SAMFS Recruitment 2018

Started by Optimistic, January 19, 2018, 02:05:53 PM

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Hi guys, just asking for a few people. Has anyone that has applied so far paid the $100 admin/ application fee or even been asked. My brother has applied and wasn't asked and wasn't sure if he had applied correctly. On the last intake in 2016 payment online was required at the time of application. Thanks in advance.


Hey James, I wasn't asked to pay the fee either. At the seminar I remember them saying we would receive an email at a later date regarding the payment :)



Hey guys, I know this sounds like a silly question but where do I find the online application? I have scanned the MFS website and can not see any links - am I missing something?



Hey guys,

Summited my application on monday night. Did you guys receive any sort of notification that they have recieved your application?


Hey Bootcamp. I registered on Monday as well and didn't receive any form of notification. I guess its now a waiting game  :-)


Has anyone received any communication yet?


Not yet Luke...starting to second guessing myself whether I have put the correct email address in...seems like we are not getting a confirmation.


I wouldn't panic, had the same thing last recruitment campaign. I didn't hear anything for over a week after submitting my application.


Yep, I just logged in to say the same, no need to panic. I'm pretty sure last time I never heard anything until the Monday after applications closed when the emails requesting payment went out.


Echoing Frobo - just logging in to reiterate what's been said today.

This recruitment seems far more organised. And the screen after your application showed a green box saying it was successful - that's your first confirmation, that it's locked in with that email address.

As Frobo said - they'll start sending out emails after all the applications have been collected and sorted 

Just take it one step at a time. :)


Thanks for all the responses legends!


I just got an email confirming my application and requesting payment, so keep an eye on those inboxes as it looks like they are starting to send things out.


Also just received the payment email, would've been handy to know a test time and date before having to pay, but I guess just have to roll the dice and hope to get out of work.


Also recieved the payment request.

Does anyone know roughly how long the process takes?

Also in relation to the beep test - do you actually stop at 9.6 or do they let you continue to run to see what you maximum is? I know in some other states that is the case. 


@sj000 - you can try and swap; from memory previous applicants have been able to do that. If not then yeah, you'll have to get off work  :wink:

@bootcamp - it stops at 9.6.
Details on the process are on the website. Memorise what you can!
But the process takes 4-6 months.


At the seminar they said the first squad will start about January, so you're looking at 6 months if you're in the most successful group each time, but if you're not the profiling and interview have a 2 year resit lockout, and 1 year for the beeptest.
They also said there would be some flexibility with the aptitude/personality dates.


SAMFS Recruitment Invitation to Pay also received and paid!

From memory at the seminar they indicated that testing would start approx Monday 13th August and run for 4-6 weeks.
This is all dependent on how many applications they have to go through I would imagine.

But at least now the ball is rolling, its all a little exciting really!

Good luck to everyone who is applying.


Anyone heard when we might receive an invitation to attend the personality and abilities testing?


@sj000 I've had nothing come through yet. I imagine they will send all the invitations out at roughly the same time. If this recruitment campaign is anything like the previous ones, be prepared to do some waiting, they typically haven't been particularly quick in moving through the process and getting information out to people.


Have people received emails?
My friend got his with the test date, but I still haven't received anything..


I had one come through just now so it looks like they are starting to send them through. Keep an eye on your inbox I'm sure it'll won't be far off.


Anyone else still waiting on a time and date?


Yeah, I'm still waiting on an email with date and time for testing. Hopefully its not far off.