Birdwood QRV

Started by Bagyassfirey, December 16, 2011, 03:03:02 PM

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Quote from: JJD on December 22, 2011, 05:23:56 PM
As i have mentioned before, the 14 is far better suited to Birdwood than the QRV (my personal opinion is that a second heavy tanker would be more appropriate, however we will have to see how the 14 goes first, it may surprise us!!).

To my knowledge ex-Birdwood QRV is now a regional resource (much the same as Tanunda QRV) and although based from Mt Pleasant can be shifted anywhere at regions discretion...

I have no idea what went on at the state level, however there are some SFEC changes in the pipeline, as Birdwood and surrounding areas risks have increased substantially over the last 10 or so years.

Thanks mate. Thats the kind of stuff i am wondering. The local area down here has had a susbstantial increase in infrastructure, and yet the fire cover has remained in the form of a single rural/urban HT [current build 34] for years. Some background work has been done investigating applications for QRVs for plantation/vineyard firefighting plus other advantages at prangs, etc. Infrastructure is there in the form of a two bay station, we have a trailer we currently cant tow, etc, so was curious as to how a move like that is made to a brigade already sporting two HTs for a workload covered by some brigades with only one.

However, who really knows what goes on at a state level.

And as i said, still baffled as to how Birdwood [regardless of risk, which i agree is quite substantial but no differant really to our or any other Adelaide Hills area brigades area] can go from a single HT to a HT and a LT without an alteration to SFEC.

Mind you, look at some other stunning examples out there;
4 appliances at Carey Gully for an average of 40 calls a year.
A brand new 34P to Tarlee, who has 2 airsets, no HAZMAT or RCR, and only an average of 25 calls a year.
An HT and a QRV at Furner for an average 3 calls a year.

The list goes on and on.

Without meaning to just sound like im having a whinge, i would just like to know what thought process is put into appliance allocation statewide considering no substantial changes to SFECs have occured in years.


There seems to be no plan, no reason and a lot of no idea. The allocation process over the last 18 months has been a complete and utter farce. If I ran my business the way CFS does I would be broke in no time or sacked for mis-management.

Alex at the end of the day its going to come down to your brigade doing the hard yards to justify the vehicle. Even then it might take some re-allocation within the group to get it.

The region sure as eggs won't help, they don't do anything unless pushed.

But you know that, its never been any different.


Like much in the CFS, what we have in terms of appliances is often based on our own history.

Yes, Carey Gully has 4 appliances - but historically, they fundraised very hard, to get the funds funds for 4 appliances.  Their Tanker  (sorry, BW6) is 29 years old, their 24 is almost 17 years old, QRV is 18 years old, and the youngest appliance, their 14 is 11 years old - hardly a modern fleet, especially when you compare their fleet to adjoining Groups!

So ultimately, their SFEC hasn't changed since SFEC's came in.  You may not agree with it, but that's the way things appear to have happened.

We all know getting an SFEC changed is difficult - but it seems to work both ways - difficult to upgrade your SFEC, but very little down grades either

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


If anyone from Birdwood is following this thread, I would lke to know what you think of the 14 once you have a bit of time with it under your belt, seems to have bounced around a little, just looking for some opinions on it



If I may speak for a moment...

As a member of a brigade that owns a QRV, I thought I may chip in,

We have a love/hate relationship with our QRV.

Love - the speed of it, its accessability in tight areas, good setup for its size, ability for more drivers to respond in it

Hate - Setup of the cab, insufficient rear suspesion, excess weight, reduced ability to have more members respond to jobs.

Its a great truck, has its flaws, but overall I feel calling it a "hunk of junk" as Baggyassfirey has is a rather uneducated and incorrect opinion.


Point taken