GPS co-ordinates & SACAD

Started by bajdas, January 01, 2012, 11:31:18 AM

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I am expanding my knowledge on modern GPS devices & how latitude / longitude co-ordinates can be displayed easily on the device of your current position.

I know in Google Earth you can input the co-ordinates & you will see where the person is. I am learning if I can do that OziExplorer(incl Android version) & other products.

A question for MFS ComCen operators:-

If you were given the South & East degree co-ordinates position (degrees, minutes, seconds) of a incident, could you plot that & thus respond resources ?

Would another format of the position work better (eg UTM)?

Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


On OziExplorer , you can project a waypointwhich will put a marker at the co-ordinates you have entered.

UTM is the easiest format to use, the Emergency Service Map Books are in UTM.
the UTM co-ordinates are also where your 6 digit rapid numbers come from (which I find heaps more useful than the new rural addressing system)

also, give Androzic a shot on android, I find it better than oziexplorer android, and its free..

What maps are you using?
Seaford Brigade
Lieutenant 2

**My View only, does not reflect that of the Seaford Brigade or SACFS**


Quote from: Pixie on January 02, 2012, 09:00:26 AM
....What maps are you using?

I have 1:50000 and 1:250000 topographical, as well as a 2002 continuous topographical map of Adelaide Hills & Mid-North area.

Mainly used for private bush walking (with paper map & compass, but GPS backup)

So was curious if Adelaide Fire could process a GPS position.

If I ever need to, will do a distance estimate to the closest road.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Does anyone know of a decent iPhone app that will take 6 didgit UTM references?