Private NEPT Services

Started by kellyp, March 11, 2013, 07:39:13 AM

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Hello All,

Information catch-up for many.

St Johns Ambulance have taken the AV obesity contract from NPT in Victoria and are recruiting staff from NPT and others. Already recruited a Top Manager from NPT and 2 Top Managers from G4S (formerly Medical Transport Services). It appears that ST Johns still holds ambulance status under grandfather clauses and can, if required instigate said status should the need arise without going through normal channels. St Johns ambulance use their in DISPLAN.

AV is cutting back expenditure in rural NEPT (contractors)and appears to be looking at switching to maintaining AV coverage with St John. Some incumbents to lose big time.
There was a letter circulating from the a government minister asking the ASV (now AV) to provide vehicles to St Johns in preference to other NEPT services and it appears that AV is supplying NEPT vehicles also.

Just for interest. The top managers that St Johns have secured are ex ASV management that took a package and went NEPT. Full Circle!

