Electric primers

Started by CFS_Firey, October 14, 2005, 01:51:14 PM

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Just quickly, does anyone know what type of pumps are used in electric primers? I was trying to remember the types of pumps, and can't remember which type can be used for both air and water... (Power driven pumps that is ;))


diaphragm pumps, rotary vane pumps and ejector pumps are a few....
not entriely sure which ones are available as electric...
*refer to Unit 6: Pumps and Basic Pumping Operations (BFF1)


a hah!!!

the electric pumps for priming are the rotary vane pumps...

diaphragm pumps are hand pumped, and i dont think we would really use and ejector pump as it doesnt seem sutied to the kind of need we would have for a priming pump.
