Weather Station

Started by mengcfs, May 07, 2013, 09:09:13 AM

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Our Station has a Davis Weather Monitor 2. We are running Weatherlink software but that now won't work on the new SAFECOM E-Connect computers.  There are 100's of these weather stations and software out there - What have other Brigades upgraded to or what software are you using to run the weather station?

Any help appreciated.


why doesn't it work on those PCs? what did the SAFECOM IT people have to say? (seeing as they "support" those PCs)
I use wview on linux but that probably won't help you sorry (


Digging up a massively old topic, but did you ever get this sorted?


We have it running on the eConnect PC at North Region HQ. We have occasional crashes, but there are a few things running on it (AIS, HF into OziExplorer etc) and I havent had time to really troubleshoot. I just reboot and go.
Crossdressing SES & CFS member