SAAS Responding Other Services..

Started by Alan (Big Al), December 02, 2005, 02:26:17 PM

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One thing I've thought about is when this problem is solved and fire trucks are going to begin turning up at the same time or before the ambulance does, adelaide fire / SAAS comms is going to have to advise the CFS/SES of things like MRSA/HEP/HIV. That is entirely of course if they have names of the victims and are aptly able to pull up their medical details and records. I don't know that the ambos get their names initially or anything like that, there is no law saying you have to where a medical necklace that says you have any of those diseases......anyone agree?


Crownie24 If the past is any indicator by the time this problem gets solved most of those diseases would have been cured :wink:

Cheers Jaff
Just Another Filtered Fireman



Ah Jaff you have hit the nail on the head!
Never mind the specifics of the different posts, the common thread is standards & procedures in most of them. And the different interpretations of them!
Maybe that is what SAFECOM should be focused on, and Crownie is right. Not only the medical issues, but also non fire rescue teams arriving prior to the fire cover(which happens a lot around here).
That is why the payed staff should be focused on these issues, maybe one solution would be a SAFECOM liaison at SAAS comms?
Anyway maybe one day it will be soughted
just another retard!


Chook unfortunately these issues are something that you ,me and every concerned responder has to push up through the chain of command ,as I said on a previous post David Place is aware of the issue, but palmed my concerns onto one of his minions ,and jack has been done, a sad inditement on SAFECOM .

Cheers Jaff
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Crownie24, SAAS do not have patient details logged in the system, and at an MVA, how are the responding crews going to know the patient details before they get there? The only details the crews get is the same that the caller tells the comms call taker, and there is a select list of questions asked, and if the caller has minimal info, then the crews have to run with it.

It is also basic PPE, gloves and glasses/goggles for a start.

As for the late paging of other services, can not answer that, that is a comms thing and have little idea of there procedures, it could also be a MFS/CFS/SES comms delayed paging not just SAAS. Plus as mentioned above, can only go on the information provided by the caller(s). Also pagers fail, and don't always go through, that therefore lies with the manager/owner/operater of the paging network to fix/be aware of. Comms of course need to re-page.


No I didn't think they did... It was just a stab in the dark... Makes everyone have to be more careful around an accident scene...but whatever...


Quote from: jaff on February 01, 2008, 08:56:05 PM
Are there any SAAS personnel that participate in posts on this website that feel that these highlighted incidents are a concern?

yes I am - and no I don't think it is a big problem.

HOWEVER - I currently work in metro, so don't usually suffer from issues relating to fire and rescue cover - I usually have to cancel it before it gets there!! And I never had the problem when I was in the country as the local MFS retained were very good (and nearest CFS was over 90KM away)

There will always be differing opinion on this - but my take is that no matter what systems we implement, or however we attempt to make it better - there will always be cases when the system will fall down. 

I think I need to correct a point where some are thinking that the SAAS system has access to medical records or actually inputs specific patient details.  this is not the case - and unless major legislative changes occur (which will only incur the wrath of civil rights activists over concerns regarding privacy and medical records access) I don't think it will ever change.

The sole purpose of the system of call-taking SAAS use is a risk adverse system which essentially evaluates the severity of a patients condition, and the likelihood of deterioration and matches it to a tasking/priority matrix - and the resulting dispatch occurs as anywhere from Category 1 to 6. 

There are some questions asked which affect crew safety such as patient weight and the possibility of infectious disease - but nothing that is majorly clinically relevant - bearing in mind that the staff who answer the phones are civillians who read the questions off a screen!  (yes - we're running a book on when it will be outsourced to India!!)

I don't know what the answer is, except to perhaps make a gentle reminder that at the end of the day - if there are resources which are not readily available - most emergency services staff cope with the situation at hand!  personally, I think we're becoming so concerned about the nitty gritty without looking at the bigger picture.  Sure - I can request a helicopter retrieval whenever I want it - and it costs a lot of money to do so..........but I have two questions for further discussion....

1)what did we do 60 years ago when NONE of us had ANY of the resources available that we do today?

2) Are we messing too much with natural selection!!??


Bored Matrix,

Question number 2, you might be on to something.  :-D


you must be in the job as well....posting comments like that at 4 in the morning!! :evil:


I listen to the scanners and here the number of calls for a warning of MRSA and sounds like theres a pandemic out their!!! Question though what is with Papa 1 Lima 1???


protection for staff and clean of the gear after the job will try to get it asap for you other wise broadmatrix may be able post it b4 me

Alan (Big Al)

1916034 00:38:33 02-02-08 CB181 Cat2 Stuart Hwy, Coober Pedy C89 B18 SAAS Coober Pedy


At least the Coober pedy CFS/SES got to keep sleeping :|

Lt. Goolwa CFS

SA Firey

Quote from: BigBaldOne on February 02, 2008, 02:04:54 PM
1916034 00:38:33 02-02-08 CB181 Cat2 Stuart Hwy, Coober Pedy C89 B18 SAAS Coober Pedy


At least the Coober pedy CFS/SES got to keep sleeping :|

They must like talking to themselves.....long way to go and suddenly find you need Fire or Rescue :-o
Images are copyright


Quote from: Crownie24 on February 02, 2008, 01:15:29 PM
I listen to the scanners and here the number of calls for a warning of MRSA and sounds like theres a pandemic out their!!! Question though what is with Papa 1 Lima 1???

Its a table of the precautions, and methods of cleaning. - Understood better if your in the service or use it semi-regularly and know how it refers to situations. - When I learnt it, it was as is below.

P1 - Contact
P2 - Contact, Droplet, Eye
P3 - Contact, Droplet, Eye, Non-Pregnant
P4 - Contact, Droplet, Eye, Airborne
P5 - Contact, Droplet, Eye, Airborne, Immunity
P6 - Droplet, Eye
P7 - Contact, Immuntiy
P8 - Airborne
P9 - Droplet, Eye, Airborne

L1 - Use detergant and water to clean all surf.
L2 - Use detergant, water and disinfectant to clean all surf.
L3 - Use detergant and water to clean whole ambulance.
L4 - Air ambulance, use water and detergant to clean all surfaces.
L5 - Air ambulance, use water, detergant and disinfectanct to clean.



1919303 08:26:22 02-02-08 MFS: *CFSRES INC023 02/02/08 08:25,RESPOND Vehicle Accident,J C SMITH RD,BERRI MAP 0 0 0 TG203,,BRI029 GLOS00 CFS Chaffey Group Officers Response
1919306 08:26:20 02-02-08 MFS: *CFSRES INC023 02/02/08 08:25,RESPOND Vehicle Accident,J C SMITH RD,BERRI MAP 0 0 0 TG203,,BRI029 GLOS00 CFS Glossop Response
1928012 08:26:11 02-02-08 MFS: *CFSRES INC023 02/02/08 08:25,RESPOND Vehicle Accident,J C SMITH RD,BERRI MAP 0 0 0 TG203,,BRI029 GLOS00 SES East Region
1918237 08:26:09 02-02-08 MFS: *CFSRES INC023 02/02/08 08:25,RESPOND Vehicle Accident,J C SMITH RD,BERRI MAP 0 0 0 TG203,,BRI029 GLOS00 SES Berri
1924962 08:25:43 02-02-08 BA71 Cat2 J.c. Smith Rd, Berri SAAS Road Crash Research
1916007 08:25:41 02-02-08 BA71 Cat2 J.c. Smith Rd, Berri SAAS Barmera
Not a bad time, less than a minute between pages.
It was a nothing job but, car had left the scene after wrecking an irrigation main breather(water everywhere).
Curious though Glossop responded instead of Berri Mets, it turns out it is about 500 mtrs from their boundary! Makes a mockery of the Big Orange comments the other day :evil:
Anyway Glossop are a good mob, and they hand the tool to turn the water off :-D
just another retard!


Curious though Glossop responded instead of Berri Mets, it turns out it is about 500 mtrs from their boundary! Makes a mockery of the Big Orange comments the other day

???????? from who's boundary. Its CFS right up to the the Caltex on that road, on the Golf course side its CFS as well right through to Renmark. You may need to have a look at the respounce boundery maps. Yes it might be needed to change as it will be later but until then when they get called they go.


Thats what I was saying, I may have been misinterpreted. It was about 500 mtrs from the SAMFS boundary (according to your map book) on the CFS side. Obviously closest resource gets responded hasn't come in yet!
My point was the other week Big Orange Sturt hwy Berri created a SAMFS response, this week JC Smith drive Berri generated a CFS response. I was just curious why?
Just for those who don't know JC Smith drive is less than a kilometre from our station. cheers
just another retard!


I was told that closest resource will come in later like yeah when ever, but then was there any Fire plugs to hook up to as MFS need them I was told that this will help decide closest resource. Not sure what closest resource actually mean?


Not sure in this case too much water was the problem :-D
just another retard!


Closest resource means nearest fire service or rescue resource as the case may be.

As for the one with the Big Orange, looks at the details, Sturt Hwy Berri, you can't divide a road up, JC Smith dr, Berri, must be entirely in Glossop's area. Find me a computer system that can divide a road up given the exact same name.

SA Firey

Here we go again...if there are multiple hazards why not respond the Fire Service as well :?

1924962 14:29:28 03-02-08 RI81 Cat2 Barrier Hwy, Saddleworth C259 B10 MULTIPLE HAZARDS SAAS Road Crash Research
1924334 14:29:24 03-02-08 RI81 Cat2 Barrier Hwy, Saddleworth C259 B10 MULTIPLE HAZARDS SAAS Riverton
1924962 14:31:52 03-02-08 CA81 Cat2 Barrier Hwy, Saddleworth C259 B10 MULTIPLE HAZARDS SAAS Road Crash Research
1916031 14:31:48 03-02-08 CA81 Cat2 Barrier Hwy, Saddleworth C259 B10 MULTIPLE HAZARDS SAAS Clare
Images are copyright


Closest resource means nearest fire service or rescue resource as the case may be.

Sounds good but what if there is no fire plugs or water points along that area  and there is a fire the truck only hold 800lt. Or you go down the River flats, National parks area then what? Would all that info help suggest who to send where?  My map show the Big Orange is defiantly in Monash CFS area by 2 to 3km so they will work it out soon.


Give it time, its only been 14 mins.