mutual aid...

Started by medevac, November 13, 2005, 05:57:17 PM

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Alan J

Quote from: KDOO_BTO on October 03, 2010, 05:05:48 AM
It works in Tasmania, some brigades are full time professionals, others are volunteer brigades with retained personel and others are just straight Volunteer brigades.and most importantly no one cares which one your in as long as the wet stuff gets put on the red stuff before it turns into black stuff.

Actually, according to friends & acquaintances in Tassie, it doesn't work that well.
Looked good to start with, but for paid FF to get advancement, they have to get
boxes ticked on their experience log-book.  IMT roles for example. So many paid
FF, so few major incidents... Best stuff goes to the paid FF, retained get first
dibs at the scraps. Volunteers get cut out of anything more than dragging hose
unless at a remote/rural brigade.

This was not how it was intended to work, but I'm told this is how it has panned
out.  In SA, that might not bother 400 brigades most of the time. Not until some
Adelaide based SFF's always get all the decision-making slots of all L2 & L3 IMT
fires in their area anyway...

Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

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