MFS Recruitnment 2015

Started by no longer here, January 22, 2015, 12:06:58 PM

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no longer here

Hi all,

Similar to a previous posting, I am also away with work on the day of my next lot of testing (fire fighter profiling).

My current test date is the 6th of February. Unfortunately I do not get home from Moomba until the 11th February. Is there anybody on the 12th February onwards that I could swap with.

I have also spoken with HR and they are OK with this, just as long as both parties ring up and notify them.

If you can help please email


Hi Marcus, I'm in the same boat and in case someone checks here I am looking to change from the 10th to the 2nd, 3rd or 4th. Also you might want to check your email link mate as hotmail is misspelt. In case someone can help you out.