Volunteer Shift Work

Started by Skippy, May 10, 2012, 08:09:18 PM

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Hi all,

Just after some information.

I understand all volunteer stations would run different systems of rostering, but would anyone know how rostering of volunteers work in some stations. Take Strath for a example, a busier station, do they roster people of from 8:00am to 6:00pm or are shifts divided into time slots


Alan (Big Al)

Strath i am unsure about but as for Goolwa, they run a 4 week roster board in station, 8am-6pm days and 6pm-8am nights.  Sometimes if a member cant do a full shift they may write their times they can do and someone else may pick up the other part of the shift.
As of late i am unsure but last year they quite often had 2 paramedics doing shifts there if vollies were unable to fill a shift to keep up area coverage as Goolwa is a busy station, also its common for a vollie and a para to do a shift together.
Some people have a set shift/s they do each week, if they cant do one of those shifts they place a red or green dot next to their name and someone else can then fill that shift if they are free.
If a shift cant be filled by vollies or para's then a para truck may come from flurieu or victor to sit on station.
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Thanks for that Al. Just one other thing, do volunteers stay at the station when they are rostered or do they wait at home for a call. I suppose this would be based on how busy the station is?

Alan (Big Al)

Goolwa have 3 bedroom house, lounge room with tv/dvd and wii. If the crew live in Goolwa then they can crew from home if they wish and either respond to the station or take the truck home with them but most crew from on station as alot of the vollies are from out of town.
Lt. Goolwa CFS