If you worked in CFSHQ

Started by CFS_Firey, October 28, 2005, 05:42:51 PM

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Its become apparent to me that if some of the SAFF Forumers were in charge of the CFS, it would be a far better organization... so here's a question for you all:

If you worked for CFSHQ, for perhaps a month, what would you realistically change in the CFS, or get done? I say realistically, because we could all say, "Get more funding" or "New trucks for every brigade"...
I think there are a lot of small changes that could be made to greatly improve the CFS, which people at CFSHQ probably haven't thought of... any ideas?

Wagon 1

I think we would be in a lot of trouble if we started running the service!! To be honest, I don't think the Chief gets paid enough for the garbage they have to put up with and the pressure from the minister.

You think how often the Chief is just passing on what the minister wants.


The point is would we be allowed to change things??? and they do a good job at SHQ. The only thing I would like to see change is more chances for volunteers to get onto state committes.


I would scrap the corporate logo, and allow the Star to be printed / embroided....   :x


I agree about the Chief Officer not being paid enough..he certainly earns his money and I'm sure that there is plenty of times when he can't say what he really wants to but has to pass on the minister's message. :-)

As for SAFF being in charge of SHQ..no thanks..I think that they do a great job considering how many other organisations and people are trying to put their two cents worth into every decision. It can't be easy to make decisions that make 16,000 people happy and keep them safe...


Definitely scrap the logo. And maybe the dress uniform.
Extinguish this.......


I would do no work, then i would fit in and get to stay more then a month....


I assume that was tongue in cheek :-)

I think the staff are fantastic! They work within a difficult system, being told what they can do from above and being pulled in every direction by vollies. I know that there are things that could be better but mostly the frustrations are academic and adminstrative (IMO) when it's time to step up for a big turn out the system works fairly well.

Always room for improvement and if I had to nominate one thing I would improve it would be closer coordination of staff resources by increasing the level of communication between departments of CFS and then creating a better way of ensuring all volunteers are provided with information.
I think that is one weakness of CFS that could easily be fixed. :-D

But since I won't be at HQ - I really think they all do a great job working within a difficult system. And they aren't paid enough!!! :-o

oz fire

Quote from: pumprescue on November 11, 2005, 06:07:31 AM
I would do no work, then i would fit in and get to stay more then a month....

Ah..so you would be located on the SAFECOM floors of the CFS Building then!
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.


If i worked at c.f.s HQ i'd quit.



I would like to get a job working in SOC/H/Q in the radio communications but they never advertise and when there is a job they pick people close to the city.


hahahaha for one thing blinky they do advertise the permenant positions, im not sure how they fill the on-calls... because i have personally seen the advertisement, lol, so ur obviously just looking at the wrong times or in the wrong place mate.

secondly to work there u have to be within 45minutes to be able to fulfill the on-call requirement

hmm forgot what i was actually gonna say, if i worked there, i would take the alerts system away from vollunteers.


Quote from: Firefrog on November 11, 2005, 07:41:40 AM
I think the staff are fantastic! They work within a difficult system, being told what they can do from above and being pulled in every direction by vollies.
I may be showing my ignorance here, but aren't they the "powers above"? Surely CFS HQ have the power to do anything they like within the CFS, and only have people more powerful than them when it comes to funding and inter-service changes?

I agree that they do a good job considering the system, but whats stopping them changing the system?
(Just so its known, I don't have any arguments with anyone in Headquarters, but rather at the process they seem to follow. Things seem to take too long to happen, unless they are in an emergency. I also don't count OCO's as working for Headquarters, they work for the volunteers ;))


CFS SOC jobs are advertised but are usually filled before they hit the paper. Unbeknown to the person who spend hours and hours on the application only to find out it was already given to a temp.

Extinguish this.......


when were OCO jobs advertised last?


May 2005. In Sat. Advertiser.

Last one I saw
Extinguish this.......


june/july(ish) i applied for a 12 month contract... missed out though.

oz fire

Quote from: canman on November 14, 2005, 03:06:43 PM
CFS SOC jobs are advertised but are usually filled before they hit the paper. Unbeknown to the person who spend hours and hours on the application only to find out it was already given to a temp.


Last I heard the OCO jobs were CFS positions and CFS was a government department!

This means that CFS is bound (legally) to follow government protocols and principles - which means merit based selection, following advertising, receiving applications, short listing and then interviewing. The outcome the most meritorious applicant gets the application. I also believe (or have been told) that they go through allot of testing as well as an interview, prior to getting a permenant job :|

As for working in HQ or as a staff member - I'm with a number of other posters - they are overworked, underpayed and under resourced! CFS staff are hamstrung by the fact that they are responsible to 17000 volunteers, responsible for the state of SA and accountable to government who is driven by budgets and bureaucracy!
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.


One would only hope that when CAD comes along that they will employ more staff and may be just may be they will not give the jobs out till they have been placed in the advertiser???


Quote from: oz fire on November 15, 2005, 08:25:57 AM

Last I heard the OCO jobs were CFS positions and CFS was a government department!

This means that CFS is bound (legally) to follow government protocols and principles - which means merit based selection, following advertising, receiving applications, short listing and then interviewing. The outcome the most meritorious applicant gets the application. I also believe (or have been told) that they go through allot of testing as well as an interview, prior to getting a permenant job :|

Pffffttttt...   Yea...   ...   ... in a perfect world !!

Anyway, won't get on any bandwagon, as HQ members read this forum...

And yes, def. underpaid, and overworked. Couldn't agree more.



Don't worry the day will come when pressures on the volunteers and oco's will be so great that the volunteers and oco's will stop working and the other paid staff won't know what to do with themselves.
After all it is the volunteers and oco's that keep the rest of them in a job.

oz fire

Quote from: TillerMan on November 16, 2005, 08:20:39 AM

Don't worry the day will come when pressures on the volunteers and oco's will be so great that the volunteers and oco's will stop working and the other paid staff won't know what to do with themselves.
After all it is the volunteers and oco's that keep the rest of them in a job.

Ah I think it's the politics, bureaucracy, red tape and enormous amount a administrative work that keep most CFS staff in a job - and thats from government and other services - the impact that we have as volunteers back up the chain would be in the minority ..... I would think (well at least looking at the HUGE amount of stuff currently coming out due to political and community pressure)

As for the OCO's - the terrible reality is that the function we see from them CRD, is a small portion of their jobs and as we all already know, this could be taken up by MFS, CAD or a call centre ..... lets hope though that this never happens, but rather that the State Operations Centre takes a greater role in CRD, communications and alike in the future for the "whole' service
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.


Just a thought..... - How about HQ ask the government for a one off grant to fit out all fire fighters with PBI Gold....?

Wagon 1

For those who missed out on the OCO jobs, I will have you know that for the last permenant positions only 2 of the 4 temps got their jobs back, so its not all biased. Its all done by the book. Also, who in their right mind would give up a fulltime job in the off chance of some temp work in SOC, not me.

The OCO's will probably get the shaft when CAD comes in, it will all end up at SAMFS.

Also OZFIRE, you can't have a job if there are no volunteers!!
I think people need to remember that sometimes.........