get Called To Every Job Then The Pagers Would Be Going Off All Day.  While I Admit That The Call Times For Us Can Be A Little Delayed, Which Is Not Good In An Emergency Situation, We Also Have To Think About The Amount Of Wasted Resources If We Are Responding To Minor Things.  The Amount Of Minor MVA's I See Driving To Work Every Week That SAAS Are At, We Would All Be Kept Busy.  Regarding Urban Areas I Don't Think Much Has To Change. I Feel That Its Your More Rural Areas That Need The Improvement.  Where Response Times Are Large Because Of Travel Times, We Should Be Responded To Any MVA That Gets A Call.

BTW My 2 Cents.


That's right cybercitizen all mva's in rural areas should have all three services responded because sometimes the ambulance can take 10 times longer than the fire service to arrive and at least fireys can stem a bleed or start CPR whilst they wait for ambo's. As for urban areas i don't think the call takers are asking the right questions to establish if any one is trapped or if there is a fire or oil spillage. If the correct info is obtained then there is more likelihood of the correct services being responded to start with.

Alan (Big Al)

I do agree with James on not getting responded to all MVA's in the urban/metro area, However in the RCR resource directory it states that outside the Adelaide metro area fire/rescue, SAAS and SAPol must be responded to all MVA's but currently the attitude is "oh the caller said it's not too serious" so we'll wait until our crew arrives for a sitrep before responding other services.

But as I've said in previous posts i think the members of all services do a stellar job, it's just some areas need fixing and it wouldn't be all that hard to do.

And Sam if you read this you should take all SAAS pages off of your site then it might stop us (OK me mainly :wink:) having a whine about response times. :-P :-D
Lt. Goolwa CFS


I have been to lots of jobs when we have been called later.
I have also been to jobs where we have been first and a few times you think I wish the Ambo's we here now, sometimes you can only do the basics and 5 minutes is for ever


I Wish They Would Stop Putting On The Pagers No One Trapped Or One Person Trapped Etc.
Is Should Just Say Rescue Respond. We Had One The Other Day, No One Trapped, When We Got To The Scene We Found Out That Someone Was Trapped.

Also We Had An MVA The Other Day That Our GO Said No Entrapments Take 24P, So We Started To Roll, Then Found Out That There Was Entrapments, So We Had To Go Back & Get Rescue. Then On The Way To The Job We Were Stop Called As No Entrapments.  All That We Should Get Is Rescue Respond.


We more often than not get responded over 20 min later and get told numerous people trapped. We get there and ambos have gone with people in the back then police arrive. No one trapped no one on scene just cars police and us.


Cybercitizen, why did your GO tell you there was no one trapped, was he on scene or was he just going by what was on the pager and assumed it was correct ??

I think it's very dangerous to make calls about an incident if you are not on scene, I've heard GO's on the radio say to brigades responding to a grass fire " I can't see any smoke from my house, I think you can take a stop call, turned out to be a going grass fire".


I Believe It Was Because Of What Was On The Pager.


Quote from: CyberCitizen on January 20, 2006, 08:46:15 AM
I Wish They Would Stop Putting On The Pagers No One Trapped Or One Person Trapped Etc.
Is Should Just Say Rescue Respond. We Had One The Other Day, No One Trapped, When We Got To The Scene We Found Out That Someone Was Trapped.

Also We Had An MVA The Other Day That Our GO Said No Entrapments Take 24P, So We Started To Roll, Then Found Out That There Was Entrapments, So We Had To Go Back & Get Rescue. Then On The Way To The Job We Were Stop Called As No Entrapments.  All That We Should Get Is Rescue Respond.

isnt it common sense to roll a rescue truck to all MVAs??? its the reason rescue brigades are turned out!!!!! (supply rescue to other brigade area, supply fire and rescue to own area) rescue should never take a stop until there is a CFS prescence on scene...


That Is Correct, However This Was Under The Request Of Our GO.  Anyway There Was No Trapped In The End, However Yes It Should Just Say Respone To MVA, Nothing About No Entrapments.  However I See That Info Having Its Good & Bad Points.


the more info the better.. gives you an idea of what to expect.. the problem is how unreliable the public can be when calling in emergencies i think...


what about when our own people dont even seem capable of doing it??
overheard this one on the scanner... echunga turned themselves out to MVA, didnt even notify SOCC to request rescue/saas/sapol until they were actually going mobile...

1908906 16:43:00 24-01-06 ECHG: *CFSRES: RESPOND ECHUNGA STATION MANUAL TURNOUT 24-01-06 16:42

something wrong here...


But do we really know the circumstances under which these things happen?

I mean we see the page and hear the scanner but maybe (as an example) they were at the station for a working bee and the local copper came across the road and said, "can you go to this?"

Just an example but I think it's a dangerous and unproductive exercise to second guess other Brigade's movements based on some overheard (over read) information.
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


I dunno Kat, i think it points out some very interesting things...  On all fronts...


looks to me that the y found out about the accident at around 1643 and didnt tell state til 1650... how hard is it too make a phone call?


Is it really that critical to tell SHQ prior to 7 minutes? 7 minutes is not very long. Maybe the crew got dressed and got going knowing a radio operator was on their way who would make the call? Maybe they did make the call straight away. Maybe lots of things really :-)
Anyway I'd be thrilled if, as the rescue response, we were called with in 7 minutes of the fire response Brigade. Bit better than what we normally get!
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


7 minutes is quite a differance kat if rescue/sapol/saas (in particualar saas) are not notified within that time.. which im presuming is what happened..

but i have since spoken to some people and found out something interesting about that one which shouldnt be posted... (lets just say the opriginal manual turnout was for a tree down...)


Quote from: kat on January 26, 2006, 07:06:56 PM
Anyway I'd be thrilled if, as the rescue response, we were called with in 7 minutes of the fire response Brigade. Bit better than what we normally get!

righto... :roll: since fire never roll without rescue im not sure what your on about here kat


quote: since fire never roll without rescue im not sure what your on about here kat end quote
Yeah, right  - tongue in cheek, huh?
As per discussion on htis forum that shows we're no orphans - as a rescue brigade we get called haphazardly to MVA's, sometimes not at all, sometimes aaaages later.

quote: 7 minutes is quite a differance kat if rescue/sapol/saas (in particualar saas) are not notified within that time.. which im presuming is what happened..end quote
In 16 years with a Brigade whose lion share of calls is MVA's I've never once been to an MVA where SAAS were not already advised. First on sceners tend not to call CFS for an accident, prefering SAPOL or SAAS,

I just think it's a bit harsh to discuss a Brigades perceived operational shortcomings on an open forum with limited information (although no doubt entertaining  :wink:)

Times are a bit relative the further you get from the metro area - seven minutes is lightning speed not too far past here - be lucky to have anyone within fifteen minutes of many stations.
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


canu post again kat, looks like something is missing....


This was a quick despatching if I am interpreting the pager website correctly.


09:39:16 08-02-06 BV84 Cat2 Sturt Hwy, Blanchetown

09:38:25 08-02-06 WK81 Cat2 Sturt Hwy, Blanchetown.

So it can be done.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Quote from: kat on January 26, 2006, 08:03:07 PM
quote: since fire never roll without rescue im not sure what your on about here kat end quote
Yeah, right  - tongue in cheek, huh?
As per discussion on htis forum that shows we're no orphans - as a rescue brigade we get called haphazardly to MVA's, sometimes not at all, sometimes aaaages later.

quote: 7 minutes is quite a differance kat if rescue/sapol/saas (in particualar saas) are not notified within that time.. which im presuming is what happened..end quote
In 16 years with a Brigade whose lion share of calls is MVA's I've never once been to an MVA where SAAS were not already advised. First on sceners tend not to call CFS for an accident, prefering SAPOL or SAAS,

I just think it's a bit harsh to discuss a Brigades perceived operational shortcomings on an open forum with limited information (although no doubt entertaining  :wink:)

Times are a bit relative the further you get from the metro area - seven minutes is lightning speed not too far past here - be lucky to have anyone within fifteen minutes of many stations.

i personally disagree with most if not all of your post... if SOCC page anyone (and im pretty sure tailem bend get paged by SOCC) to an MVA they will send a rescue truck, it is in there SOPs