Firefighting Jobs

Started by FF GAZZ, December 13, 2013, 07:05:27 PM

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Hi everyone,

For those that are interested if you search fire fighter into their a couple of firefighting jobs going at the moment.


Hey mate, I can't find these, are they in SA?


Search fire fighting without a location. No they currently after structure firefighters to work out of Oakey for Falek at the military base and Corporate Potection Australia and looking for crew members and a team leader to work out on the Surat Basin in Queensland on gas platforms. I know a few paid firefighters and they recommend once you can get a job in the firefighting industry it's fairly easy to get into where you want to go as you have that proven experience.


I don't know about how other fire services look at it but in the SAMFS, you need structure fire experience and regardless of what you know, you still need to pass the testing....... no back door entry. Even transfering between Australian Metro fire services is difficult, and in most cases not possible.


Like everything in life nothing is guaranteed but previous experience certainly helps.


From today seek now have advertised positions for Aviation Rescue Fire Fighters for Airservices Australia including Adelaide  :-D as well as firefighters for transfield services in Perth.