CFS Associate (?) Member

Started by MetroRescue, October 21, 2013, 07:19:08 PM

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Hi guys,

I'm looking for some advice on joining the CFS. I live in the Adelaide CBD and as such i'm not in the response area for any unit (Burnside is quite close.. but not close enough).

I've talked to some people I know who are active members and they told me it's possible to join in a partial sense as what I think they called an associate member. Basically this involves attending trainings as normal however not being given a pager, instead being called to take part in strike teams/secondary crews/planned events/etc.

My only concern is that I wouldn't want to take the place of a fully responsive member as I know many units have a members cap. Unless of course members without a pager are not included in these numbers.

Any information or advice would be very much appreciated!



Have you tried the State Operations Support Brigade?? There based in the city and regularly train at SHQ on way mouth street!! They even have their own appliance now!!


Some brigades have a "friends" type group for just such people (sort of like the old auxiliary).  It's tricky until the CFS fix membership categories so you have friends/associates/auxiliary/whatever that do not count as numbers that affect training and meeting quorums etc.



I believe Region 2 have what you are talking about - not sure if they are currently accepting members

Have a look at Ops support brigades... there are plenty of them on the urban fringe areas.

Not quite the same as riding a fire truck, but still part of CFS.


There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


Doesn't Salisbury have this, hence the 5 Officers and the spare 34?


Quote from: Alex on October 22, 2013, 08:40:17 AM
Considered the SES?

I'm currently in the SES (in one of the busiest units in the state infact) however there are a lot of things I am not impressed with some due to ses and some completely out of ses control. I'd like to stay with my unit but am finding myself getting more and more disillusioned.... i'm really trying hard not to start a rant here hahaha.

What kind of things do the Ops support brigades do?

By the way thanks for the replies everyone :)


CFS Ops support brigades are basically like your heart they are very the team who work behind the scenes ensuring all radio communications and logistics runs smoothly at every incident even if its a small rubbish fire or major flooding after a storm
Kalangadoo Brigade


Quote from: MetroRescue on October 24, 2013, 06:09:09 PM
Quote from: Alex on October 22, 2013, 08:40:17 AM
Considered the SES?

I'm currently in the SES (in one of the busiest units in the state infact) however there are a lot of things I am not impressed with some due to ses and some completely out of ses control. I'd like to stay with my unit but am finding myself getting more and more disillusioned.... i'm really trying hard not to start a rant here hahaha.

What kind of things do the Ops support brigades do?

By the way thanks for the replies everyone :)

Hah, well if thats how you feel with the ses i doubt youll enjoy the cfs anymore.

Different uniform, same issues.


Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


You can always do what the people who move to the city do and do Strike Teams.