2015 Recruitment

Started by FF GAZZ, November 12, 2014, 03:19:06 PM

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Applications for Firefighter positions will be accepted from 9.00 am Australian Central Daylight Time (ACDT) Saturday 15 November 2014.

Applications close at 5.00 pm ACDT Friday 28 November 2014.

Applications may only be submitted online via the links provided during the Recruitment period.

Late applications will not be accepted.

Potential applicants are advised that the first stage of the assessment program (PAT 1 - Shuttle Run) will not commence until late January 2015. This is however, subject to change without notice.

Care has been taken to ensure that this website provides you with all the information you will require.  We therefore ask that you please ensure that you have read all the information provided.

Telephone inquiries will be referred back to this website where necessary.           



Interesting to see PAT1 not being held until late Janurary. If they are expecting so many to apply like rumoured, would have thought they would want people that are fit now instead of giving people 2 months to get fit.



Quote from: FFGAZZ on November 12, 2014, 04:45:56 PM
Interesting to see PAT1 not being held until late Janurary. If they are expecting so many to apply like rumoured, would have thought they would want people that are fit now instead of giving people 2 months to get fit.

Will take them a while to process all the application's. Plus not much will happen mid Dec til Mid Jan


Maybe a few applicants will indulge too much in the Christmas Pudding and beers...

I know I wont be. :-D

Pineapple Bus

Hello all, is anyone else having any issues with the application link and website for putting in application for recruitment.
Cheers for your help


yes had an issue of getting reset after entering about half the info in so had to start again and found that the space for some answers was quite limited.  Took a while but got it in.  How did you go?

Pineapple Bus

Thanks Chippy,

I have managed to get the application in.  Same issues as yourself.
Glad I am not the only one.  Have many others put there applications in????


Yeah got mine in also, I would imagine that there will be a boat load of applicants this year... If I were to guess, I'd say 1500 to 2000..


Has anyone else had a problem with submitting the application?  Iv filled out everything and clicked submit application but gets stuck on this screen! Unsure if it has gone through or not.

Did people get an email to say its gone through or did something come up?
One Life, One Chance


Yeah received an email almost straight after from Locher stating thank you for submitting application.


OK, so now the dust is beginning to settle, has anyone heard or can guess the number of people that have applied?


I heard around 3000 applied  :-o


Quote from: flyonthewall on December 06, 2014, 07:55:10 PM
I heard around 3000 applied  :-o

About half that number apparently


If that's true and there's only around 1500 people, I'm in for sure..

Is that number from a solid source..

When do you think we might find out about the dates for the beep test??


I spoke to a bloke who knows a bloke who said just over 1000 made it through to the beep test with correct paper work, and the beep tests would start on the 12th January, so we should see our letters soon :?


Just received my email regarding PAT 1.


Jan 13th for me.. yay it's happening


One Life, One Chance


Hows everyones preparation going for the test in 2 weeks? Whats everyone focusing on?

For those who have tried/completed whats the 32 min time like for PAT 2? Is 32mins lots of time, or a rush?
One Life, One Chance


Quote from: aclarky1988 on December 30, 2014, 04:48:25 PM
Hows everyones preparation going for the test in 2 weeks? Whats everyone focusing on?

For those who have tried/completed whats the 32 min time like for PAT 2? Is 32mins lots of time, or a rush?

Plenty of time. You cant run. You must walk along side the officer. I guess if u take a long time in the tunnel crawl thing u could struggle.If u get to pat2 jyst take your time and dont drop anything, especially in the gas suit at end, gloves make it hard to grip drums


Are the PAT1's held inside or outside?


Quote from: FF GAZZ on January 08, 2015, 09:31:11 PM
Are the PAT1's held inside or outside?

Generally inside the gymnasium at Adelaide station. Where is it held?


Hey guys/girls for anyone struggling with their fitness or worried about the pat2 testing check out this website http://www.fitforservice.com.au/
It may help, these guys can also offer an insight into the recruitment process and aptitude testing