Started by helpme, October 02, 2011, 06:57:51 PM

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There seems to be some insecure CFS BRIGADES or members of them on this site following on from the TOP CFS BRIGADES BYE BYE discussion that was locked for some unknown reason.

Obviously this site is only for those who agree with each other and kiss each others arse and don't belive in the truth that CFS are only entertaining the urban fringe brigades because its easyier to let them exist for their 15 calls a year when they dont chase a red truck. Sorry to those who are real firefighters.

Bye the way, as suburbia moves outward you CFS brigades on the edge will eventually get shut down no doubt about it so GET USED TO THE IDEA. I ive got some tissues in the bulk store at Brukunga for you if you need just call.

I will sign off here as I'm sure this post will be locked as it is contraversal. Hope i didn't offend anyone.

Good luck to those who do it all for real all the time without help from the experts xxx.

J Squared

Mate before you go on anymore rants, I would enrol in some English lessons...or at least proofread this dribble


J square, Help me's english is normally pretty good, but clearly he finds it difficult to do two things with his hands at the same time!
Just Another Filtered Fireman


For god sake man if you want to get on your high horse please learn how to spell.....


It's pretty much a good idea not to try and dangle bait on a hook when you're on an internet forum and English is your second or third language.

A lot of urban fringe brigades have been in existence for 60 plus years and the support to the CFS/MFS is invaluable.

They respond with MFS, provide COQ when MFS resources are stretched and respond into neighbouring CFS brigade areas and a lot of time arrive on scene the same time or before those brigades.

These brigades also supply a lot of support to the CFS in other areas such as training and IMT. Also when task forces are required they can usually supply a large number of fire fighters and resources if required.

Ignorance is sometimes bliss!


Helpme, it sounds like you've really got something against urban fringe brigades.  Did a girl (or boy) in one of them turn you down?


helpme, I ride in a red truck. I have never had anything to do with the CFS apart from responding with them and working alongside them at incidents. I do find it amusing that the 'bye, bye' post was shut down for whatever reason and it does come across to me that someone had a cry. You say you are from CFS? I would think that you would know about some of the issues that the CFS has. Reading some of the posts under some of the topics on this forum, to me they seem to be their own worst enemy, so don't worry, they'll get rid of themselves.