mutual aid...

Started by medevac, November 13, 2005, 05:57:17 PM

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Quote from: SA Firey on September 11, 2010, 04:34:41 PM
As per the COSO's CFS are not to use K Codes, cant see these codes being any different or likely to change anytime soon.

Which is completely sigh worthy. K Codes would help a great deal.


How manny fire service/brigades in OZ use any type of code like MFS???


Quote from: Bill Corcoran on September 13, 2010, 06:10:29 AM
How manny fire service/brigades in OZ use any type of code like MFS???

Most, but they are not retarded like those used by SAMFS

Also, did anyone see SAMFS paging out "K99" to Brigades like Blyth tonight...

To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Quote from: 6739264 on September 14, 2010, 12:00:09 AM
Quote from: Bill Corcoran on September 13, 2010, 06:10:29 AM
How manny fire service/brigades in OZ use any type of code like MFS???

Most, but they are not retarded like those used by SAMFS

What are the code systems like interstate?


Maybe we should have one set of SOP´s that cover both services ...gasp... then there wont be any confusion... also how about we ask to have some input into the SOP´s so that they actually reflect what we do in the field...shock...and now for the big one.... how about we only open group bases in times of increased radio activity and use the existing comcen for all "minor" jobs with the same codes or whatever we decide for all SafeCom emergency services....

I know i know too utopian for us plus what would we (the 1010 members of this group) bleat about then  :-)

PS im in germany for a year working for the BF Hamburg so if anyone would like to know more about how things work over here start a question thread re: fire services in Hamburg.



Hope you have a nice time Rainer,some photos of fire stations and appliances would be nice...

Agree with what your saying but this is SA....One comcen to do it all wont work.....


Rainer  all concepts of utopia start with a brave few daring to dream. If the group of 1010 could focus on the next step towards utopia, now that would be a dream!!!!!!!   I am brave but Rainer are you willing to lead?


while we're talking fantasies.....why have two services...lets have one and be done with innefective duplication, wasted effort and public confusion...

if you're gonna dare to dream.....dream big


Utopia........Rainer have you been chugga luggin to many steins of lager! :wink:
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Quote from: misterteddy on September 26, 2010, 09:43:42 AM
while we're talking fantasies.....why have two services...lets have one and be done with innefective duplication, wasted effort and public confusion...

if you're gonna dare to dream.....dream big
It works in Tasmania, some brigades are full time professionals, others are volunteer brigades with retained personel and others are just straight Volunteer brigades.and most importantly no one cares which one your in as long as the wet stuff gets put on the red stuff before it turns into black stuff.
No ute No circle work


As long as the UFU in this state wont allow co location cfs/mfs under one roof and I do mean one roof not like PORT LINCOLN,Nothing will happen...Don't know why the UFU is against this as it works in other state's very well.


I'm not entirely sure that is correct Bill.

I was under the impression that the CFS were invited to co-locate with the Seaford MFS in the new station, however the decision was made by CFS to remain in a seperate location.

I also heard that the SAFECOM rules state that if one service is building a new facility, the other two agencies have to be approached to see if they want in on the deal.


Yeah that's right Matt, and trust me, speaking to the UFU they have a very different agenda to what your saying Bill. They would prefer there was no CFS,MFS or SES. Plus, that would have been one HUUUUUUUUUUGE fire station !


Quote from: Alex on September 14, 2010, 09:52:54 AM
Quote from: 6739264 on September 14, 2010, 12:00:09 AM
Quote from: Bill Corcoran on September 13, 2010, 06:10:29 AM
How manny fire service/brigades in OZ use any type of code like MFS???

Most, but they are not retarded like those used by SAMFS

What are the code systems like interstate?

Ah ha, well its an intersting mix really:

From what I can gather, it seems that codes used in the manner that SAMFS use them are on the way out. I believe MFB are almost totally plain english, although it gets more coded the furhter up the Eastern Seaboard we go:

NSWFB use a handful:
Code 1 - Mobile
Code 2 - Call off/Stop
Code 3 - Arrived
Code 4 - Available to run, heading to [Location]
Code 5 - Back in Station
Code 6 - Turning out to RFS Area
Code 7 - Unavailable + Reason

Plus a coloured priority system. The only other code passed is a 700 code for AFA activation.

I've been told RFS use something similar, but I can't find the RFS Field Guide I used to have :S

QFRS Almost take the cake from SAMFS with their codes, but not quite!

Code 1:
Arrived at scene - nothing in evidence, investigating further. Optional: the address of the incident

Code 2: Arrived at scene - incident in evidence, provide brief descriptor on arrival cg. Location and comments to confirm nature of the incident

Examples for standard incident types:
* Grass Fire / size / action / resources required / time
* Structure Fire / action / resources required
* Vehicle Fire / what is involved / action / resources required
* MVA / number of vehicles / action / resources required

Other incident types:
* Hazmat:     Code 2 / type / size / action / resources required
* Rescue:     Code 2 / type / action / resources required

Code 4:
Leaving an incident, brief description, available for turnout, returning to station.
Note: An appliance leaving the incident with another appliance remaining on scene is also to use this code to indicate that it isreturning to station and is available for turnout. (The remainingappliance will still be investigating the incident).

Code 5: Returned to Home Station.
Note: If returning to standby station "Returned to standby station 31

Code 6: Incident (refers to any type of incident) is a malicious false alarm. Area has been checked, no signs of fire or reported incident, notify police (if required), returning to station, available for turnout.

Code 7: Returning to station. Unit is NOT available for turnout.(Give reason for unavailability).

Code 8:
Arrived at incident, checking with QFRS Officer-in-Charge.

Code 9: A casualty has been located. If there is more than one casualty add a number. If there are any deceased persons add letter C. Unless advised by the "C", all casualties are presumed alive, however, if necessary the letter A (alive) may be added to ensure understanding.

Note: If Police and/or Ambulance have not arrived at the incident, Firecom will advise Police and Ambulance Operations of the number and type of casualties.

Code 11: Justifiable False Alarm. Returning to Station. Available for turnout. This includes all justifiable calls.

Code 12:
Avoidable false alarms. Returning to Station. Available for turnout. (Charging for these incidents needs to be incorporated.)

Code 20: High-rise procedure in use. Note: Only to be used by mobile units, message should include why it is being initiated.

For example:
* Investigation;

* Life rescue; or

* Fire fighting purposes, and what action is being taken

Code 30:
Mobile unit identified is to proceed (or is proceeding) to the incident at normal road speed, without lights or siren.

Code 40: Mobile unit to whom this message is directed is not required at the incident. The mobile unit is then changed to "Left Incident" (Ll) status on FireCAD, is removed from the incident at Firecom, and assumed to be available for turnout.

Code 99:
A major or critical incident is occurring. It indicates first attending crews may be initially overwhelmed by immediate operational requirements such as life rescue or evacuation, or where the dynamics, size or complexity of the incident are of an unusual scale.

The code indicates that significant resources will be required to investigate the situation (i.e. CBR incident, building collapse, commercial plane crash, major high-rise fire)

PHEW! Thats a mouthful....

All the different systems make sense to a point, yet I still haven't got my head around SAMFS's love of codes and the fact that it has been expanded to include passing of AIRS codes in stop messages.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Quote from: Darren on October 04, 2010, 10:33:40 AM
They would prefer there was no CFS,MFS or SES.
:? did i miss something or did you write that wrong?
Treat everyone as if they are an idiot, until they prove you otherwise.


No you read that correctly..... ; )


Quote from: 6739264 on October 04, 2010, 10:39:16 AM
Quote from: Alex on September 14, 2010, 09:52:54 AM
Quote from: 6739264 on September 14, 2010, 12:00:09 AM
Quote from: Bill Corcoran on September 13, 2010, 06:10:29 AM
How manny fire service/brigades in OZ use any type of code like MFS???

Most, but they are not retarded like those used by SAMFS

What are the code systems like interstate?

Ah ha, well its an intersting mix really:


PHEW! Thats a mouthful....

All the different systems make sense to a point, yet I still haven't got my head around SAMFS's love of codes and the fact that it has been expanded to include passing of AIRS codes in stop messages.

I'm not really sure you made your point there - looks like none of those systems are any less 'retarded' than K codes are...


NSWRFS use a colour code for message priority
Red-Urgent incident-related message
Blue-General incident-related message, e.g. SitReps
Yellow-General message

NSWRFS District Officer, Learning & Development Officer, Castlereagh Zone, Gilgandra NSW
Ex Kangarilla Brigade SACFS


Quote from: CFS_Firey on October 04, 2010, 07:01:36 PM
I'm not really sure you made your point there - looks like none of those systems are any less 'retarded' than K codes are...

SAMFS still have a boatload of codes and in a day and age where other services are looking to streamline their codes and run further into passing more information by plain english, SAMFS have managed to expand the use of codes. Not to mention the newer codes are codes that should only appear on a Fire Report.

MFB seems to be the most streamlined, with NSWRFS coming in a close second (until you look at their appliance categorising system) NSWFB have the basics covered by codes and colours and QFRS manage to split the different by being basic, but also throwing a few others in their that could well be better off in plain english.

I can't see why SAMFS don't abolish K-codes, apart from a desire to cling to some form of history. They have MCT's to pass all basic information that other states without MCT's have to pass via radio codes. The K-codes are hardly secret now, with the internet so there is little ability to argue about keeping sensitive information coded...

And on that note, book me K0, I'm K69...

To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Matt, You could be right but once again it depends who you talk to in CFS,but it would make more sense to have all services under one roof..Now we are seeing the brakes but on fire station building works till after a enquire into the budget blow out at PORT LINCOLN...


Another thing to, pt Lincoln is set up to be a gullying staff station for the next 50 years rather than a tin shed to store trucks.


Quote from: Bill Corcoran on October 05, 2010, 05:53:34 AM
Matt, You could be right but once again it depends who you talk to in CFS,but it would make more sense to have all services under one roof..Now we are seeing the brakes but on fire station building works till after a enquire into the budget blow out at PORT LINCOLN...

What happenned at Lincoln? MFS or CFS?


The CFS building went way over budget. Now there is an enquiry to find out why.


Not the First time this has happended MOUNT GAMBIER went over budget...


Thats because the budget is purposely 75% of that actually required to build the actual building lol....

...and the fact many contractors are involved, gotta love the Pre-00's Era