SES SCC relocation

Started by mattb, November 29, 2005, 08:43:17 PM

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I understand all SES call receipt and dispatch operations are being handed over to MFS for the day to day stuff in a couple of months time.

An area is being built in the MFS building for the SES to setup for major operations.

There was some info about this in the Advertiser today in the article regarding the lack of room for SAAS in Adelaide station.


Quote from: mattb on November 29, 2005, 08:43:17 PM
I understand all SES call receipt and dispatch operations are being handed over to MFS for the day to day stuff in a couple of months time.

Any reason why?
Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you.


Not sure if the SES move should be a new topic. Will leave it to the moderators.

Last weekend the SES State Headquarters staff moved to Level 10, CPS Building. The CPS Building is on Waymouth street slightly towards King William St from the CFS building.

The Level 10 office area in the CPS Building is under an existing government lease for another organisation. But the  organisation was closed, so the office area was vacant.

SES SCC are in the process of moving from the shared Operations Room and will occupy a set of desks on Level 7 if the SES volunteers are activated. This is temporary setup until the new SES SCC is built in the MFS building.

The priority is for CFS SCC to be re-built first, then SES SCC. Also with the lack of available builders the temporary facility for SES SCC will be used until March 2006.

The new SES SCC will be good and has been designed with input from the SES State HQ Unit volunteers who mann the facility. Previously the space in the MFS building was the MFS Library.

The move is for multiple reasons. I have been advised some are:
* CFS SHQ need more room so that staff are located in a common area.
* CFS Operations Management were occupying a Conference Room on Level 7 during the last few months. The CFS will be revamping the expanded CFS SCC space so that the OCO's have better layout and the Operations Management area are included in the one area.
* SES is a seperate entity under new SAFECOM legislation and CFS need more office space. It is more logical for CFS to use existing facilities and SES to occupy smaller office space premisies. So SES moved.
* SES SCC is moving to MFS to take advantage of fibre voice cable to GRN and is part of the contract agreement.
* SES 'business as usual' call receipt & dispatch will move to MFS under a contract agreement. The CFS OCO's were doing the task under a 'gentlemans agreement'. The change will not occur until the new SES SCC is built and completed. This is anticipated in March 2006.
* This is all part of the SAFECOM and SACAD changes.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.

Wagon 1

Just a tip, I hope your contract with MFS is written very well, and that you don't get shafted, because if your not careful, you will. The care factor by their operators is pretty low as it is. Not saying it won't work, but just be careful, and I bet the filtering of calls won't be anything like it is now, I can see a lot of jobs that should be directed to Jim's Mowing being sent through.

So just make sure that contract is water tight and you think of any possibility, because if its not spelt out in large bold letters, it won't happen!!


Something which is largely out of volunters control I think. Can only wait and see what happens.


Quote from: David on December 01, 2005, 08:50:58 AM
Just a tip, I hope your contract with MFS is written very well,

The SES are putting together a Service Level Agreement, and this will include things like which service gets responded to tree jobs, animal rescues etc. Whilst at the moment the MFS would send a BRT to a tree job and let the Station Officer call for SES if required, in the future the computer will be programmed to respond the agreed service.

Wagon 1

So in other words this move is gearing up for the SAFECOM CAD centre. (notice I say SAFECOM, because its not going to be a SAMFS CAD centre or SACFS or SASES for that matter) or should that be just MFS according to the Chief's new memo.



So in other words.. All the crap the BRT use to go to at 2am will be handballed to SES..........!! 

Spose the MFS dispatcher and the crew that would have gone get out of it quite well..


basically (in theory) things will become what they should already be (gramma is scheiße)....

SES will get all tree jobs as first response and all storm/flooding/salvage jobs.. the reason we used to get them as CFS brigades was basically becasue MFS didnt have SES in there CAD system; so why should they have t5o phone 132500 for SES response when they could just page a fire resource?  things will be much better.. but SES will IMO get a fair load of crap or "unworthy" jobs...


the SES will get the "crap" jobs IF that is what THEY want. If they decide that the fire services should be first response then so be it. It will come back to SLAs and legislated responsibilities, not what a CRD operator thinks.


Quote from: Roger on December 02, 2005, 09:09:11 AM
the SES will get the "crap" jobs IF that is what THEY want. If they decide that the fire services should be first response then so be it. It will come back to SLAs and legislated responsibilities, not what a CRD operator thinks.


Do you live in a dream world !! ??

You know how many times I have listened to and also heard of instances where a certain brigade / resource / unit should have gone but it was stuffed up / decided some one else would go!  IT IS ALL UP TO THE OPERATOR !!  If they wan't to key in a different unit or send some one else, its the touch of a button !!

jobs IF that is what THEY want

I think you will find if they get TOLD to respond to a tree down, they WILL !


Quote from: Roger on December 02, 2005, 09:09:11 AM
the SES will get the "crap" jobs IF that is what THEY want. If they decide that the fire services should be first response then so be it. It will come back to SLAs and legislated responsibilities, not what a CRD operator thinks.


it will boil down to which operator it is as to wether fire or SES get responded, im willing t obet it will also depend on which operator it is as to wether calls get passed to council, or even questioned as to wether it is a legitimate request for an emergency service...


Has the move been completed?


SES State HQ volunteers went active on Monday 12th December for a storm watch. Mainly after Whyalla received multi-taskings during the morning and BoM predicting high-winds in other regions of the state.

The temporary area of SES SCC on Level 7 of the CFS building was used. This was successful after some issues were resolved with computers by the SAFECOM IT Support group.

The CFS OCO's were in their new location, but I think more work is being completed. A wall has been erected to divide to the old shared operations room into two areas. The other side of the CFS Operations room had electricians and builders working within. The old desks had not been removed yet.

The new SES SCC will not be completed until March 2006.

The above is what I saw through windows and the best information I have. For complete accuracy someone needs to speak to CFS HQ.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


A stage closer last night.

Twenty-seven SES volunteers from the SES State HQ Unit had their first tour of the new SES SCC on level 3, MFS Building, Wakefield St.

Some of the equipment has been installed and the rest is planned to be moved on Monday 27th March from the CFS SCC/SHQ area in Waymouth St.

From that day, MFS CommCen will be doing SES day-to-day 'call receipt & dispatch', with the volunteer unit called-out when significant events occur.

Looks goooooood.....
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Andrew, what format will the paging from the MFS be to respond SES units?? Their existing BOMS system wouldn't be able to handle it would it ??


My understanding is that:

* SES volunteers on project assignment negotiated a workflow/classification system for SES taskings with MFS.

* This included incident types that will be NIL response.

* The new classification system is/has been programmed into the MFS computer system.

* MFS CommCen operators undergo final training from 20th to 27th March.

* SES SCC database that volunteers use for taskings, but is seperate to the MFS system, has been re-written to accomodate the changes.

I have not seen the final listing of pager message text types that MFS CommCen and the new SES SCC will be generating.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Ok thanks, will wait with interest and see how it goes when it all comes online.


After some issues, the SES SCC moved yesterday.

MFS Comcen started 'business as usual' call receipt & dispatch for SES yesterday.

Testing of call diversion between MFS & SES SCC completed well yesterday afternoon.

I believe some issues in procedures for SES Units exist & some equipment configuration is to be finished this week. This is too be expected with anything new.

Official opening on 20th April.

SES volunteers train tonight on computer systems, changed procedures and equipment familiarisations.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Official opening of new SES SCC on level 3, MFS building, Wakefield St completed last night.

Has a volunteer, waiting for the first activiation to see how everything performs. Testing completed and training continuing. Full exercises being planned.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.