Colour Codes for Level of Preparedness

Started by straps, October 31, 2009, 04:58:45 PM

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Hi all,
Rather than posting under the various agency headings (SES, CFS, DEH / Forestry and SAAS), I was hoping to get some collective information as to what the various colours for LOP are and how they relate to organisational capability, security of Operations Centres and resource preparedness etc etc...

I am also wondering what determines the LOP... AM guessing that present risk v's current workload v's available resources would have alot to do with this..??!!



Level of Preparedness
Dark Red= Catastrophic
Red= Extreme
Orange= Severe
Yellow= Very High
Blue= High
Green= Low-Moderate  
Kalangadoo Brigade


Quote from: Robert-Robert34 on October 31, 2009, 05:11:51 PM
Level of Preparedness
Dark Red= Catastrophic
Red= Extreme
Orange= Severe
Yellow= Very High
Blue= High
Green= Low-Moderate  

thats the fire danger ratings which are calculated using the FDI... :roll:


Thanks guys,
I did wonder about Roberts colours..??? Wasn't sure if the LOP arrangements were changing to match the "Public" warning levels....

I look forward to more feedback.



Not sure of the official status .....but I do know, that runny brown is bad! :roll:
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Thanks for the link.

I am actually wanting to know more about and understand the internal Level of Preparedness for agencies.
e.g FDI might be 80+ and with several going fires that are not controlled, then CFS might change / escalate their internal LOP for colour x to colour y...

I am keen to know what drives this process and what spin offs occur with their changes, ie. increased security or lockdown of various key facilities or on-call staff are brought in or commence a skeleton staffing arrangement of coordination centres (either regional of State) and maybe opening of State Control Centre for Fire..????

I am keen to understand what drives the setting of a particular LOP and then what actions coincide with the setting of a particular LOP..???!!!

I was having a look on the CFS website to see if there were COSOPS or other internal documentation that defines the above for CFS. I am also keen to understand other agencies as well as CFS too.

Feel free to PM me if anyone doesn't want to post things in an open forum..!?!?


PS - Just after I posted the following pager messages went out -
Quote1908852 10:46:12 02-11-09 CFS: SIG INC: FYI: REGIONS PLEASE REVIEW AND UPDATE LOP'S - SC WATTS > 2/11/2009 10:46:02 AM
CFS Headquarters Info

and then this
Quote1908852 10:55:49 02-11-09 CFS: STATE LEVEL OF PREPAREDNESS IS HIGH FOR INFORMATION ONLY - SC WATTS > 2/11/2009 10:55:40 AM
CFS Headquarters Info

What does LOP of High equate to within the organisation..???

This is the stuff that I am seeking more information on...


yeah I beleive I have read the in the OMGs but unfortunate don;t have a copy handy atm but if you find one that is where it is.


Well when I worked for the CFS, it was Green - low......Yellow - medium alert.....Orange- high alert, and increased staffing for SCC roles........RED - All hands on deck, regions to be staffed, SCC to be staffed.

The MFS have adopted a similar policy, just to bring everyone in line. Comms gets extra staffing based on orange and red LOP.