stop/slow - speed up sign

Started by fire03rescue, November 04, 2005, 01:57:15 PM

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Where can I get a STOP/ SLOW sign from :?
I am sure that the sign I use has STOP, but the other side has HAVE A LOOK AND SPEED UP.
I do like to wave the sign at the faces of the drivers and make out that I am going to drop it on the car. It slows them down :evil:


maglite through the windshield...

havent done it personally but i heard about an SES vollie out country that did it, when the driver was about to run him down (seriously...)

worked wonders apparently.


Every time Kalangadoo 34 responds to a car or house fire we have to park our truck on the side of the rod but before doing anything we place witche's hat cones around our appliance

In some cases like a few years back when we had an incident in  Kalangadoo 3 volunteers one of them being myself had to do traffic control by standing out on the road to direct traffic around the incident

Of course CFS traffic control is no different to my traffic control responsibilities for Limestone Railways as a train line crossing guard as this job is just as dangerous as CFS traffic control

But the added risks to my railway crossing duties is that I've got to stand a few meters away from the track while activating the auto warning signal and also make sure that no cars or pedestrians cross over while the signal is going
Kalangadoo Brigade


If I'm on a lollypop I always keep the sign with the "STOP" showing until the very last moment, when the car is almost at a standstill before turning around to "SLOW" - works OK :-)
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


May have to get roadspikes if they dont slow down better still would be nice if the police did the road traffic but then again there are not enough police officers. so road spikes sounds good to me.


Have to say, I have always found the stop/slow signs to be a pain. The Old maglite never goes astray, especially if you get a couple of E-Flares up ahead of you.

Have never actually hit a car with a maglite, but made out a couple of times :) The other trick is to have a notepad handy, our local boys in blue always like to know about that kind of thing, and its amazing how much notice people take when they think your getting details of thier car!


Yes i've taken details of a car before and he got a big surprise about 10 minutes later when the police officer on the scene paid him a visit and gave him a fine for not driving to the conditions.


Not to sure how good they are as the drivers always say are they for me? Do I have to stop?. Even the driver who almost ran me down said he did not see the other two cars stopped ahead of him until the last moment so he went to go around them on the other side as a car was comming and then he saw me. The car stopped just as it hit the stop/slow bat I was standing behind.


I can actually go one better with your "nearly hit" story.

All our accidents are in 110km/hr zones on major highways and we have extreme problems with traffic slowing down. I have been called all the names under the sun when requesting (politely) people to adhere to the speed limit.

A young bloke on the recent October long weekend took the cake though. We responded to a "stand on your head" (ie: straightforward, easy job) single vehicle rollover on the dual lane highway between Tailem Bend and MB. One lane was blocked with traffic coming through the other. As usual people flew by in the open lane despite high visibility cones, flares, beacons, signs and cops. Twenty minutes after we arrived a passing vehicle rear ends the vehicle in front resulting in an entrapment!! Was quite arrogant too, said vehicle in front was going too slow. Cops took the wind of his sails a bit I think though :-)
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


Kat you are in the same boat as us 110kms main hwy and you have all the gear out and still they speed and try and run us over. Time we just closed the road till the job was over safer for us and those that we are trying to rescue.


Its all very easy to say we should close the road, but in practice who really does it? SAPOL always want to keep the traffic flowing, and with stopped traffic, you always run the risk of more rear-enders up the road...
We always find that if you let the traffic bank up a bit, everyone slows down... (Although that would be impossible on roads that aren't particularly busy..


CFS can close any road if it is a problem at any job and lets face it better to close a road rather than see a member get hit by a car.


I agree about our safety being paramount but have to say that CFS_Firey is spot on - SAPOL make the call and never close the road if humanly possible.
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


well in theory we dont actually have the power as CFS vollies to direct traffic... all we can do is close the road, so i guess if you want the ropad closed you just do it... SAPOL really cant stop you if you thinks its a high concern for your crew...

oz fire

If in doubt always take the safest option - parking across the road. This works really well in township areas and also prevents the rubber neckers - althogh we still provide a crew member to redirct the traffic and provide the alternative route.

On the open road we have also used this tactic, however have also utilised the group vehicle for protracted incidents and placed that 100 meters down the road (or further if there are bends in the road), in the middle with it's beacons and headlight flashers operating - pointing towards the oncoming traffic - this slows them down very quickly, as it's hard to tell the difference between a police vehicle and command car at a distance 8-)

Years ago when on a strike team in the Flinders, the police set up a radar in the main street of Wilmington (the forward control point and staging area) They operated for an hour or two a day, got some excellent pinches and news quickly travelled that they were there and booking people - problem solved!
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.


Yes While We Don't Have The Right To Close The Road, We Do Have To Power To Place Our Trucks In The Fend Off Position Across The Road To Protect Ourselfs.  If The Truck Just Happens To Close The Road Then Dam.

Otherwise We Can Contact SAPOL & Have Them Come & Close The Road.

When We Are Doing Traffic, We Should Have Like A Portable Gate/Barrier Thing.
One That Stores Like ||||| However When You Open It, It Expands & Looks More Like This |XXX| (Like The Baby Fences For Stairs). So That Way When We Put The Stop Bat Up We Can Push The Barrier Across The Lane. So They Cant Say They Didn't See Us If There Is Something Across The Lane Blocking The Path.


Sorry Cyber, I think you miss read...... we DO have the power to CLOSE the road.

However we are NOT allowed to DIRECT traffic, unless under the instruction of SAPOL.


I don't think we have the power to over rule SAPOL if they ask us to clear the road for through traffic?

Sometimes the road simply has to be closed but the ensuing choas ensures that it's never more than completely necessary.
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


Quote from: Mike on November 10, 2005, 10:37:14 AMSorry Cyber, I think you miss read...... we DO have the power to CLOSE the road.

Ok That Must Be My Mistake, From What I Have Always Heard Is That We Legally Can Not Close Then Road, As SAPOL Must Do It, However There Are Work Arounds, In Way Of Positioning Your Truck In The Fend Off Position To Protect Your Crew. If The Truck Covers The Road & By Chance Happens To Close It Then That Is Fine As The Intent Is There To Protect Your Crew.

I Had Also Heard This From More Than One Person, So Maybe They Are Incorrect As Well.


We have the right/power to close any road we like as for traffic control that is up to SAPOL and it is also up to which goverment section that road comes under for that agency to place signs out(detour/road closed) and not CFS members. I think last year there was a job in the riverland where cfs closed the road and sent cars down and up/over a dirty road and there was a MVA and it was from this that the problem came up about traffic control and who does what..


Please point me to the legislation that allows CFS to close a road.

If SAPOL directs me to move an appliance I comply (after arguing my case as appropriate). Aren't they the combatant authority?

I'm sure SAPOL in many cases would comply with a request from CFS to close a road but if they want it open what, in writing, backs up our authority to act differently.
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


Click Here for SAFECOM ACT 2005

See Subdivision 2Exercise of powers at scene of fire or other emergency, these powers are quite extensive.


Quote from: kat on November 10, 2005, 03:22:13 PM
Aren't they the combatant authority?
I believe they are the co-ordinating authority, and we are the combatant authority (depending on the emergency).

I can't find where it says we can close the road, but this:
Quote(b) take possession of, protect or assume control over any land, body of water, building, structure, vehicle or other thing;
would probably include taking possesion of a road, and closing it... (or would it?)


I think the key words are" any land" and "vehicle" that would include a road. :-D

Keeping in mind that the act is law and so the law is empowering officers to apply the law to emergencies as they deem appropriate. My take on it - close the road as long as you can justify the decision. Closing a road without good reason would be abusing the powers. IMO


I didn't see any clarification in the new regs but makes for good reading.


Well That Was An Interesting Read.

I Guess CFS_firey Comment About Any Land Could Under Law State That We Can Take Over The Land (Road) & Do What Is Required.