re Conflict of Interest

Started by kellyp, April 08, 2013, 08:29:08 AM

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Hello All,

To quote SBA:
"Ambulance officers union secretary Steve McGhie called on Ambulance Victoria to provide information to show there was no conflict of interest. He also said Ambulance Victoria should explain why, when it was struggling to keep ambulances on the road because of a lack of staff, it allowed its paramedics to work after-hours for private companies. EMSA relies heavily on casual staff, often Ambulance Victoria paramedics doing after-hours shifts."

It may have been noticed by some that any continueing story on EMSA and others in The Age Newspaper I brought to your attention appears to have been embargowed by the Victorian Government.

You can form your own opinions on this but I personally think it stinks. The union has gone quiet (naturally because they wouldn't want to rattle fundings) Ambulance Victoria has closed the gate and the Vic Government does not want the public to know the reasons why they can't put ambulances on the road (on all shifts). Okay some para's are double dipping by working for the privates on their off time. I think it is wrong and should be outlawed. Why, patients lives are at risk. Much the same as a truckie not sleeping and getting the much needed rest to continue their work in safety. Paramedics that are working when they should be resting are doing no one a favour by sleeping on the job.
Governments around Australia legislate manatory rest periods for other industries yet they allow paramedics (former ambulance officers) and Police officers to do it.

Okay, what are your thoughts on this?
Please read my next post also.



Its apparently happening here too?

[ADMINISTRATOR EDIT: Consider this a first and last warning, you are not contributing to helpful discussion, you are simply trolling.]


Constantly aiming your discussions at individual companies which you are CLEARLY doing, will see your IP's banned from this Forum and community. You will not be warned again..

This is a discussion forum, however a review of posts from a number of accounts (including those in this thread) CONSTANTLY seem to veer in a single direction, and constantly seem to aim their issues in the same way, at the same companies. I suggest you familiarise yourself with the Code of Conduct and Use Policy you agreed to when joining here.

If you have a "personal" gripe or issue with a company, I suggest you find another method of slinging cr@p, as it will not be tollerated here.


Hello All,

I have read RescueHazmat post.

In my case I have only brought to the attention of readers of what has been reported in the media nothing more and nothing less.
I don't personally have a beef with any company AND I do not suggest that any person should use this or any forum to vent their spleen as it does no good in the short or long term. However I do say that a forum is just that, a forum and if you and any other are afraid of factual evidence I for one will deregister.

To all the people who enjoy forums there will be more as this is today and tommorrows communications. This is shown by the many millions who have used their local forums to bring unfair dealings to an end, even governments.
