General Discussion > Other Government Agencies
SES SCC relocation
I understand all SES call receipt and dispatch operations are being handed over to MFS for the day to day stuff in a couple of months time.
An area is being built in the MFS building for the SES to setup for major operations.
There was some info about this in the Advertiser today in the article regarding the lack of room for SAAS in Adelaide station.
--- Quote from: mattb on November 29, 2005, 08:43:17 PM ---I understand all SES call receipt and dispatch operations are being handed over to MFS for the day to day stuff in a couple of months time.
--- End quote ---
Any reason why?
Not sure if the SES move should be a new topic. Will leave it to the moderators.
Last weekend the SES State Headquarters staff moved to Level 10, CPS Building. The CPS Building is on Waymouth street slightly towards King William St from the CFS building.
The Level 10 office area in the CPS Building is under an existing government lease for another organisation. But the organisation was closed, so the office area was vacant.
SES SCC are in the process of moving from the shared Operations Room and will occupy a set of desks on Level 7 if the SES volunteers are activated. This is temporary setup until the new SES SCC is built in the MFS building.
The priority is for CFS SCC to be re-built first, then SES SCC. Also with the lack of available builders the temporary facility for SES SCC will be used until March 2006.
The new SES SCC will be good and has been designed with input from the SES State HQ Unit volunteers who mann the facility. Previously the space in the MFS building was the MFS Library.
The move is for multiple reasons. I have been advised some are:
* CFS SHQ need more room so that staff are located in a common area.
* CFS Operations Management were occupying a Conference Room on Level 7 during the last few months. The CFS will be revamping the expanded CFS SCC space so that the OCO's have better layout and the Operations Management area are included in the one area.
* SES is a seperate entity under new SAFECOM legislation and CFS need more office space. It is more logical for CFS to use existing facilities and SES to occupy smaller office space premisies. So SES moved.
* SES SCC is moving to MFS to take advantage of fibre voice cable to GRN and is part of the contract agreement.
* SES 'business as usual' call receipt & dispatch will move to MFS under a contract agreement. The CFS OCO's were doing the task under a 'gentlemans agreement'. The change will not occur until the new SES SCC is built and completed. This is anticipated in March 2006.
* This is all part of the SAFECOM and SACAD changes.
Wagon 1:
Just a tip, I hope your contract with MFS is written very well, and that you don't get shafted, because if your not careful, you will. The care factor by their operators is pretty low as it is. Not saying it won't work, but just be careful, and I bet the filtering of calls won't be anything like it is now, I can see a lot of jobs that should be directed to Jim's Mowing being sent through.
So just make sure that contract is water tight and you think of any possibility, because if its not spelt out in large bold letters, it won't happen!!
Something which is largely out of volunters control I think. Can only wait and see what happens.
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